{ @abstract(This unit contains page setup dialog.) @author(Tomas Krysl (tk@tkweb.eu)) @created(18 Sep 2009) @lastmod(15 Oct 2009) Copyright © 2009 Tomas Krysl (tk@@tkweb.eu)

This code is distributed as a freeware. You are free to use it as part of your application for any purpose including freeware, commercial and shareware applications. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented; you must not claim your authorship. You may modify this code solely for your own purpose. Please feel free to contact the author if you think your changes might be useful for other users. You may distribute only the original package. The author accepts no liability for any damage that may result from using this code. } unit KPrintSetup; {$include kcontrols.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF FPC} LCLType, LCLIntf, LResources, PrintersDlgs, {$ELSE} Windows, Messages, Dialogs, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, KControls, KPrintPreview; resourcestring sPrinterSetup = 'Printer setup'; sAllPages = 'All pages (%d)'; sErrPrintSetup = 'Print setup error'; sErrNoPrinterInstalled = 'No printer is installed on this computer.'; type { TKPrintSetupForm } TKPrintSetupForm = class(TForm) BUConfigure: TButton; CoBPrinterName: TComboBox; EDTitle: TEdit; GBFileToPrint: TGroupBox; GBPrinter: TGroupBox; GBPrintOptions: TGroupBox; LBPrinterName: TLabel; BUPrint: TButton; BUCancel: TButton; CBFitToPage: TCheckBox; CBPageNumbers: TCheckBox; CBUseColor: TCheckBox; GBMargins: TGroupBox; CoBMarginUnits: TComboBox; LBMarginUnits: TLabel; CBMirrorMargins: TCheckBox; GBPageSelection: TGroupBox; RBAll: TRadioButton; RBRange: TRadioButton; RBSelectedOnly: TRadioButton; LBRangeTo: TLabel; LBCopies: TLabel; EDLeft: TEdit; LBLeft: TLabel; LBRight: TLabel; EDRight: TEdit; EDTop: TEdit; LBTop: TLabel; EDBottom: TEdit; LBBottom: TLabel; EDRangeFrom: TEdit; EDRangeTo: TEdit; EDCopies: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; EDPrintScale: TEdit; LBUnitsLeft: TLabel; LBUnitsTop: TLabel; LBUnitsRight: TLabel; LBUnitsBottom: TLabel; BUPreview: TButton; CBPaintSelection: TCheckBox; BUOk: TButton; CBPrintTitle: TCheckBox; CBCollate: TCheckBox; PSDMain: TPrinterSetupDialog; procedure BUConfigureClick(Sender: TObject); procedure CoBMarginUnitsChange(Sender: TObject); procedure RBAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); procedure BUPreviewClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure EDTopExit(Sender: TObject); procedure CBPageNumbersClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BUPrintClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FPrevSetup: TKPrintPageSetup; FPageSetup: TKPrintPageSetup; FPreviewForm: TKPrintPreviewForm; FPreviewCreated: Boolean; FSelAvail: Boolean; FUpdateLock: Boolean; procedure SetPageSetup(const Value: TKPrintPageSetup); procedure SetPreviewForm(const Value: TKPrintPreviewForm); protected procedure PageSetupToForm; virtual; procedure FormToPageSetup; virtual; procedure ValidateForm; public { Public declarations } property PageSetup: TKPrintPageSetup read FPageSetup write SetPageSetup; property PreviewForm: TKPrintPreviewForm read FPreviewForm write SetPreviewForm; property SelAvail: Boolean read FSelAvail write FSelAvail; end; implementation uses Printers, KFunctions; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FPageSetup := nil; FPrevSetup := TKPrintPageSetup.Create(nil); FPreviewForm := nil; FPreviewCreated := False; {$IFDEF FPC} PSDMain.Title := sPrinterSetup; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if FPreviewCreated then begin FPreviewForm.Free; FPreviewCreated := False; end; FPrevSetup.Free; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin PageSetupToForm; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.PageSetupToForm; function FmtMargin(Value: Double): string; const Fmt = '%.*f'; var Precision: Integer; begin case FPageSetup.Units of puCM: Precision := 1; puMM: Precision := 0; puInch: Precision := 2; else Precision := 0; end; Result := Format(Fmt, [Precision, Value]); end; function FmtUnit: string; begin case FPageSetup.Units of puMM: Result := 'mm'; puInch: Result := '"'; puHundredthInch: Result := '".100'; else Result := 'cm'; end; end; var S: string; begin if Assigned(FPageSetup) then begin FUpdateLock := True; try CBCollate.Checked := poCollate in FPageSetup.Options; CBFitToPage.Checked := poFitToPage in FPageSetup.Options; CBPageNumbers.Checked := poPageNumbers in FPageSetup.Options; CBUseColor.Checked := poUseColor in FPageSetup.Options; CBPaintSelection.Checked := poPaintSelection in FPageSetup.Options; CBPrintTitle.Checked := poTitle in FPageSetup.Options; CBMirrorMargins.Checked := poMirrorMargins in FPageSetup.Options; CoBPrinterName.Items.Assign(Printer.Printers); CoBPrinterName.ItemIndex := CoBPrinterName.Items.IndexOf(FPageSetup.PrinterName); if CoBPrinterName.ItemIndex < 0 then CoBPrinterName.ItemIndex := Printer.PrinterIndex; RBSelectedOnly.Enabled := FPageSetup.SelAvail; if RBSelectedOnly.Enabled and FSelAvail then RBSelectedOnly.Checked := True else if FPageSetup.Range = prRange then RBRange.Checked := True else RBAll.Checked := True; RBAll.Caption := Format(sAllPages, [FPageSetup.PageCount]); EDRangeFrom.Enabled := RBRange.Checked; EDRangeFrom.Text := IntToStr(FPageSetup.StartPage); EDRangeTo.Enabled := RBRange.Checked; EDRangeTo.Text := IntToStr(FPageSetup.EndPage); EDCopies.Text := IntToStr(FPageSetup.Copies); EDPrintScale.Enabled := not CBFitTopage.Checked; EDPrintScale.Text := IntToStr(FPageSetup.Scale); EDTitle.Text := FPageSetup.Title; CoBMarginUnits.ItemIndex := Integer(FPageSetup.Units); S := FmtUnit; EDBottom.Text := FmtMargin(FPageSetup.MarginBottom); LBUnitsBottom.Caption := S; EDLeft.Text := FmtMargin(FPageSetup.MarginLeft); LBUnitsLeft.Caption := S; EDRight.Text := FmtMargin(FPageSetup.MarginRight); LBUnitsRight.Caption := S; EDTop.Text := FmtMargin(FPageSetup.MarginTop); LBUnitsTop.Caption := S; finally FUpdateLock := False; end; end; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.FormToPageSetup; var Options: TKPrintOptions; begin if Assigned(FPageSetup) and not FUpdateLock then begin FPageSetup.LockUpdate; try Options := []; if CBCollate.Checked then Include(Options, poCollate); if CBFitToPage.Checked then Include(Options, poFitToPage); if CBPageNumbers.Checked then Include(Options, poPageNumbers); if CBUseColor.Checked then Include(Options, poUseColor); if CBPaintSelection.Checked then Include(Options, poPaintSelection); if CBPrintTitle.Checked then Include(Options, poTitle); if CBMirrorMargins.Checked then Include(Options, poMirrorMargins); FPageSetup.PrinterName := CoBPrinterName.Text; FPageSetup.Options := Options; if RBSelectedOnly.Checked then FPageSetup.Range := prSelectedOnly else if RBRange.Checked then FPageSetup.Range := prRange else FPageSetup.Range := prAll; FPageSetup.StartPage := StrToIntDef(EDRangeFrom.Text, FPageSetup.StartPage); FPageSetup.EndPage := StrToIntDef(EDRangeTo.Text, FPageSetup.EndPage); FPageSetup.Copies := StrToIntDef(EDCopies.Text, FPageSetup.Copies); FPageSetup.Scale := StrToIntDef(EDPrintScale.Text, FPageSetup.Scale); FPageSetup.Title := EDTitle.Text; FPageSetup.Units := TKPrintUnits(CoBMarginUnits.ItemIndex); FPageSetup.MarginBottom := StrToFloatDef(AdjustDecimalSeparator(EDBottom.Text), FPageSetup.MarginBottom); FPageSetup.MarginLeft := StrToFloatDef(AdjustDecimalSeparator(EDLeft.Text), FPageSetup.MarginLeft); FPageSetup.MarginRight := StrToFloatDef(AdjustDecimalSeparator(EDRight.Text), FPageSetup.MarginRight); FPageSetup.MarginTop := StrToFloatDef(AdjustDecimalSeparator(EDTop.Text), FPageSetup.MarginTop); finally FPageSetup.UnlockUpdate; end; end; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.BUPrintClick(Sender: TObject); begin FormToPageSetup; FPageSetup.PrintOut; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.BUConfigureClick(Sender: TObject); begin FormToPageSetup; try if PSDMain.Execute then begin FPageSetup.LockUpdate; try FPageSetup.PrinterName := ''; finally FPageSetup.UnlockUpdate; end; PageSetupToForm; end; except MessageBox(Handle, PChar(sErrNoPrinterInstalled), PChar(sErrPrintSetup), MB_OK); end; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.EDTopExit(Sender: TObject); begin ValidateForm; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.CoBMarginUnitsChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FPageSetup) then begin FPageSetup.Units := TKPrintUnits(CoBMarginUnits.ItemIndex); PageSetupToForm; end; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.CBPageNumbersClick(Sender: TObject); begin FormToPageSetup; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.RBAllClick(Sender: TObject); begin FSelAvail := RBSelectedOnly.Checked; ValidateForm; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.SetPageSetup(const Value: TKPrintPageSetup); begin if Value <> FPageSetup then begin FPrevSetup.Assign(Value); FPageSetup := Value; PageSetupToForm; end; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.SetPreviewForm(const Value: TKPrintPreviewForm); begin if Value <> FPreviewForm then begin if FPreviewCreated then begin FPreviewForm.Free; FPreviewCreated := False; end; FPreviewForm := Value; end; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.ValidateForm; begin FormToPageSetup; PageSetupToForm; end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); begin if FPreviewCreated then FPreviewForm.Hide; if ModalResult = mrOk then FormToPageSetup else if Assigned(FPageSetup) then FPageSetup.Assign(FPrevSetup); end; procedure TKPrintSetupForm.BUPreviewClick(Sender: TObject); begin ValidateForm; if FPreviewForm = nil then begin FPreviewForm := TKPrintPreviewForm.Create(nil); FPreviewCreated := True; end; FPreviewForm.Preview.Control := FPageSetup.Control; FPreviewForm.Show; end; {$IFDEF FPC} initialization {$i kprintsetup.lrs} {$ELSE} {$R *.dfm} {$ENDIF} end.