object FormDeallocationError: TFormDeallocationError Left = 553 Height = 182 Top = 319 Width = 519 Caption = 'DeAllocation Error' ClientHeight = 182 ClientWidth = 519 LCLVersion = '' object Button1: TButton Left = 32 Height = 22 Top = 136 Width = 456 Caption = 'Button1' TabOrder = 0 end object Button2: TButton Left = 32 Height = 22 Top = 96 Width = 456 Caption = 'Button2' TabOrder = 1 end object Button3: TButton Left = 32 Height = 22 Top = 56 Width = 456 Caption = 'Reset the de-allocatoin request' TabOrder = 2 end object LabelErrorMsg: TLabel Left = 16 Height = 27 Top = 16 Width = 487 Align = alTop Alignment = taCenter BorderSpacing.Around = 16 Caption = 'An errorr occured during de-allocation of the DCC address. The expected reply was not deteced from the node. The train may or may not be de-allocated what would you like to do?' ParentColor = False WordWrap = True end end