{ @abstract(This unit contains the TKHexEditor component and all supporting classes) @author(Tomas Krysl (tk@tkweb.eu)) @created(12 Oct 2005) @lastmod(20 Jun 2010) This unit provides a powerfull hexadecimal editor component @link(TKHexEditor) with following major features: Copyright © 2006 Tomas Krysl (tk@@tkweb.eu)

This code is distributed as a freeware. You are free to use it as part of your application for any purpose including freeware, commercial and shareware applications. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented; you must not claim your authorship. You may modify this code solely for your own purpose. Please feel free to contact the author if you think your changes might be useful for other users. You may distribute only the original package. The author accepts no liability for any damage that may result from using this code. } unit KHexEditor; {$include kcontrols.inc} {$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT ON} interface uses {$IFDEF FPC} LCLType, LCLIntf, LMessages, LCLProc, LResources, {$ELSE} Windows, Messages, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Forms, KFunctions, KControls, KEditCommon; resourcestring { @exclude } sAddressText = 'Address area text'; { @exclude } sAddressBkGnd = 'Address area background'; { @exclude } sBkGnd = 'Editor background'; { @exclude } sDigitTextEven = 'Digit area even column'; { @exclude } sDigitTextOdd = 'Digit area odd column'; { @exclude } sDigitBkgnd = 'Digit area background'; { @exclude } sHorzLines = 'Horizontal lines'; { @exclude } sInactiveCaretBkGnd = 'Inactive caret background'; { @exclude } sInactiveCaretSelBkGnd = 'Selected inactive caret background'; { @exclude } sInactiveCaretSelText = 'Selected inactive caret text'; { @exclude } sInactiveCaretText = 'Inactive caret text'; { @exclude } sLinesHighLight = 'Lines highlight'; { @exclude } sSelBkGnd = 'Selection background'; { @exclude } sSelBkGndFocused = 'Focused selection background'; { @exclude } sSelText = 'Selection text'; { @exclude } sSelTextFocused = 'Focused selection text'; { @exclude } sSeparators = 'Area separating lines'; { @exclude } sTextText = 'Text area text'; { @exclude } sTextBkGnd = 'Text area background'; { @exclude } sVertLines = 'Vertical lines'; type { Declares possible values for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressMode) property } TKHexEditorAddressMode = ( { Address will be shown in decimal format } eamDec, { Address will be shown in hexadecimal format } eamHex ); { Declares possible values e.g. for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.EditArea) property } TKHexEditorArea = ( { No area is selected, e.g. when clicked outside of visible text } eaNone, { Address area selected/used } eaAddress, { Digits area selected/used } eaDigits, { Text area selected/used } eaText ); { @abstract(Contains dimensions of all areas in characters) } TKHexEditorAreaDimensions = record Address, AddressOut, Digits, DigitsIn, DigitsOut, Text, TextIn, TotalHorz, TotalVert: Integer; end; { Declares possible indexes e.g. for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.Color) property. } TKHexEditorColorIndex = Integer; { @abstract(Declares @link(TKHexEditorColors) color item description) } TKHexEditorColorSpec = record Def: TColor; Name: string; end; { Declares possible values for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.DisabledDrawStyle) property } TKHexEditorDisabledDrawStyle = ( { The lines will be painted with brighter colors when editor is disabled } eddBright, { The lines will be painted with gray text and white background when editor is disabled } eddGrayed, { The lines will be painted normally when editor is disabled } eddNormal ); { Declares drawing styles - possible values for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.DrawStyles) property } TKHexEditorDrawStyle = ( { Show adress area } edAddress, { Show digits area } edDigits, { Show text area } edText, { Show horizontal leading lines } edHorzLines, { Show caret position when editor is inactive (has no input focus) } edInactiveCaret, { Show vertical area separating lines } edSeparators, { Show vertical leading lines (digits area only) } edVertLines, { @link(TKHexEditorColors.BkGnd) is used for all areas if included } edSingleBkGnd ); { Drawing styles can be arbitrary combined } TKHexEditorDrawStyles = set of TKHexEditorDrawStyle; { @abstract(Declares the paint data structure for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.PaintLines) method) } TKHexEditorPaintData = record Canvas: TCanvas; PaintRect: TRect; TopLine, BottomLine, LeftChar, CharWidth, CharHeight, CharSpacing: Integer; Printing, PaintAll, PaintColors, PaintSelection, CaretShown: Boolean; end; { @abstract(Declares the selection structure) } TKHexEditorSelection = record Index: Integer; Digit: Integer; end; { @abstract(Declares the structure for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.SelText) property) } TKHexEditorSelText = record AsBinaryRaw, AsBinaryMapped, AsDigits, AsDigitsByteAligned: AnsiString; end; { Declares hex editor states - possible values for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.States) property (protected) } TKHexEditorState = ( { Caret is visible } elCaretVisible, { Caret is being updated } elCaretUpdate, { Ignore following WM_CHAR message } elIgnoreNextChar, { Buffer modified } elModified, { Mouse captured } elMouseCapture, { Overwrite mode active } elOverwrite, { Read only editor } elReadOnly ); { Hex editor states can be arbitrary combined } TKHexEditorStates = set of TKHexEditorState; { @abstract(Declares the color description structure returned by @link(TKHexEditorColors.ColorData) property) } TKHexEditorColorData = record Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex; Color: TColor; Default: TColor; Name: string; end; { Declares possible values for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.ColorScheme) property } TKHexEditorColorScheme = ( { GetColor returns normal color currently defined for each item } ecsNormal, { GetColor returns gray for text and line colors and white for background colors } ecsGrayed, { GetColor returns brighter version of normal color } ecsBright, { GetColor returns grayscaled color versions } ecsGrayScale ); const { Minimum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressSize) property } cAddressSizeMin = 2; { Maximum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressSize) property } cAddressSizeMax = 10; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressSize) property } cAddressSizeDef = 8; { Minimum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AreaSpacing) property } cAreaSpacingMin = 1; { Maximum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AreaSpacing) property } cAreaSpacingMax = 20; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AreaSpacing) property } cAreaSpacingDef = 1; { Minimum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.CharSpacing) property } cCharSpacingMin = 0; { Maximum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.CharSpacing) property } cCharSpacingMax = 100; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.CharSpacing) property } cCharSpacingDef = 0; { Minimum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.DigitGrouping) property } cDigitGroupingMin = 1; { Maximum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.DigitGrouping) property } cDigitGroupingMax = 8; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.DigitGrouping) property } cDigitGroupingDef = 2; { Minimum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.LineHeightPercent) property } cLineHeightPercentMin = 10; { Maximum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.LineHeightPercent) property } cLineHeightPercentMax = 1000; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.LineHeightPercent) property } cLineHeightPercentDef = 130; { Minimum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.UndoLimit) property } cUndoLimitMin = 100; { Maximum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.UndoLimit) property } cUndoLimitMax = 10000; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.UndoLimit) property } cUndoLimitDef = 1000; { Minimum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.LineSize) property } cLineSizeMin = 1; { Maximum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.LineSize) property } cLineSizeMax = 128; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.LineSize) property } cLineSizeDef = 16; { Minimum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.ScrollSpeed) property } cScrollSpeedMin = 50; { Maximum for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.ScrollSpeed) property } cScrollSpeedMax = 1000; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.ScrollSpeed) property } cScrollSpeedDef = 100; { Minimum for the @link(TKHexEditor.Font).Size property } cFontSizeMin = 8; { Maximum for the @link(TKHexEditor.Font).Size property } cFontSizeMax = 100; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditor.Font).Size property } cFontSizeDef = 11; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.AddressText) color property } cAddressTextDef = clWindowText; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.AddressBkGnd) color property } cAddressBkgndDef = clWindow; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.BkGnd) color property } cBkGndDef = clWindow; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.DigitTextEven) color property } cDigitTextEvenDef = clMaroon; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.DigitTextOdd) color property } cDigitTextOddDef = clRed; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.DigitBkGnd) color property } cDigitBkGndDef = clWindow; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.HorzLines) color property } cHorzLinesDef = clWindowText; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.InactiveCaretBkGnd) color property } cInactiveCaretBkGndDef = clBlack; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.InactiveCaretSelBkGnd) color property } cInactiveCaretSelBkGndDef = clBlack; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.InactiveCaretSelText) color property } cInactiveCaretSelTextDef = clYellow; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.InactiveCaretText) color property } cInactiveCaretTextDef = clYellow; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.LinesHighLight) color property } cLinesHighLightDef = clHighLightText; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.SelBkGnd) color property } cSelBkGndDef = clGrayText; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.SelBkGndFocused) color property } cSelBkGndFocusedDef = clHighlight; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.SelText) color property } cSelTextDef = clHighlightText; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.SelTextFocused) color property } cSelTextFocusedDef = clHighlightText; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.Separators) color property } cSeparatorsDef = clWindowText; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.TextText) color property } cTextTextDef = clWindowText; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.TextBkgnd) color property } cTextBkgndDef = clWindow; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.VertLines) color property } cVertLinesDef = clWindowText; { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.AddressText) color property } ciAddressText = TKHexEditorColorIndex(0); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.AddressBkGnd) color property } ciAddressBkGnd = TKHexEditorColorIndex(1); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.BkGnd) color property } ciBkGnd = TKHexEditorColorIndex(2); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.DigitTextEven) color property } ciDigitTextEven = TKHexEditorColorIndex(3); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.DigitTextOdd) color property } ciDigitTextOdd = TKHexEditorColorIndex(4); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.DigitBkGnd) color property } ciDigitBkGnd = TKHexEditorColorIndex(5); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.HorzLines) color property } ciHorzLines = TKHexEditorColorIndex(6); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.InactiveCaretBkGnd) color property } ciInactiveCaretBkGnd = TKHexEditorColorIndex(7); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.InactiveCaretSelBkGnd) color property } ciInactiveCaretSelBkGnd = TKHexEditorColorIndex(8); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.InactiveCaretSelText) color property } ciInactiveCaretSelText = TKHexEditorColorIndex(9); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.InactiveCaretText) color property } ciInactiveCaretText = TKHexEditorColorIndex(10); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.LinesHighLight) color property } ciLinesHighLight = TKHexEditorColorIndex(11); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.SelBkGnd) color property } ciSelBkGnd = TKHexEditorColorIndex(12); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.SelBkGndFocused) color property } ciSelBkGndFocused = TKHexEditorColorIndex(13); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.SelText) color property } ciSelText = TKHexEditorColorIndex(14); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.SelTextFocused) color property } ciSelTextFocused = TKHexEditorColorIndex(15); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.Separators) color property } ciSeparators = TKHexEditorColorIndex(16); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.TextText) color property } ciTextText = TKHexEditorColorIndex(17); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.TextBkgnd) color property } ciTextBkGnd = TKHexEditorColorIndex(18); { Index for the @link(TKHexEditorColors.VertLines) color property } ciVertLines = TKHexEditorColorIndex(19); { Maximum color array index } ciHexEditorColorsMax = ciVertLines; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressMode) property } cAddressModeDef = eamHex; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.Addressoffset) property } cAddressOffsetDef = 0; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.DisabledDrawStyle) property } cDisabledDrawStyleDef = eddBright; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.DrawStyles) property } cDrawStylesDef = [edAddress, edDigits, edText, edInactiveCaret, edSeparators]; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressPrefix) property } cAddressPrefixDef = '0x'; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditor.Font).Name property } cFontNameDef = {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}'Courier New'{$ELSE}'Courier'{$ENDIF}; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditor.Font).Style property } cFontStyleDef = [fsBold]; { Declares the Index member of the @link(TKHexEditorSelection) record invalid} cInvalidIndex = -1; { Default value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressCursor) property } cAddressCursorDef = crHandPoint; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditor.Height) property } cHeight = 300; { Default value for the @link(TKHexEditor.Width) property } cWidth = 400; type TKCustomHexEditor = class; { @abstract(Container for all colors used by @link(TKCustomHexEditor) class) This container allows to group many colors into one item in object inspector. Colors are accessible via published properties or several public Color* properties. } TKHexEditorColors = class(TPersistent) private FOwner: TKCustomHexEditor; FBrightColors: TKColorArray; FColors: TKColorArray; FColorScheme: TKHexEditorColorScheme; FSingleBkGnd: Boolean; function GetColor(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): TColor; function GetColorData(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): TKHexEditorColorData; function GetColorEx(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): TColor; function GetColorName(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): string; procedure SetColor(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex; Value: TColor); procedure SetColorEx(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex; Value: TColor); procedure SetColors(const Value: TKColorArray); public { Performs necessary initializations } constructor Create(AOwner: TKCustomHexEditor); { Takes property values from another TKHexEditorColors class } procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; { Clears cached brighter colors } procedure ClearBrightColors; { Initializes the color array. } procedure Initialize; virtual; { Specifies color scheme for reading of published properties - see GetColor in source code} property ColorScheme: TKHexEditorColorScheme read FColorScheme write FColorScheme; { Returns always normal color - regardless of the ColorScheme setting } property Color[Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex]: TColor read GetColorEx write SetColorEx; { Returns always a complete color description } property ColorData[Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex]: TKHexEditorColorData read GetColorData; { Returns (localizable) color name } property ColorName[Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex]: string read GetColorName; { Returns array of normal colors } property Colors: TKColorArray read FColors write SetColors; { @link(TKHexEditorColors.BkGnd) is used for all areas if True - @link(edSingleBkGnd) forward } property SingleBkGnd: Boolean read FSingleBkGnd write FSingleBkGnd; published { Address area text color } property AddressText: TColor index ciAddressText read GetColor write SetColor default cAddressTextDef; { Address area background color } property AddressBkGnd: TColor index ciAddressBkgnd read GetColor write SetColor default cAddressBkGndDef; { Hex editor client area background } property BkGnd: TColor index ciBkGnd read GetColor write SetColor default cBkGndDef; { Digits area text color - even digit group } property DigitTextEven: TColor index ciDigitTextEven read GetColor write SetColor default cDigitTextEvenDef; { Digits area text color - odd digit group } property DigitTextOdd: TColor index ciDigitTextOdd read GetColor write SetColor default cDigitTextOddDef; { Digits area background color } property DigitBkGnd: TColor index ciDigitBkGnd read GetColor write SetColor default cDigitBkGndDef; { Color of the horizontal leading lines } property HorzLines: TColor index ciHorzLines read GetColor write SetColor default cHorzLinesDef; { Inactive (hex editor without focus) caret background color - caret mark is not part of a selection } property InactiveCaretBkGnd: TColor index ciInactiveCaretBkGnd read GetColor write SetColor default cInactiveCaretBkGndDef; { Inactive (hex editor without focus) caret background color - caret mark is part of a selection } property InactiveCaretSelBkGnd: TColor index ciInactiveCaretSelBkGnd read GetColor write SetColor default cInactiveCaretSelBkGndDef; { Inactive (hex editor without focus) caret text color - caret mark is part of a selection } property InactiveCaretSelText: TColor index ciInactiveCaretSelText read GetColor write SetColor default cInactiveCaretSelTextDef; { Inactive (hex editor without focus) caret text color - caret mark is not part of a selection } property InactiveCaretText: TColor index ciInactiveCaretText read GetColor write SetColor default cInactiveCaretTextDef; { Color of horizontal leading lines involved into a selection } property LinesHighLight: TColor index ciLinesHighLight read GetColor write SetColor default cLinesHighLightDef; { Selection background - inactive edit area } property SelBkGnd: TColor index ciSelBkGnd read GetColor write SetColor default cSelBkGndDef; { Selection background - active edit area } property SelBkGndFocused: TColor index ciSelBkGndFocused read GetColor write SetColor default cSelBkGndFocusedDef; { Selection text - inactive edit area } property SelText: TColor index ciSelText read GetColor write SetColor default cSelTextDef; { Selection text - active edit area } property SelTextFocused: TColor index ciSelTextFocused read GetColor write SetColor default cSelTextFocusedDef; { Color of the vertical area separating lines } property Separators: TColor index ciSeparators read GetColor write SetColor default cSeparatorsDef; { Text area text color } property TextText: TColor index ciTextText read GetColor write SetColor default cTextTextDef; { Text area background color } property TextBkgnd: TColor index ciTextBkgnd read GetColor write SetColor default cTextBkGndDef; { Color of the vertical leading lines } property VertLines: TColor index ciVertLines read GetColor write SetColor default cVertLinesDef; end; { Declares possible values for the ItemReason member of the @link(TKHexEditorChangeItem) structure } TKHexEditorChangeReason = ( { Save caret position only } crCaretPos, { Save inserted character to be able to delete it } crDeleteChar, { Save inserted hexadecimal digits to be able to delete them } crDeleteDigits, { Save inserted binary string to be able to delete it } crDeleteString, { Save deleted character to be able to insert it } crInsertChar, { Save deleted hexadecimal digits to be able to insert them } crInsertDigits, { Save deleted binary string to be able to insert it } crInsertString ); { @abstract(Declares @link(TKHexEditorChangeList.OnChange) event handler) } TKHexEditorUndoChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason) of object; { @abstract(Declares the undo/redo item description structure used by the @link(TKHexEditorChangeList) class) } TKHexEditorChangeItem = record Data: AnsiString; EditArea: TKHexEditorArea; Group: Cardinal; GroupReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; Inserted: Boolean; ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; SelEnd: TKHexEditorSelection; SelStart: TKHexEditorSelection; end; { Pointer to @link(TKHexEditorChangeItem) } PKHexEditorChangeItem = ^TKHexEditorChangeItem; { @abstract(Change (undo/redo item) list manager) } TKHexEditorChangeList = class(TList) private FEditor: TKCustomHexEditor; FGroup: Cardinal; FGroupUseLock: Integer; FGroupReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; FIndex: Integer; FModifiedIndex: Integer; FLimit: Integer; FRedoList: TKHexEditorChangeList; FOnChange: TKHexEditorUndoChangeEvent; function GetModified: Boolean; procedure SetLimit(Value: Integer); procedure SetModified(Value: Boolean); protected { Redefined to properly destroy the items } procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); override; public { Performs necessary initializations } constructor Create(AEditor: TKCustomHexEditor; RedoList: TKHexEditorChangeList); { Inserts a undo/redo item } procedure AddChange(ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; const Data: AnsiString = ''; Inserted: Boolean = True); virtual; { Tells the undo list a new undo/redo group is about to be created. Each BeginGroup call must have a corresponding EndGroup call (use try-finally). BeginGroup calls may be nested, however, only the first call will create an undo/redo group. Use the GroupReason parameter to specify the reason of this group. } procedure BeginGroup(GroupReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason); virtual; { Informs whether there are any undo/redo items available - i.e. CanUndo/CanRedo} function CanPeek: Boolean; { Clears the entire list - overriden to execute some adjustments } procedure Clear; override; { Completes the undo/redo group. See @link(TKHexEditorChangeList.BeginGroup) for details } procedure EndGroup; virtual; { Returns the topmost item to handle or inspect it} function PeekItem: PKHexEditorChangeItem; { If there is no reason to handle an item returned by PeekItem, it has to be poked back with this function to become active for next undo/redo command } procedure PokeItem; { For redo list only - each undo command creates a redo command with the same group information - see source } procedure SetGroupData(Group: Integer; GroupReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason); { Specifies maximum number of items - not groups } property Limit: Integer read FLimit write SetLimit; { For undo list only - returns True if undo list contains some items with regard to the eoUndoAfterSave option } property Modified: Boolean read GetModified write SetModified; { Allows to call TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.OnChange) event} property OnChange: TKHexEditorUndoChangeEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; end; { @abstract(Hexadecimal editor base component) } TKCustomHexEditor = class(TKCustomControl) private FAddressCursor: TCursor; FAddressMode: TKHexEditorAddressMode; FAddressOffset: Integer; FAddressPrefix: string; FAddressSize: Integer; FAreaSpacing: Integer; FBuffer: PBytes; FCharHeight: Integer; FCharMapping: TKEditCharMapping; FCharSpacing: Integer; FCharWidth: Integer; FClipboardFormat: Word; FColors: TKHexEditorColors; FDigitGrouping: Integer; FDisabledDrawStyle: TKHexEditorDisabledDrawStyle; FDrawStyles: TKHexEditorDrawStyles; FEditArea: TKHexEditorArea; FKeyMapping: TKEditKeyMapping; FLeftChar: Integer; FLineHeightPercent: Integer; FLineSize: Integer; FMouseWheelAccumulator: Integer; FOptions: TKEditOptions; FRedoList: TKHexEditorChangeList; FScrollBars: TScrollStyle; FScrollDeltaX: Integer; FScrollDeltaY: Integer; FScrollSpeed: Cardinal; FScrollTimer: TTimer; FSelEnd: TKHexEditorSelection; FSelStart: TKHexEditorSelection; FSize: Integer; FStates: TKHexEditorStates; FTopLine: Integer; FTotalCharSpacing: Integer; FUndoList: TKHexEditorChangeList; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; FOnDropFiles: TKEditDropFilesEvent; FOnReplaceText: TKEditReplaceTextEvent; function GetCommandKey(Index: TKEditCommand): TKEditKey; function GetCaretVisible: Boolean; function GetData: TDataSize; function GetEmpty: Boolean; function GetFirstVisibleIndex: Integer; function GetInsertMode: Boolean; function GetLastVisibleIndex: Integer; function GetLineCount: Integer; function GetLines(Index: Integer): TDataSize; function GetModified: Boolean; function GetReadOnly: Boolean; function GetSelLength: TKHexEditorSelection; function GetSelText: TKHexEditorSelText; function GetUndoLimit: Integer; function IsAddressPrefixStored: Boolean; function IsDrawStylesStored: Boolean; function IsOptionsStored: Boolean; procedure ScrollTimerHandler(Sender: TObject); procedure SetAddressCursor(Value: TCursor); procedure SetAddressMode(Value: TKHexEditorAddressMode); procedure SetAddressOffset(Value: Integer); procedure SetAddressPrefix(const Value: string); procedure SetAddressSize(Value: Integer); procedure SetAreaSpacing(Value: Integer); procedure SetCharSpacing(Value: Integer); procedure SetColors(Value: TKHexEditorColors); procedure SetCommandKey(Index: TKEditCommand; Value: TKEditKey); procedure SetData(Value: TDataSize); procedure SetDigitGrouping(Value: Integer); procedure SetDisabledDrawStyle(Value: TKHexEditorDisabledDrawStyle); procedure SetDrawStyles(const Value: TKHexEditorDrawStyles); procedure SetEditArea(Value: TKHexEditorArea); procedure SetLeftChar(Value: Integer); procedure SetLineHeightPercent(Value: Integer); procedure SetLines(Index: Integer; const Value: TDataSize); procedure SetLineSize(Value: Integer); procedure SetModified(Value: Boolean); procedure SetOptions(const Value: TKEditOptions); procedure SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean); procedure SetScrollBars(Value: TScrollStyle); procedure SetScrollSpeed(Value: Cardinal); procedure SetSelEnd(Value: TKHexEditorSelection); procedure SetSelLength(Value: TKHexEditorSelection); procedure SetSelStart(Value: TKHexEditorSelection); procedure SetTopLine(Value: Integer); procedure SetUndoLimit(Value: Integer); procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Msg: TLMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED; procedure CMSysColorChange(var Msg: TLMessage); message CM_SYSCOLORCHANGE; {$IFNDEF FPC} // no way to get filenames in Lazarus inside control (why??) procedure WMDropFiles(var Msg: TLMessage); message LM_DROPFILES; {$ENDIF} procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TLMessage); message LM_ERASEBKGND; procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TLMNoParams); message LM_GETDLGCODE; procedure WMHScroll(var Msg: TLMHScroll); message LM_HSCROLL; procedure WMKillFocus(var Msg: TLMKillFocus); message LM_KILLFOCUS; procedure WMSetFocus(var Msg: TLMSetFocus); message LM_SETFOCUS; procedure WMVScroll(var Msg: TLMVScroll); message LM_VSCROLL; protected { Inserts a single crCaretPos item into undo list. Unless Force is set to True, this change will be inserted only if previous undo item is not crCaretPos. } procedure AddUndoCaretPos(Force: Boolean = True); { Inserts a single byte change into undo list. } procedure AddUndoByte(ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; Data: Byte; Inserted: Boolean = True); { Inserts a byte array change into undo list. } procedure AddUndoBytes(ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; Data: PBytes; Length: Integer; Inserted: Boolean = True); { Inserts a string change into undo list. Has the same functionality as AddUndoBytes only Data is supplied as a string. } procedure AddUndoString(ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; const S: AnsiString; Inserted: Boolean = True); { Begins a new undo group. Use the GroupReason parameter to label it. } procedure BeginUndoGroup(GroupReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason); { Performs necessary adjustments when the buffer is modified programatically (not by user) } procedure BufferChanged; { Determines whether an ecScroll* command can be executed } function CanScroll(Command: TKEditCommand): Boolean; virtual; { Clears a character at position At. Doesn't perform any succesive adjustments. } procedure ClearChar(At: Integer); { Clears a the digit fields both in SelStart and SelEnd. Doesn't perform any succesive adjustments.} procedure ClearDigitSelection; { Clears a string of the Size length at position At. Doesn't perform any succesive adjustments. } procedure ClearString(At, Size: Integer); { Overriden method - defines additional styles for the hex editor window (scrollbars etc.)} procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; { Overriden method - adjusts file drag&drop functionality } procedure CreateWnd; override; { Overriden method - adjusts file drag&drop functionality } procedure DestroyWnd; override; { Calls the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.OnChange) event } procedure DoChange; virtual; { Overriden method - handles mouse wheel messages } function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override; { Validates the EditArea property after it has been modified } procedure EditAreaChanged; virtual; { Closes the undo group created by @link(TKCustomHexEditor.BeginUndoGroup) } procedure EndUndoGroup; { Ensures that font pitch is always fpFixed and Font.Size is not too small or big } procedure FontChange(Sender: TObject); virtual; { Returns the horizontal page extent for the current edit area. This function is used by the ecPageLeft and ecPageRight commands. } function GetPageHorz: Integer; virtual; { Determines if the editor has input focus. } function HasFocus: Boolean; virtual; { Hides the caret. } procedure HideEditorCaret; virtual; { Inserts a character at specified position. Doesn't perform any succesive adjustments. } procedure InsertChar(At: Integer; Value: Byte); { Inserts a string at specified position. Doesn't perform any succesive adjustments. } procedure InsertString(At: Integer; const Value: AnsiString; Size: Integer); { Returns True if the control has a selection. } function InternalGetSelAvail: Boolean; override; { Moves the caret one position left. Doesn't perform any succesive adjustments.} procedure InternalMoveLeft; virtual; { Moves the caret one position right. Doesn't perform any succesive adjustments.} procedure InternalMoveRight; virtual; { Overriden method - processes virtual key strokes according to current @link(TKCustomHexEditor.KeyMapping) } procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; { Overriden method - processes character key strokes - data editing } procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; { Updates information about printed shape. } procedure MeasurePages(var Info: TKPrintMeasureInfo); override; { Processes scrollbar messages. } procedure ModifyScrollBar(ScrollBar, ScrollCode, Delta: Integer; UpdateNeeded: Boolean); { Overriden method - updates caret position/selection } procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; { Overriden method - updates caret position/selection and initializes scrolling when needed. } procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; { Overriden method - releases mouse capture acquired by MouseDown } procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; { Overriden method - calls PaintLines for drawing the hex editor outline into window client area } procedure PaintToCanvas(ACanvas: TCanvas); override; { Paints/prints hex editor outline. This function must retain its reentrancy. } procedure PaintLines(const Data: TKHexEditorPaintData); virtual; { Paints a page to a printer/preview canvas. } procedure PaintPage; override; { Grants the input focus to the control when possible and the control has had none before } procedure SafeSetFocus; { Performs necessary adjustments after a selection property changed. } procedure SelectionChanged(StartEqualEnd: Boolean; ScrollToView: Boolean = True); { Scrolls the hex editor window horizontaly by HChars characters and/or vertically by VChars characters } procedure ScrollBy(HChars, VChars: Integer; UpdateNeeded: Boolean); { Scrolls the hex editor window to ensure data under defined (mouse) coordinates are visible } procedure ScrollTo(Point: TPoint; Timed, AlwaysScroll: Boolean); virtual; { Updates mouse cursor according to the state determined from current mouse position. Returns True if cursor has been changed. } function SetMouseCursor(X, Y: Integer): Boolean; override; { Shows the caret. } procedure ShowEditorCaret; virtual; { Calls the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.DoChange) method} procedure UndoChange(Sender: TObject; ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason); { Updates caret position, shows/hides caret according to the input focus } procedure UpdateEditorCaret(Recreate: Boolean = False); virtual; { Updates font based dimensions } procedure UpdateCharMetrics; virtual; { Updates mouse cursor } procedure UpdateMouseCursor; virtual; { Updates the scrolling range } procedure UpdateScrollRange; virtual; { Updates selection according to the supplied coordinates. } procedure UpdateSelEnd(Point: TPoint; ClipToClient: Boolean); virtual; { Updates the control size. } procedure UpdateSize; override; { Data buffer - made accessible for descendant classes } property Buffer: PBytes read FBuffer write FBuffer; { Redo list manager - made accessible for descendant classes } property RedoList: TKHexEditorChangeList read FRedoList; { Data buffer size - made accessible for descendant classes } property Size: Integer read FSize write FSize; { States of this class - made accessible for descendant classes } property States: TKHexEditorStates read FStates write FStates; { Undo list manager - made accessible for descendant classes } property UndoList: TKHexEditorChangeList read FUndoList; public { Performs necessary initializations - default values to properties, create undo/redo list managers } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; { Destroy instance, undo/redo list managers, dispose buffer... } destructor Destroy; override; { Appends data at current position. Use TKHexEditor.Data.Size for At parameter to append at the end of the buffer. } procedure Append(At: Integer; Data: TDataSize); overload; virtual; { Appends data at current position. Use TKHexEditor.Data.Size for At parameter to append at the end of the buffer. } procedure Append(At: Integer; const Data: AnsiString); overload; virtual; { Takes property values from another TKCustomHexEditor class } procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; { Determines whether the caret is visible } function CaretInView: Boolean; { Clears entire data buffer. Unlike ecClearAll this method clears everything inclusive undo a redo lists. } procedure Clear; { Clears undo (and redo) list } procedure ClearUndo; { Determines whether given command can be executed at this time. Use this function in TAction.OnUpdate events. } function CommandEnabled(Command: TKEditCommand): Boolean; virtual; { Executes given command. This function first calls CommandEnabled to assure given command can be executed. } function ExecuteCommand(Command: TKEditCommand; Data: Pointer = nil): Boolean; virtual; { Returns dimensions of all 3 possible areas according to current area definition } function GetAreaDimensions: TKHexEditorAreaDimensions; virtual; { Returns current character mapping. } function GetCharMapping: TKEditCharMapping; { Returns number of characters that vertically fit into client window } function GetClientHeightChars: Integer; virtual; { Returns number of characters that horizontally fit into client window } function GetClientWidthChars: Integer; virtual; { Returns the current key stroke mapping scheme. } function GetKeyMapping: TKEditKeyMapping; { Returns modified client rect - a window client rect aligned to character width and character height } function GetModifiedClientRect: TRect; virtual; { Returns current maximum value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.LeftChar) property } function GetMaxLeftChar(Extent: Integer = 0): Integer; virtual; { Returns current maximum value for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.TopLine) property } function GetMaxTopLine(Extent: Integer = 0): Integer; virtual; { Returns "real" selection end - with always higher index value than selection start value } function GetRealSelEnd: TKHexEditorSelection; { Returns "real" selection start - with always lower index value than selection end value } function GetRealSelStart: TKHexEditorSelection; { Loads data from a file } procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: TFileName); { Loads data from a stream - stream position remains untouched } procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); { Paints the editor outline to another canvas } procedure PaintToCanvasEx(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; ALeftChar, ATopLine: Integer); { Converts window coordinates into a selection } function PointToSel(P: TPoint; OutOfArea: Boolean; var Area: TKHexEditorArea): TKHexEditorSelection; virtual; { Saves data into a file } procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: TFileName); { Saves data into a stream - stream position remains untouched } procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); { Determines whether a seletion (not digit selection) is available } function SelAvail: Boolean; { Determines whether a given selection is valid for given area } function SelectionValid(Value: TKHexEditorSelection; Area: TKHexEditorArea): Boolean; virtual; { Converts a selection into window coordinates } function SelToPoint(Value: TKHexEditorSelection; Area: TKHexEditorArea): TPoint; virtual; { Specifies character mapping. The main purpose of this is to avoid non-printable characters in the text area and in AsText copies. Avoid non-printable characters when delivering a new character mapping. } procedure SetCharMapping(const Value: TKEditCharMapping); { Specifies the current key stroke mapping scheme } procedure SetKeyMapping(const Value: TKEditKeyMapping); { Validates a selection for given area } procedure ValidateSelection(var Value: TKHexEditorSelection; Area: TKHexEditorArea); virtual; { Specifies the address area mouse cursor. Other areas have crIBeam - should not be needed to modify that } property AddressCursor: TCursor read FAddressCursor write SetAddressCursor default cAddressCursorDef; { Specifies the radix of addresses } property AddressMode: TKHexEditorAddressMode read FAddressMode write SetAddressMode default cAddressModeDef; { Specifies the address offset } property AddressOffset: Integer read FAddressOffset write SetAddressOffset default cAddressOffsetDef; { Specifies the address number prefix i.e. 0x or $ - modify together with AddressMode } property AddressPrefix: string read FAddressPrefix write SetAddressPrefix stored IsAddressPrefixStored; { Specifies the number of address digits - up to 10 for decimal addresses } property AddressSize: Integer read FAddressSize write SetAddressSize default cAddressSizeDef; { Defines space between neighbour areas } property AreaSpacing: Integer read FAreaSpacing write SetAreaSpacing default cAreaSpacingDef; { Returns current caret position = selection end } property CaretPos: TKHexEditorSelection read FSelEnd; { Returns True if caret is visible } property CaretVisible: Boolean read GetCaretVisible; { Returns current character width = not necessarily equal to font character width } property CharWidth: Integer read FCharWidth; { Defines additional inter-character spacing } property CharSpacing: Integer read FCharSpacing write SetCharSpacing default cCharSpacingDef; { Returns current character height = not equal to font character height } property CharHeight: Integer read FCharHeight; { Returns the binary data clipboard format } property ClipboardFormat: Word read FClipboardFormat; { Makes it possible to take all color properties from another TKCustomHexEditor class } property Colors: TKHexEditorColors read FColors write SetColors; { Specifies a new key stroke combination for given command } property CommandKey[Index: TKEditCommand]: TKEditKey read GetCommandKey write SetCommandKey; { This property provides direct access to the data buffer } property Data: TDataSize read GetData write SetData; { Specifies the byte grouping in the digits area } property DigitGrouping: Integer read FDigitGrouping write SetDigitGrouping default cDigitGroupingDef; { Specifies the style how the outline is drawn when editor is disabled } property DisabledDrawStyle: TKHexEditorDisabledDrawStyle read FDisabledDrawStyle write SetDisabledDrawStyle default cDisabledDrawStyleDef; { Defines areas to paint, whether to paint horizontal and vertical trailing lines, area separator lines and caret mark when the editor has no input focus } property DrawStyles: TKHexEditorDrawStyles read FDrawStyles write SetDrawStyles stored IsDrawStylesStored; { Specifies the current area for editing } property EditArea: TKHexEditorArea read FEditArea write SetEditArea default eaDigits; { Returns True if data buffer is empty } property Empty: Boolean read GetEmpty; { Returns the first visible index } property FirstVisibleIndex: Integer read GetFirstVisibleIndex; { Returns True if insert mode is on } property InsertMode: Boolean read GetInsertMode; { Returns the last visible index } property LastVisibleIndex: Integer read GetLastVisibleIndex; { Specifies the horizontal scroll position } property LeftChar: Integer read FLeftChar write SetLeftChar; { Determines the number of lines } property LineCount: Integer read GetLineCount; { Specifies the line height. 100% is the current font height } property LineHeightPercent: Integer read FLineHeightPercent write SetLineHeightPercent default cLineHeightPercentDef; { Allows to modify/add data lines. If greater than LineSize, the Size member of the supplied TDataSize structure will be always trimmed to LineSize. If Index points to last incomplete line or even higher, last line will be extended/completed, i.e new data will be added to the buffer } property Lines[Index: Integer]: TDataSize read GetLines write SetLines; { Specifies the size (length) of a single line } property LineSize: Integer read FLineSize write SetLineSize default cLineSizeDef; { Returns True if the buffer was modified - eoUndoAfterSave taken into account } property Modified: Boolean read GetModified write SetModified; { Specifies the editor options that do not affect painting } property Options: TKEditOptions read FOptions write SetOptions stored IsOptionsStored; { Specifies whether the editor has to be read only editor } property ReadOnly: Boolean read GetReadOnly write SetReadOnly default False; { Defines visible scrollbars - horizontal, vertical or both } property ScrollBars: TScrollStyle read FScrollBars write SetScrollBars default ssBoth; { Specifies how fast the scrolling by timer should be } property ScrollSpeed: Cardinal read FScrollSpeed write SetScrollSpeed default cScrollSpeedDef; { Specifies the current selection end } property SelEnd: TKHexEditorSelection read FSelEnd write SetSelEnd; { Specifies the current selection length. SelStart remains unchanged, SelEnd will be updated accordingly. To mark a selection, either set both SelStart and SelEnd properties or both SelStart and SelLength properties } property SelLength: TKHexEditorSelection read GetSelLength write SetSelLength; { Specifies the current selection start } property SelStart: TKHexEditorSelection read FSelStart write SetSelStart; { Returns selected text in many different formats } property SelText: TKHexEditorSelText read GetSelText; { Specifies the vertical scroll position } property TopLine: Integer read FTopLine write SetTopLine; { Specifies the maximum number of undo items. Please note this value affects the undo item limit, not undo group limit. } property UndoLimit: Integer read GetUndoLimit write SetUndoLimit default cUndoLimitDef; { When assigned, this event will be invoked at each buffer change, made either by the user or programmatically by public functions } property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; { When assigned, this event will be invoked when the user drops any files onto the window } property OnDropFiles: TKEditDropFilesEvent read FOnDropFiles write FOnDropFiles; { When assigned, this event will be invoked at each prompt-forced search match } property OnReplaceText: TKEditReplaceTextEvent read FOnReplaceText write FOnReplaceText; end; { @abstract(Hexadecimal editor design-time component) } TKHexEditor = class(TKCustomHexEditor) published { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressCursor) for details } property AddressCursor; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressMode) for details } property AddressMode; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressOffset) for details } property AddressOffset; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressPrefix) for details } property AddressPrefix; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.AddressSize) for details } property AddressSize; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property Align; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property Anchors; { See TKCustomControl.@link(TKCustomControl.BorderStyle) for details } property BorderStyle; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property BorderWidth; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.CharSpacing) for details } property CharSpacing; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.Colors) for details } property Colors; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property Constraints; {$IFNDEF FPC} { Inherited property - see Delphi help. } property Ctl3D; {$ENDIF} { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.DigitGrouping) for details } property DigitGrouping; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.DisabledDrawStyle) for details } property DisabledDrawStyle; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property DragCursor; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property DragKind; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property DragMode; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.DrawStyles) for details } property DrawStyles; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.EditArea) for details } property EditArea; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property Enabled; { Inherited property - see Delphi help. Font pitch must always remain fpFixed - specify fixed fonts only. Font.Size will also be trimmed if too small or big } property Font; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property Height default cHeight; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.LineHeightPercent) for details } property LineHeightPercent; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.LineSize) for details } property LineSize; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.Options) for details } property Options; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property ParentShowHint; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property PopupMenu; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.ReadOnly) for details } property ReadOnly; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.ScrollBars) for details } property ScrollBars; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.ScrollSpeed) for details } property ScrollSpeed; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property ShowHint; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property TabOrder; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property TabStop default True; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.UndoLimit) for details } property UndoLimit; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property Visible; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property Width default cWidth; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.OnChange) for details } property OnChange; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnClick; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnContextPopup; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnDblClick; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnDockDrop; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnDockOver; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnDragDrop; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnDragOver; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.OnDropFiles) for details } property OnDropFiles; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnEndDock; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnEndDrag; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnEnter; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnExit; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnGetSiteInfo; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnKeyDown; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnKeyPress; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnKeyUp; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnMouseDown; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnMouseMove; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnMouseUp; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnMouseWheel; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnMouseWheelDown; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnMouseWheelUp; { See TKCustomControl.@link(TKCustomControl.OnPrintNotify) for details } property OnPrintNotify; { See TKCustomControl.@link(TKCustomControl.OnPrintPaint) for details } property OnPrintPaint; { See TKCustomHexEditor.@link(TKCustomHexEditor.OnReplaceText) for details } property OnReplaceText; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnResize; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnStartDock; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnStartDrag; { Inherited property - see Delphi help } property OnUnDock; end; { Creates a selection structure from given Index and Digit parameters } function MakeSelection(Index, Digit: Integer): TKHexEditorSelection; { Converts a hexadecimal digit character ('0'..'F') to binary value } function DigitToBin(Value: AnsiChar): Integer; { Examines/converts hexadecimal digit string to binary value string. Returns True if the digit string is valid. } function DigitsToBinStr(var S: AnsiString; Convert: Boolean = True): Boolean; { Converts a binary value string into binary data. If the binary value string is not divisible by 2, it will be right padded with zero. Example: '#A#F#0#1#D#C#0#5#3' is converted into '#AF#01#DC#05#30'. } function BinStrToBinary(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; { Converts binary data into hexadecimal digit string. } function BinaryToDigits(Buffer: PBytes; SelStart, SelEnd: TKHexEditorSelection): AnsiString; { Converts binary data into text using given character mapping. } function BinaryToText(Buffer: PBytes; SelStart, SelEnd: Integer; CharMapping: PKEditCharMapping): AnsiString; { Replaces a hexadecimal digit in the given binary value. Returns the original value with a replaced digit. Example: Value = $A18D, Digit = $C, Pos = 3: Result = $AC8D } function ReplaceDigit(Value, Digit, Pos: Integer): Integer; { Returns the instance-independent color specification for the given color index } function GetColorSpec(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): TKHexEditorColorSpec; implementation uses {$IFDEF USE_THEMES} Themes, {$ENDIF} Math, {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} ShellApi, {$ENDIF} ClipBrd, Printers, Types, KGraphics; const cFmtText = '%.2x'; cBase = 16; cDigitCount = 2; function MakeSelection(Index, Digit: Integer): TKHexEditorSelection; begin Result.Index := Index; Result.Digit := Digit; end; function DigitToBin(Value: AnsiChar): Integer; begin if ((Value >= 'a') and (Value <= 'f')) then Result := Ord(Value) - Ord('a') + 10 else if ((Value >= 'A') and (Value <= 'F')) then Result := Ord(Value) - Ord('A') + 10 else if ((Value >= '0') and (Value <= '9')) then Result := Ord(Value) - Ord('0') else Result := -1; end; function DigitsToBinStr(var S: AnsiString; Convert: Boolean = True): Boolean; var I, J, K: Integer; T: AnsiString; begin // check and convert text characters to hex values 0..15 Result := True; if Convert then SetLength(T, Length(S)); J := 0; for I := 1 to Length(S) do if not CharInSetEx(S[I], [#9, #32]) then begin K := DigitToBin(S[I]); if K >= 0 then begin if Convert then begin Inc(J); T[J] := AnsiChar(K) end; end else begin Result := False; Break; end; end; if Result and Convert then begin SetLength(T, J); S := T; end; end; function BinStrToBinary(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; var I, J, L: Integer; B1, B2: Byte; begin L := Length(S); Result := ''; if L > 0 then begin SetLength(Result, DivUp(L, 2)); if L = 1 then Result := S else begin J := 1; for I := 1 to Length(Result) do begin B1 := Byte(S[J]); Inc(J); if J <= L then begin B2 := Byte(S[J]); Inc(J); end else B2 := 0; Result[I] := AnsiChar(B1 shl 4 + B2); end; end; end; end; function BinaryToDigits(Buffer: PBytes; SelStart, SelEnd: TKHexEditorSelection): AnsiString; var I, J: Integer; S: AnsiString; begin Result := ''; S := '%s' + cFmtText; for I := SelStart.Index to SelEnd.Index do begin Result := AnsiString(Format(string(S), [Result, Buffer[I]])); if I = SelStart.Index then begin for J := 0 to SelStart.Digit - 1 do Delete(Result, 1, 1); end; if I = SelEnd.Index then begin for J := SelEnd.Digit to cDigitCount - 1 do Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1); end; end; end; function BinaryToText(Buffer: PBytes; SelStart, SelEnd: Integer; CharMapping: PKEditCharMapping): AnsiString; var I: Integer; begin if SelEnd > SelStart then begin SetLength(Result, SelEnd - SelStart); System.Move(Buffer[SelStart], Result[1], SelEnd - SelStart); if CharMapping <> nil then for I := 1 to Length(Result) do Result[I] := CharMapping^[Byte(Result[I])]; end else Result := ''; end; function ReplaceDigit(Value, Digit, Pos: Integer): Integer; var I, Mask, O: Integer; begin O := 1; for I := Pos to cDigitCount - 2 do O := O * cBase; Mask := cBase - 1; Result := (((Value div O) and not Mask) + (Digit and Mask)) * O + Value mod O; end; function OppositeReason(ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason): TKHexEditorChangeReason; begin case ItemReason of crDeleteChar: Result := crInsertChar; crDeleteDigits: Result := crInsertDigits; crDeleteString: Result := crInsertString; crInsertChar: Result := crDeleteChar; crInsertDigits: Result := crDeleteDigits; crInsertString: Result := crDeleteString; else Result := ItemReason; end; end; { TKHexEditorColors } constructor TKHexEditorColors.Create(AOwner: TKCustomHexEditor); begin FOwner := AOwner; Initialize; ClearBrightColors; end; procedure TKHexEditorColors.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TKHexEditorColors then begin Colors := TKHexEditorColors(Source).Colors; FOwner.Invalidate; end else inherited; end; procedure TKHexEditorColors.ClearBrightColors; var I: TKHexEditorColorIndex; begin for I := 0 to Length(FBrightColors) - 1 do FBrightColors[I] := clNone; end; function TKHexEditorColors.GetColor(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): TColor; const AreaBkGndSet = [ciAddressBkgnd, ciDigitBkGnd, ciTextBkGnd]; BkGndSet = [ciAddressBkgnd, ciBkGnd, ciDigitBkGnd, ciInactiveCaretBkGnd, ciInactiveCaretSelBkGnd, ciSelBkGnd, ciSelBkGndFocused, ciTextBkgnd]; begin case FColorScheme of ecsGrayed: if Index in BkGndSet then Result := clWindow else Result := clGrayText; ecsBright: begin if FBrightColors[Index] = clNone then FBrightColors[Index] := BrightColor(FColors[Index], 0.5, bsOfTop); if FSingleBkGnd and (Index in AreaBkGndSet) then Result := FBrightColors[ciBkGnd] else Result := FBrightColors[Index]; end; ecsGrayScale: Result := ColorToGrayScale(FColors[Index]); else if FSingleBkGnd and (Index in AreaBkGndSet) then Result := FColors[ciBkGnd] else Result := FColors[Index]; end; end; function TKHexEditorColors.GetColorData(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): TKHexEditorColorData; var ColorSpec: TKHexEditorColorSpec; begin Result.Index := Index; Result.Color := FColors[Index]; ColorSpec := GetColorSpec(Index); Result.Default := ColorSpec.Def; Result.Name := ColorSpec.Name; end; function TKHexEditorColors.GetColorEx(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): TColor; begin Result := FColors[Index]; end; function TKHexEditorColors.GetColorName(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): string; begin Result := GetColorSpec(Index).Name; end; procedure TKHexEditorColors.Initialize; var I: TKHexEditorColorIndex; begin SetLength(FColors, ciHexEditorColorsMax + 1); SetLength(FBrightColors, ciHexEditorColorsMax + 1); for I := 0 to Length(FColors) - 1 do FColors[I] := GetColorSpec(I).Def; end; procedure TKHexEditorColors.SetColor(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex; Value: TColor); begin if FColors[Index] <> Value then begin FColors[Index] := Value; FBrightColors[Index] := clNone; if not (csLoading in FOwner.ComponentState) and FOwner.HandleAllocated then FOwner.Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKHexEditorColors.SetColorEx(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex; Value: TColor); begin if FColors[Index] <> Value then begin FColors[Index] := Value; FBrightColors[Index] := clNone; end; end; procedure TKHexEditorColors.SetColors(const Value: TKColorArray); begin FColors := Value; ClearBrightColors; end; { TKHexEditorChangeList } constructor TKHexEditorChangeList.Create(AEditor: TKCustomHexEditor; RedoList: TKHexEditorChangeList); begin inherited Create; FEditor := AEditor; FGroupUseLock := 0; FLimit := cUndoLimitDef; FIndex := -1; FModifiedIndex := FIndex; FRedoList := RedoList; FOnChange := nil; end; procedure TKHexEditorChangeList.AddChange(ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; const Data: AnsiString; Inserted: Boolean); var P: PKHexEditorChangeItem; begin // don't allow succesive crCaretPos if (ItemReason = crCaretPos) and not Inserted and (FIndex >= 0) and (PKHexEditorChangeItem(Items[FIndex]).ItemReason = crCaretPos) then Exit; if FIndex < FLimit - 1 then begin if FIndex < Count - 1 then Inc(FIndex) else FIndex := Add(New(PKHexEditorChangeItem)); P := Items[FIndex]; if FGroupUseLock > 0 then begin P.Group := FGroup; P.GroupReason := FGroupReason; end else begin P.Group := 0; P.GroupReason := ItemReason; end; P.ItemReason := ItemReason; P.EditArea := FEditor.EditArea; P.SelEnd := FEditor.SelEnd; P.SelStart := FEditor.SelStart; P.Data := Data; P.Inserted := Inserted; if FRedoList <> nil then FRedoList.Clear; if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self, ItemReason); end; end; procedure TKHexEditorChangeList.BeginGroup(GroupReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason); begin if FGroupUseLock = 0 then begin FGroupReason := GroupReason; Inc(FGroup); if FGroup = 0 then Inc(FGroup); end; Inc(FGroupUseLock); end; function TKHexEditorChangeList.CanPeek: Boolean; begin Result := FIndex >= 0; end; procedure TKHexEditorChangeList.Clear; begin inherited; FGroupUseLock := 0; FIndex := -1; FModifiedIndex := FIndex; end; procedure TKHexEditorChangeList.EndGroup; begin if FGroupUseLock > 0 then Dec(FGroupUseLock); end; function TKHexEditorChangeList.GetModified: Boolean; function CaretPosOnly: Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := True; for I := FModifiedIndex + 1 to FIndex do begin if PKHexEditorChangeItem(Items[I]).ItemReason <> crCaretPos then begin Result := False; Exit; end; end; end; begin Result := (FIndex > FModifiedIndex) and not CaretPosOnly; end; procedure TKHexEditorChangeList.Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); var P: PKHexEditorChangeItem; begin case Action of lnDeleted: if Ptr <> nil then begin P := Ptr; Dispose(P); end; end; end; function TKHexEditorChangeList.PeekItem: PKHexEditorChangeItem; begin if CanPeek then begin Result := Items[FIndex]; Dec(FIndex); end else Result := nil; end; procedure TKHexEditorChangeList.PokeItem; begin if FIndex < Count - 1 then Inc(FIndex); end; procedure TKHexEditorChangeList.SetGroupData(Group: Integer; GroupReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason); begin FGroup := Group; FGroupReason := GroupReason; FGroupUseLock := 1; end; procedure TKHexEditorChangeList.SetLimit(Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FLimit then begin FLimit := MinMax(Value, cUndoLimitMin, cUndoLimitMax); while Count > FLimit do Delete(0); FIndex := Min(FIndex, FLimit - 1); end; end; procedure TKHexEditorChangeList.SetModified(Value: Boolean); begin if not Value then FModifiedIndex := FIndex; end; { TKCustomHexEditor } constructor TKCustomHexEditor.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Color := clWindow; ControlStyle := [csOpaque, csClickEvents, csDoubleClicks, csCaptureMouse]; Font.Name := cFontNameDef; Font.Style := cFontStyleDef; Font.Size := cFontSizeDef; Font.Pitch := fpFixed; Font.OnChange := FontChange; Height := cHeight; ParentColor := False; ParentFont := False; TabStop := True; Width := cWidth; FAddressCursor := cAddressCursorDef; FAddressMode := cAddressModeDef; FAddressOffset := cAddressOffsetDef; FAddressPrefix := cAddressPrefixDef; FAddressSize := cAddressSizeDef; FAreaSpacing := cAreaSpacingDef; FBuffer := nil; {$IFNDEF FPC} FClipBoardFormat := RegisterClipboardFormat('Any binary data'); {$ENDIF} FColors := TKHexEditorColors.Create(Self); FCharHeight := 8; FCharMapping := DefaultCharMapping; FCharSpacing := cCharSpacingDef; FCharWidth := 6; FDigitGrouping := cDigitGroupingDef; FDisabledDrawStyle := cDisabledDrawStyleDef; FDrawStyles := cDrawStylesDef; FEditArea := eaDigits; FLeftChar := 0; FLineHeightPercent := cLineHeightPercentDef; FLineSize := cLineSizeDef; FMouseWheelAccumulator := 0; FOptions := [eoGroupUndo]; FKeyMapping := CreateDefaultKeyMapping; FRedoList := TKHexEditorChangeList.Create(Self, nil); FScrollBars := ssBoth; FScrollSpeed := cScrollSpeedDef; FScrollTimer := TTimer.Create(Self); FScrollTimer.Enabled := False; FScrollTimer.Interval := FScrollSpeed; FScrollTimer.OnTimer := ScrollTimerHandler; FSelStart := MakeSelection(0, 0); FSelEnd := MakeSelection(0, 0); FStates := []; FTopLine := 0; FTotalCharSpacing := 0; FUndoList := TKHexEditorChangeList.Create(Self, FRedoList); FUndoList.OnChange := UndoChange; FOnChange := nil; FOnReplaceText := nil; UpdateCharMetrics; end; destructor TKCustomHexEditor.Destroy; begin inherited; FOnChange := nil; FColors.Free; FUndoList.Free; FRedoList.Free; FreeMem(FBuffer); FBuffer := nil; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.AddUndoCaretPos(Force: Boolean); begin FUndoList.AddChange(crCaretPos, '', Force); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.AddUndoByte(ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; Data: Byte; Inserted: Boolean = True); begin FUndoList.AddChange(ItemReason, AnsiChar(Data), Inserted); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.AddUndoBytes(ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; Data: PBytes; Length: Integer; Inserted: Boolean = True); var S: AnsiString; begin if Length > 0 then begin SetLength(S, Length); Move(Data^, S[1], Length); FUndoList.AddChange(ItemReason, S, Inserted); end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.AddUndoString(ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason; const S: AnsiString; Inserted: Boolean = True); begin if S <> '' then FUndoList.AddChange(ItemReason, S, Inserted); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.Append(At: Integer; Data: TDataSize); var S: AnsiString; begin if (Data.Size > 0) and (Data.Data <> nil) then begin SetString(S, PAnsiChar(Data.Data), Data.Size); InsertString(At, S, Data.Size); end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.Append(At: Integer; const Data: AnsiString); begin InsertString(At, Data, Length(Data)); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TKCustomHexEditor then with Source as TKCustomHexEditor do begin Self.AddressCursor := AddressCursor; Self.AddressMode := AddressMode; Self.AddressPrefix := AddressPrefix; Self.AddressSize := AddressSize; Self.Align := Align; Self.Anchors := Anchors; Self.AutoSize := AutoSize; Self.BiDiMode := BiDiMode; Self.BorderStyle := BorderStyle; Self.BorderWidth := BorderWidth; Self.CharSpacing := CharSpacing; Self.Color := Color; Self.Colors := Colors; Self.Constraints.Assign(Constraints); {$IFNDEF FPC} Self.Ctl3D := Ctl3D; {$ENDIF} Self.Data := Data; Self.DigitGrouping := DigitGrouping; Self.DisabledDrawStyle := DisabledDrawStyle; Self.DragCursor := DragCursor; Self.DragKind := DragKind; Self.DragMode := DragMode; Self.DrawStyles := DrawStyles; Self.EditArea := EditArea; Self.Enabled := Enabled; Self.Font := Font; {$IFNDEF FPC} Self.ImeMode := ImeMode; Self.ImeName := ImeName; {$ENDIF} Self.LineHeightPercent := LineHeightPercent; Self.LineSize := LineSize; Self.Modified := False; Self.Options := Options; Self.ParentBiDiMode := ParentBiDiMode; Self.ParentColor := ParentColor; {$IFNDEF FPC} Self.ParentCtl3D := ParentCtl3D; {$ENDIF} Self.ParentFont := ParentFont; Self.ParentShowHint := ParentShowHint; Self.PopupMenu := PopupMenu; Self.ScrollBars := ScrollBars; Self.SelEnd := SelEnd; Self.SelStart := SelStart; Self.SetCharMapping(GetCharMapping); Self.SetKeyMapping(GetKeyMapping); Self.ShowHint := ShowHint; Self.TabOrder := TabOrder; Self.TabStop := TabStop; Self.Visible := Visible; end else inherited; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.BeginUndoGroup(GroupReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason); begin FUndoList.BeginGroup(GroupReason); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.BufferChanged; begin FUndoList.Clear; FRedoList.Clear; UpdateScrollRange; SelectionChanged(False); DoChange; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.CanScroll(Command: TKEditCommand): Boolean; var XMax, YMax: Integer; P: TPoint; AD: TKHExEditorAreaDimensions; begin AD := GetAreaDimensions; XMax := GetMaxLeftChar(AD.TotalHorz); YMax := GetMaxTopLine(AD.TotalVert); case Command of ecScrollUp: Result := FTopLine > 0; ecScrollDown: Result := FTopLine < YMax; ecScrollLeft: Result := FLeftChar > 0; ecScrollRight: Result := FLeftChar < XMax; ecScrollCenter: begin P := SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea); P.X := P.X - ClientWidth div 2; P.Y := P.Y - ClientHeight div 2; Result := (FLeftChar > 0) and (P.X < 0) or (FLeftChar < XMax) and (P.X > FCharWidth) or (FTopLine > 0) and (P.Y < 0) or (FTopLine < YMax) and (P.Y > FCharHeight); end; else Result := False; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.CaretInView: Boolean; begin Result := PtInRect(GetModifiedClientRect, SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea)); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.Clear; begin if FBuffer <> nil then begin FreeMem(FBuffer); FBuffer := nil; FSize := 0; BufferChanged; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ClearChar(At: Integer); begin ClearString(At, 1); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ClearDigitSelection; begin FSelStart.Digit := 0; FSelEnd.Digit := 0; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ClearString(At, Size: Integer); begin if (FBuffer <> nil) and (Size > 0) and (At >= 0) and (At + Size <= FSize) then begin Move(FBuffer[At + Size], FBuffer[At], (FSize - At - Size) * SizeOf(Byte)); Dec(FSize, Size); ReallocMem(FBuffer, FSize); UpdateScrollRange; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ClearUndo; begin FUndoList.Clear; FRedoList.Clear; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.CMEnabledChanged(var Msg: TLMessage); begin inherited; UpdateEditorCaret; Invalidate; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.CMSysColorChange(var Msg: TLMessage); begin inherited; FColors.ClearBrightColors; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.CommandEnabled(Command: TKEditCommand): Boolean; var L: TKHexEditorSelection; begin if Enabled and Visible and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin L := SelLength; case Command of // movement commands ecLeft, ecSelLeft: Result := (FSelEnd.Index > 0) or (FEditArea = eaDigits) and (FSelEnd.Digit > 0); ecRight, ecSelRight: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (FSelEnd.Index < FSize); ecUp, ecSelUp: Result := FSelEnd.Index >= FLineSize; ecDown, ecSelDown: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (FSelEnd.Index < FSize); ecLineStart, ecSelLineStart: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize > 0); ecLineEnd, ecSelLineEnd: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize < Min(FLineSize - 1, FSize)); ecPageUp, ecSelPageUp: Result := FSelEnd.Index >= FlineSize; ecPageDown, ecSelPageDown: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (FSelEnd.Index < FSize div FLineSize * FLineSize); ecPageLeft, ecSelPageLeft: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (GetPageHorz > 0) and (FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize > 0); ecPageRight, ecSelPageRight: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (GetPageHorz > 0) and (FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize < Min(FLineSize - 1, FSize)); ecPageTop, ecSelPageTop: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (FSelEnd.Index > 0) and (SelToPoint(MakeSelection(FSelEnd.Index, 0), FEditArea).Y div FCharHeight <> 0); ecPageBottom, ecSelPageBottom: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (FSelEnd.Index < FSize) and ((ClientHeight - SelToPoint(MakeSelection(FSelEnd.Index, 0), FEditArea).Y) div FCharHeight - 1 <> 0); ecEditorTop, ecSelEditorTop: Result := FSelEnd.Index > 0; ecEditorBottom, ecSelEditorBottom: Result := (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (FSelEnd.Index < FSize); ecGotoXY, ecSelGotoXY: Result := True; // scroll commands ecScrollUp, ecScrollDown, ecScrollLeft, ecScrollRight, ecScrollCenter: Result := CanScroll(Command); // editing commands ecUndo: Result := not ReadOnly and FUndoList.CanPeek; ecRedo: Result := not ReadOnly and FRedoList.CanPeek; ecCopy, ecCut: Result := not Empty and (not ReadOnly or (Command = ecCopy)) and ((L.Index <> 0) or (L.Digit <> 0)); ecPaste: Result := not ReadOnly and (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (ClipBoard.FormatCount > 0); ecInsertChar: Result := not ReadOnly and (FEditArea <> eaNone); ecInsertDigits: Result := not ReadOnly and (FEditArea = eaDigits); ecInsertString: Result := not ReadOnly and (FEditArea <> eaNone); ecDeleteLastChar: Result := not (Empty or ReadOnly) and (FEditArea <> eaNone) and ((L.Index > 0) or (FSelEnd.Index > 0)); ecDeleteChar: Result := not (Empty or ReadOnly) and (FEditArea <> eaNone) and ((L.Index > 0) or (FSelEnd.Index < FSize)); ecDeleteBOL: Result := not (Empty or ReadOnly) and (FEditArea <> eaNone) and ((L.Index > 0) or (FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize > 0)); ecDeleteEOL: Result := not (Empty or ReadOnly) and (FEditArea <> eaNone) and ((L.Index > 0) or (FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize < Min(FLineSize, FSize))); ecDeleteLine: Result := not (Empty or ReadOnly) and (FEditArea <> eaNone) and ((L.Index > 0) or (FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize > 0) or (FSelEnd.Index < FSize)); ecSelectAll: Result := not (Empty or ReadOnly) and (FEditArea <> eaNone); ecClearAll: Result := not (Empty or ReadOnly) and (FEditArea <> eaNone); ecClearIndexSelection, ecClearSelection: Result := not (Empty or ReadOnly) and (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (L.Index > 0); ecSearch: Result := not Empty; ecReplace: Result := not (Empty or ReadOnly); ecInsertMode: Result := elOverwrite in FStates; ecOverwriteMode: Result := not (elOverwrite in FStates); else Result := True; end; end else Result := False; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited; with Params do begin if FScrollBars in [ssVertical, ssBoth] then Style := Style or WS_VSCROLL; if FScrollBars in [ssHorizontal, ssBoth] then Style := Style or WS_HSCROLL; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.CreateWnd; begin inherited; {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} if (eoDropFiles in FOptions) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then DragAcceptFiles(Handle, TRUE); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.DestroyWnd; begin {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} if (eoDropFiles in FOptions) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then DragAcceptFiles(Handle, FALSE); {$ENDIF} inherited; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.DoChange; begin if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self); end; function TKCustomHexEditor.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; const WHEEL_DIVISOR = 120; var LinesToScroll, WheelClicks: Integer; begin Result := inherited DoMouseWheel(Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos); if not Result then begin if ssCtrl in Shift then LinesToScroll := GetModifiedClientRect.Bottom div FCharHeight else LinesToScroll := 3; Inc(FMouseWheelAccumulator, WheelDelta); WheelClicks := FMouseWheelAccumulator div WHEEL_DIVISOR; FMouseWheelAccumulator := FMouseWheelAccumulator mod WHEEL_DIVISOR; ScrollBy(0, - WheelClicks * LinesToScroll, True); Result := True; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.EditAreaChanged; begin if FEditArea = eaNone then FEditArea := eaDigits; if not (edAddress in FDrawStyles) and (FEditArea = eaAddress) then FEditArea := eaDigits; if not (edDigits in FDrawStyles) and (FEditArea = eaDigits) then FEditArea := eaText; if not (edText in FDrawStyles) and (FEditArea = eaText) then if edDigits in FDrawStyles then FEditArea := eaDigits else FEditArea := eaNone; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.EndUndoGroup; begin FUndoList.EndGroup; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.ExecuteCommand(Command: TKEditCommand; Data: Pointer): Boolean; var I, J, K, M, N, O: Integer; CanInsert, MoreBytes, Found, MatchCase: Boolean; C1, C2, C3: AnsiChar; S, S_FirstChar, S_LastChar, T: AnsiString; P: TPoint; Area: TKHexEditorArea; L, OldSelStart, OldSelEnd, Sel1, Sel2: TKHexEditorSelection; PChI, PChI_First, PChI_Next: PKHexEditorChangeItem; PSD: PKEditSearchData; ReplaceAction: TKEditReplaceAction; {$IFNDEF FPC} BA: PBytes; H: THandle; {$ENDIF} begin Result := False; if CommandEnabled(Command) then begin Result := True; L := SelLength; OldSelEnd := FSelEnd; OldSelStart := FSelStart; case Command of ecLeft..ecSelGotoXY: AddUndoCaretPos(False); end; case Command of ecLeft, ecSelLeft: begin InternalMoveLeft; SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelLeft); end; ecRight, ecSelRight: begin InternalMoveRight; SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelRight); end; ecUp, ecSelUp: begin Dec(FSelEnd.Index, FLineSize); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelUp); end; ecDown, ecSelDown: begin Inc(FSelEnd.Index, FLineSize); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelDown); end; ecLineStart, ecSelLineStart: begin FSelEnd := MakeSelection((FSelEnd.Index div FLineSize) * FLineSize, 0); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelLineStart); end; ecLineEnd, ecSelLineEnd: begin FSelEnd := MakeSelection((FSelEnd.Index div FLineSize) * FLineSize + FLineSize - 1, cDigitCount - 1); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelLineEnd); end; ecPageUp, ecSelPageUp: begin Dec(FSelEnd.Index, Min(ClientHeight div FCharHeight, FSelEnd.Index div FLineSize) * FLineSize); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelPageUp); end; ecPageDown, ecSelPageDown: begin Inc(FSelEnd.Index, Min(ClientHeight div FCharHeight, (FSize - FSelEnd.Index) div FLineSize) * FLineSize); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelPageDown); end; ecPageLeft, ecSelPageLeft: begin Dec(FSelEnd.Index, Min(GetPageHorz, FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize)); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelPageLeft); end; ecPageRight, ecSelPageRight: begin Inc(FSelEnd.Index, Min(GetPageHorz, FLineSize - 1 - FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize)); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelPageRight); end; ecPageTop, ecSelPageTop: begin P := SelToPoint(MakeSelection(FSelEnd.Index, 0), FEditArea); Dec(FSelEnd.Index, P.Y div FCharHeight * FLineSize); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelPageTop); end; ecPageBottom, ecSelPageBottom: begin P := SelToPoint(MakeSelection(FSelEnd.Index, 0), FEditArea); Inc(FSelEnd.Index, ((ClientHeight - P.Y) div FCharHeight - 1) * FLineSize); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelPageBottom); end; ecEditorTop, ecSelEditorTop: begin FSelEnd := MakeSelection(0, 0); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelEditorTop); end; ecEditorBottom, ecSelEditorBottom: begin FSelEnd := MakeSelection(FSize, 0); SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelEditorBottom); end; ecGotoXY, ecSelGotoXY: begin Sel1 := PointToSel(PPoint(Data)^, False, Area); if Area <> eaNone then begin FSelEnd := Sel1; FEditArea := Area; SelectionChanged(Command <> ecSelGotoXY); end else Result := False; end; // scroll commands ecScrollUp: begin if (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea).Y >= GetModifiedClientRect.Bottom - FCharHeight) then begin ScrollBy(0, -1, False); Dec(FSelEnd.Index, FLineSize); SelectionChanged(True, False); Invalidate; end else ScrollBy(0, -1, True); end; ecScrollDown: begin if (FEditArea <> eaNone) and (SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea).Y <= GetModifiedClientRect.Top) then begin ScrollBy(0, 1, False); Inc(FSelEnd.Index, FLineSize); SelectionChanged(True, False); Invalidate; end else ScrollBy(0, 1, True); end; ecScrollLeft: begin if FEditArea <> eaNone then begin // overscroll check P := SelToPoint(MakeSelection(0, 0), FEditArea); if P.X < GetModifiedClientRect.Right - FCharWidth then begin ScrollBy(-1, 0, True); P := SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea); if (P.X >= GetModifiedClientRect.Right) and ((FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize > 0) or (FSelEnd.Digit > 0)) then ExecuteCommand(ecLeft) end; end else ScrollBy(-1, 0, True); end; ecScrollRight: begin if FEditArea <> eaNone then begin // overscroll check P := SelToPoint(MakeSelection(FLineSize - 1, cDigitCount - 1), FEditArea); if P.X > 0 then begin ScrollBy(1, 0, True); P := SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea); if (P.X < 0) and ((FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize < FLineSize - 1) or (FSelEnd.Digit < cDigitCount - 1)) then ExecuteCommand(ecRight) end; end else ScrollBy(1, 0, True); end; ecScrollCenter: begin P := SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea); I := (P.X - ClientWidth div 2) div FCharWidth; J := (P.Y - ClientHeight div 2) div FCharHeight; ScrollBy(I, J, True); end; // editing commands ecUndo: begin PChI := FUndoList.PeekItem; PChI_First := PChI; while PChI <> nil do begin I := Length(PChI.Data); J := Min(I, FSize - PChI.SelEnd.Index); FRedoList.SetGroupData(PChI.Group, PChI.GroupReason); case PChI.ItemReason of crCaretPos: FRedoList.AddChange(crCaretPos, ''); crDeleteChar, crDeleteDigits, crDeleteString: begin if FBuffer <> nil then begin SetLength(S, J); System.Move(FBuffer[PChI.SelEnd.Index], S[1], J); end else S := ''; FRedoList.AddChange(OppositeReason(PChI.ItemReason), S, PChI.Inserted); end; crInsertChar, crInsertDigits, crInsertString: FRedoList.AddChange(OppositeReason(PChI.ItemReason), PChI.Data); end; FSelEnd := PChI.SelEnd; FSelStart := PChI.SelStart; FEditArea := PChI.EditArea; case PChI.ItemReason of crDeleteChar, crDeleteDigits, crDeleteString: begin if PChI.Inserted then ClearString(PChI.SelEnd.Index, I) else if FBuffer <> nil then begin System.Move(PChI.Data[1], FBuffer[PChI.SelEnd.Index], J); Invalidate; end; end; crInsertChar, crInsertDigits, crInsertString: InsertString(GetRealSelStart.Index, PChI.Data, I); end; EditAreaChanged; SelectionChanged(False, False); if PChI.ItemReason <> crCaretPos then DoChange; PChI_Next := FUndoList.PeekItem; if (PChI_Next <> nil) and not ((PChI.Group <> 0) and (PChI.Group = PChI_Next.Group) or (eoGroupUndo in FOptions) and (PChI_First.GroupReason = PChI_Next.GroupReason)) then begin FUndoList.PokeItem; Break; end; PChI := PChI_Next; end; if not CaretInView then ExecuteCommand(ecScrollCenter); end; ecRedo: begin PChI := FRedoList.PeekItem; PChI_First := PChI; while PChI <> nil do begin FUndoList.PokeItem; I := Length(PChI.Data); Sel1 := GetRealSelStart; case PChI.ItemReason of crInsertChar, crInsertDigits, crInsertString: begin if PChI.Inserted then InsertString(Sel1.Index, PChI.Data, I) else if FBuffer <> nil then begin System.Move(PChI.Data[1], FBuffer[Sel1.Index], Min(I, FSize - FSelEnd.Index)); Invalidate; end; end; crDeleteChar, crDeleteDigits, crDeleteString: ClearString(Sel1.Index, I); end; FSelEnd := PChI.SelEnd; FSelStart := PChI.SelStart; FEditArea := PChI.EditArea; EditAreaChanged; SelectionChanged(False, False); if PChI.ItemReason <> crCaretPos then DoChange; PChI_Next := FRedoList.PeekItem; if (PChI_Next <> nil) and not ((PChI.Group <> 0) and (PChI.Group = PChI_Next.Group) or (eoGroupUndo in FOptions) and (PChI_First.GroupReason = PChI_Next.GroupReason)) then begin FRedoList.PokeItem; Break; end; PChI := PChI_Next; end; if not CaretInView then ExecuteCommand(ecScrollCenter); end; ecCopy: begin Sel1 := GetRealSelStart; Sel2 := GetRealSelEnd; {$IFDEF FPC} ClipBoard.AsText := string(BinaryToDigits(FBuffer, Sel1, Sel2)) {$ELSE} if FEditArea = eaDigits then ClipBoard.AsText := string(BinaryToDigits(FBuffer, Sel1, Sel2)) else if L.Index <> 0 then begin S := BinaryToText(FBuffer, Sel1.Index, Sel2.Index, @FCharMapping); H := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE + GMEM_DDESHARE, L.Index); try BA := GlobalLock(H); try System.Move(FBuffer[Sel1.Index], BA^, L.Index); finally GlobalUnlock(H); end; ClipBoard.Open; try ClipBoard.SetAsHandle(FClipboardFormat, H); ClipBoard.AsText := string(S); finally ClipBoard.Close; end; except GlobalFree(H); end; end; {$ENDIF} end; ecCut: begin ExecuteCommand(ecCopy); ExecuteCommand(ecClearSelection); end; ecPaste: begin if L.Index > 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecClearSelection); if ClipBoard.FormatCount > 0 then begin S := ''; {$IFNDEF FPC} H := 0; // paste as binary data if ClipBoard.HasFormat(FClipboardFormat) then H := ClipBoard.GetAsHandle(FClipboardFormat) else {$ENDIF} if ClipBoard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT) then begin S := AnsiString(ClipBoard.AsText); if S <> '' then begin M := Length(S); if (FEditArea = eaDigits) and ExecuteCommand(ecInsertDigits, Pointer(S)) then begin S := ''; if M >= cDigitCount then begin Inc(FSelEnd.Index, M div cDigitCount) end else begin Inc(FSelEnd.Digit, M); if FSelEnd.Digit >= cDigitCount then begin Inc(FSelEnd.Index); FSelEnd.Digit := FSelEnd.Digit mod cDigitCount; end; end; SelectionChanged(True); end else ExecuteCommand(ecInsertString, Pointer(S)); end; end {$IFNDEF FPC} else H := ClipBoard.GetAsHandle(ClipBoard.Formats[0]); if H <> 0 then begin BA := GlobalLock(H); try I := GlobalSize(H); if I > 0 then begin SetLength(S, I); System.Move(BA^, S[1], I); end; finally GlobalUnlock(H); end; if S <> '' then ExecuteCommand(ecInsertString, Pointer(S)); end {$ENDIF} ; if S <> '' then begin Inc(FSelEnd.Index, Length(S)); FSelEnd.Digit := 0; SelectionChanged(True); end; end; end; ecInsertChar: begin BeginUndoGroup(crInsertChar); try N := PByte(Data)^; if L.Index > 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecClearSelection); ValidateSelection(FSelEnd, FEditArea); if FBuffer <> nil then I := FBuffer[FSelEnd.Index] else I := 0; CanInsert := (FBuffer = nil) or (FSelEnd.Digit = 0) and (not (elOverwrite in FStates) or (FSelEnd.Index = FSize)); AddUndoByte(crDeleteChar, I, CanInsert); if CanInsert then InsertChar(FSelEnd.Index, 0) else Invalidate; case FEditArea of eaDigits: begin FBuffer[FSelEnd.Index] := ReplaceDigit(FBuffer[FSelEnd.Index], N, FSelEnd.Digit); InternalMoveRight; end; eaText: begin FBuffer[FSelEnd.Index] := N; InternalMoveRight; end; end; SelectionChanged(True); finally EndUndoGroup; end; end; ecInsertDigits: begin S := AnsiString(Data); if (S <> '') and DigitsToBinStr(S) then begin BeginUndoGroup(crInsertDigits); try if L.Index > 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecClearSelection); ValidateSelection(FSelEnd, FEditArea); MoreBytes := Length(S) >= cDigitCount; if MoreBytes then // we don't move digit positions of the remaining block SetLength(S, Length(S) div cDigitCount * cDigitCount); J := 0; if (FBuffer <> nil) and (not MoreBytes or (FSelEnd.Digit > 0)) then begin I := FBuffer[FSelEnd.Index]; S_FirstChar := AnsiChar(I); S_LastChar := S_FirstChar; // split current byte AddUndoByte(crInsertChar, I); ClearChar(FSelEnd.Index); N := Length(S); for I := FSelEnd.Digit to cDigitCount - 1 do begin if J < N then begin Inc(J); S_FirstChar := AnsiChar(ReplaceDigit(Ord(S_FirstChar[1]), Ord(S[J]), I)); end else Break; end; K := Length(S); if K > J then for I := FSelEnd.Digit - 1 downto 0 do begin if K > J then begin S_LastChar := AnsiChar(ReplaceDigit(Ord(S_LastChar[1]), Ord(S[K]), I)); Dec(K); end else Break; end else S_LastChar := ''; O := cDigitCount; end else begin S_FirstChar := ''; S_LastChar := ''; O := 0; end; T := ''; if MoreBytes then begin N := Length(S) - O; O := J; for I := 0 to N div cDigitCount - 1 do begin K := 0; for J := 1 to cDigitCount do begin K := K * cBase; M := I * 2 + J + O; Inc(K, Ord(S[M])); end; T := AnsiString(Format('%s%s', [T, Char(K)])); end; end; S := S_FirstChar + T + S_LastChar; // always insert (don't overwrite) AddUndoString(crDeleteDigits, S); InsertString(FSelEnd.Index, S, Length(S)); SelectionChanged(True); finally EndUndoGroup; end; end else Result := False; end; ecInsertString: begin S := AnsiString(Data); if S <> '' then begin BeginUndoGroup(crInsertString); try if L.Index > 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecClearIndexSelection); // always insert (don't overwrite) AddUndoString(crDeleteString, S); InsertString(FSelEnd.Index, S, Length(S)); SelectionChanged(True); finally EndUndoGroup; end; end else Result := False; end; ecDeleteLastChar: begin if L.Index <> 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecClearSelection) else begin BeginUndoGroup(crDeleteString); try AddUndoCaretPos; FSelStart.Index := FSelEnd.Index - 1; ExecuteCommand(ecClearIndexSelection) finally EndUndoGroup; end; end; end; ecDeleteChar: begin if L.Index <> 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecClearSelection) else begin BeginUndoGroup(crDeleteString); try AddUndoCaretPos; FSelStart.Index := FSelEnd.Index + 1; ExecuteCommand(ecClearIndexSelection) finally EndUndoGroup; end; end; end; ecDeleteBOL: begin if L.Index <> 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecClearSelection) else begin BeginUndoGroup(crDeleteString); try AddUndoCaretPos; FSelStart.Index := (FSelEnd.Index div FLineSize) * FLineSize; ExecuteCommand(ecClearIndexSelection) finally EndUndoGroup; end; end; end; ecDeleteEOL: begin if L.Index <> 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecClearSelection) else begin BeginUndoGroup(crDeleteString); try AddUndoCaretPos; FSelStart.Index := Min((FSelEnd.Index div FLineSize + 1) * FLineSize, FSize); ExecuteCommand(ecClearIndexSelection) finally EndUndoGroup; end; end; end; ecDeleteLine: begin if L.Index <> 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecClearSelection) else begin BeginUndoGroup(crDeleteString); try AddUndoCaretPos; FSelStart.Index := (FSelEnd.Index div FLineSize) * FLineSize; FSelEnd.Index := Min(FSelStart.Index + FLineSize, FSize); ExecuteCommand(ecClearIndexSelection) finally EndUndoGroup; end; end; end; ecSelectAll: begin AddUndoCaretPos; FSelStart := MakeSelection(0, 0); FSelEnd := MakeSelection(FSize, 0); SelectionChanged(False); end; ecClearAll: begin ExecuteCommand(ecSelectAll); ExecuteCommand(ecClearIndexSelection); end; ecClearIndexSelection: begin I := GetRealSelStart.Index; AddUndoBytes(crInsertString, PBytes(@FBuffer[I]), L.Index, True); ClearString(I, L.Index); FSelEnd := MakeSelection(I, 0); SelectionChanged(True); end; ecClearSelection: begin Sel1 := GetRealSelStart; Sel2 := GetRealSelEnd; if (Sel1.Digit > 0) {and (Sel1.Digit + Sel2.Digit = cDigitCount) }then begin BeginUndoGroup(crDeleteDigits); try // digit clear mode AddUndoCaretPos; FSelEnd := MakeSelection(Sel1.Index + 1, 0); FSelStart := FSelEnd; if Sel2.Digit = 0 then begin Dec(L.Index); N := FBuffer[Sel2.Index - 1]; end else N := FBuffer[Sel2.Index]; AddUndoBytes(crInsertDigits, PBytes(@FBuffer[FSelEnd.Index]), L.Index, True); ClearString(FSelEnd.Index, L.Index); FSelEnd := Sel1; AddUndoByte(crDeleteChar, FBuffer[Sel1.Index], False); for I := Sel1.Digit to cDigitCount - 1 do begin FBuffer[Sel1.Index] := ReplaceDigit(FBuffer[Sel1.Index], N mod cBase, I); N := N div cBase; end; SelectionChanged(True); finally EndUndoGroup; end; end else ExecuteCommand(ecClearIndexSelection); end; ecSearch, ecReplace: begin // doesn't search for single digits PSD := Data; if PSD <> nil then begin PSD.ErrorReason := eseOk; S := AnsiString(PSD.TextToFind); if Command = ecReplace then begin T := AnsiString(PSD.TextToReplace); ReplaceAction := eraYes; end; if esoSelectedOnly in PSD.Options then if esoFirstSearch in PSD.Options then begin PSD.SelStart := GetRealSelStart.Index; PSD.SelEnd := GetRealSelEnd.Index; end else begin PSD.SelStart := MinMax(PSD.SelStart, 0, FSize); PSD.SelEnd := MinMax(PSD.SelEnd, 0, FSize); end; if esoFirstSearch in PSD.Options then Exclude(PSD.Options, esoWereDigits); if esoTreatAsDigits in PSD.Options then begin if DigitsToBinStr(S) then begin S := BinStrToBinary(S); if Command = ecReplace then begin if DigitsToBinStr(T) then begin T := BinStrToBinary(T); PSD.TextToFind := string(S); PSD.TextToReplace := string(T); Exclude(PSD.Options, esoTreatAsDigits); Include(PSD.Options, esoWereDigits); end else PSD.ErrorReason := eseNoDigitsReplace; end else begin PSD.TextToFind := string(S); Exclude(PSD.Options, esoTreatAsDigits); Include(PSD.Options, esoWereDigits); end; end else PSD.ErrorReason := eseNoDigitsFind; end; if PSD.ErrorReason = eseOk then begin N := Length(S); if esoBackwards in PSD.Options then begin O := -1; if (esoEntireScope in PSD.Options) and (esoFirstSearch in PSD.Options) then I := FSize else I := GetRealSelStart.Index - 1; if esoSelectedOnly in PSD.Options then begin M := PSD.SelStart; if esoFirstSearch in PSD.Options then I := PSD.SelEnd end else M := 0; I := Min(I, FSize - N); if I < M then PSD.ErrorReason := eseNoMatch end else begin O := 1; if (esoEntireScope in PSD.Options) and (esoFirstSearch in PSD.Options) then I := 0 else I := GetRealSelEnd.Index; if esoSelectedOnly in PSD.Options then begin M := PSD.SelEnd; if esoFirstSearch in PSD.Options then I := PSD.SelStart end else M := FSize; M := Min(M, FSize - N); if I >= M then PSD.ErrorReason := eseNoMatch end; if PSD.ErrorReason = eseOk then begin Found := False; MatchCase := PSD.Options * [esoMatchCase, esoWereDigits] <> []; if MatchCase then C1 := S[1] else C1 := UpCase(S[1]); I := MinMax(I, 0, FSize - 1); while I <> M do begin if MatchCase then C2 := AnsiChar(FBuffer[I]) else C2 := UpCase(AnsiChar(FBuffer[I])); if C1 = C2 then begin if FSize - I >= N then begin J := 2; Dec(I); while (J <= N) do begin if MatchCase then begin C2 := AnsiChar(FBuffer[I + J]); C3 := S[J]; end else begin C2 := Upcase(AnsiChar(FBuffer[I + J])); C3 := Upcase(S[J]); end; if C2 = C3 then Inc(J) else Break; end; Inc(I); if J = N + 1 then begin Found := True; FSelStart := MakeSelection(I, 0); FSelEnd := MakeSelection(I + N, 0); if Command = ecReplace then begin if (esoPrompt in PSD.Options) and Assigned(FOnReplaceText) then begin SelectionChanged(False, False); if not CaretInView then ExecuteCommand(ecScrollCenter); FOnReplaceText(Self, string(S), string(T), ReplaceAction) end else ReplaceAction := eraYes; case ReplaceAction of eraCancel: Break; eraYes, eraAll: begin if T = '' then ExecuteCommand(ecClearIndexSelection) else ExecuteCommand(ecInsertString, Pointer(T)); FSelEnd := MakeSelection(I + Length(T), 0); AddUndoCaretPos; if ReplaceAction = eraAll then Include(PSD.Options, esoAll); end; end; if not (esoAll in PSD.Options) then Break; end else Break; end end; end; Inc(I, O); end; if Found then begin SelectionChanged(False, False); if not CaretInView then ExecuteCommand(ecScrollCenter); end else PSD.ErrorReason := eseNoMatch; end; end; Exclude(PSD.Options, esoFirstSearch); end else Result := False; end; ecInsertMode: begin Exclude(FStates, elOverwrite); UpdateEditorCaret(True); end; ecOverwriteMode: begin Include(FStates, elOverwrite); UpdateEditorCaret(True); end; ecToggleMode: begin if elOverwrite in FStates then Exclude(FStates, elOverwrite) else Include(FStates, elOverwrite); UpdateEditorCaret(True); end; // focus change ecGotFocus, ecLostFocus: begin UpdateEditorCaret; Invalidate; end; end; if (OldSelStart.Index <> OldSelEnd.Index) or (FSelStart.Index <> FSelEnd.Index) or (OldSelStart.Digit <> OldSelEnd.Digit) or (FSelStart.Digit <> FSelEnd.Digit) or not (elCaretVisible in FStates) and (edInactiveCaret in FDrawStyles) and ((FSelStart.Index <> OldSelStart.Index) or (FSelStart.Digit <> OldSelStart.Digit) or (FSelEnd.Index <> OldSelEnd.Index) or (FSelEnd.Digit <> OldSelEnd.Digit)) then Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.FontChange(Sender: TObject); begin if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then begin Font.Pitch := fpFixed; if Font.Size >= 0 then Font.Size := MinMax(Font.Size, cFontSizeMin, cFontSizeMax); UpdateCharMetrics; UpdateScrollRange; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetAreaDimensions: TKHexEditorAreaDimensions; begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); with Result do begin if edAddress in FDrawStyles then begin Address := Length(FAddressPrefix) + FAddressSize; if FDrawStyles * [edDigits, edText] <> [] then AddressOut := FAreaSpacing; end; if edDigits in FDrawStyles then begin Digits := FLineSize * cDigitCount + FLineSize div FDigitGrouping; if FLineSize mod FDigitGrouping = 0 then Dec(Digits); if edAddress in FDrawStyles then DigitsIn := FAreaSpacing; if edText in FDrawStyles then DigitsOut := FAreaSpacing; end; if edText in FDrawStyles then begin Text := FLineSize; if FDrawStyles * [edAddress, edDigits] <> [] then TextIn := FAreaSpacing; end; TotalHorz := Address + AddressOut + Digits + DigitsIn + DigitsOut + Text + TextIn; if [edAddress, edDigits, edText] * FDrawStyles <> [] then TotalVert := LineCount else TotalVert := 0; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetCaretVisible: Boolean; begin Result := elCaretVisible in FStates; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetCharMapping: TKEditCharMapping; begin Result := FCharMapping; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetClientHeightChars: Integer; begin Result := ClientHeight div FCharHeight; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetClientWidthChars: Integer; begin Result := ClientWidth div FCharWidth; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetCommandKey(Index: TKEditCommand): TKEditKey; var I: Integer; begin Result.Key := 0; Result.Shift := []; for I := 0 to Length(FKeyMapping) - 1 do if FKeyMapping[I].Command = Index then begin Result := FKeyMapping[I].Key; Exit; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetData: TDataSize; begin Result.Data := FBuffer; Result.Size := FSize; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetEmpty: Boolean; begin Result := FBuffer = nil; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetFirstVisibleIndex: Integer; begin Result := PointToSel(Point(0, 0), False, FEditArea).Index; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetInsertMode: Boolean; begin Result := not (elOverwrite in FStates); end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetKeyMapping: TKEditKeyMapping; begin Result := FKeyMapping; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetLastVisibleIndex: Integer; begin Result := PointToSel(GetModifiedClientRect.BottomRight, False, FEditArea).Index; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetLineCount: Integer; begin Result := DivUp(FSize + 1, FLineSize); end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetLines(Index: Integer): TDataSize; var I: Integer; begin I := Index * FLineSize; if (FBuffer <> nil) and (I >= 0) and (I < FSize) then begin Result.Data := @FBuffer[I]; Result.Size := Min(FLineSize, FSize - I); end else begin Result.Data := nil; Result.Size := 0; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetModified: Boolean; begin Result := (elModified in FStates) or FUndoList.Modified; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetModifiedClientRect: TRect; begin Result := Rect(0, 0, GetClientWidthChars * FCharWidth, GetClientHeightChars * FCharHeight); end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetMaxLeftChar(Extent: Integer): Integer; begin if Extent <= 0 then Extent := GetAreaDimensions.TotalHorz; Result := Max(Extent - GetClientWidthChars, 0); end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetMaxTopLine(Extent: Integer): Integer; begin if Extent <= 0 then Extent := GetAreaDimensions.TotalVert; Result := Max(Extent - GetClientHeightChars, 0); end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetPageHorz: Integer; begin case FEditArea of eaDigits: Result := ClientWidth * FDigitgrouping div (FCharWidth * (cDigitCount * FDigitGrouping + 1)); eaText: Result := ClientWidth div FCharWidth; else Result := 0; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetReadOnly: Boolean; begin Result := elReadOnly in FStates; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetRealSelEnd: TKHexEditorSelection; begin if FSelStart.Index <= FSelEnd.Index then Result := FSelEnd else Result := FSelStart; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetRealSelStart: TKHexEditorSelection; begin if FSelStart.Index <= FSelEnd.Index then Result := FSelStart else Result := FSelEnd; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetSelLength: TKHexEditorSelection; begin if FSelStart.Index <= FSelEnd.Index then Result.Index := FSelEnd.Index - FSelStart.Index else Result.Index := FSelStart.Index - FSelEnd.Index; if FSelStart.Digit <= FSelEnd.Digit then Result.Digit := FSelEnd.Digit - FSelStart.Digit else Result.Digit := FSelStart.Digit - FSelEnd.Digit; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetSelText: TKHexEditorSelText; var L, Sel1, Sel2: TKHexEditorSelection; begin L := SelLength; with Result do begin if L.Index > 0 then begin Sel1 := GetRealSelStart; Sel2 := GetRealSelEnd; AsBinaryRaw := BinaryToText(FBuffer, Sel1.Index, Sel2.Index, nil); AsBinaryMapped := BinaryToText(FBuffer, Sel1.Index, Sel2.Index, @FCharMapping); AsDigits := BinaryToDigits(FBuffer, Sel1, Sel2); Sel1.Digit := 0; Sel2.Digit := 0; AsDigitsByteAligned := BinaryToDigits(FBuffer, Sel1, Sel2); end else begin AsBinaryRaw := ''; AsBinaryMapped := ''; AsDigits := ''; AsDigitsByteAligned := ''; end; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.GetUndoLimit: Integer; begin Result := FUndoList.Limit; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.HasFocus: Boolean; var Form: TCustomForm; begin Form := GetParentForm(Self); if (Form <> nil) and Form.Visible and Form.Enabled and Form.Active then Result := (Form.ActiveControl = Self) else Result := False; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.InsertChar(At: Integer; Value: Byte); begin InsertString(At, AnsiChar(Value), 1); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.InsertString(At: Integer; const Value: AnsiString; Size: Integer); begin if (At >= 0) and (At <= FSize) and (Length(Value) > 0) then begin Inc(FSize, Size); ReallocMem(FBuffer, FSize); if At < FSize - Size then Move(FBuffer[At], FBuffer[At + Size], (FSize - At - Size) * SizeOf(Byte)); Move(Value[1], FBuffer[At], Size); UpdateScrollRange; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.InternalGetSelAvail: Boolean; begin Result := SelAvail; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.InternalMoveLeft; begin if FEditArea = eaDigits then begin if FSelEnd.Digit > 0 then Dec(FSelEnd.Digit) else if FSelEnd.Index > 0 then begin FSelEnd.Digit := cDigitCount - 1; Dec(FSelEnd.Index); end end else Dec(FSelEnd.Index); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.InternalMoveRight; begin if FEditArea = eaDigits then begin if (FSelEnd.Index < FSize) and (FSelEnd.Digit < cDigitCount - 1) then Inc(FSelEnd.Digit) else begin FSelEnd.Digit := 0; Inc(FSelEnd.Index); end end else Inc(FSelEnd.Index); end; function TKCustomHexEditor.IsAddressPrefixStored: Boolean; begin Result := FAddressPrefix <> '0x'; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.IsDrawStylesStored: Boolean; begin Result := FDrawStyles <> cDrawStylesDef; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.IsOptionsStored: Boolean; begin Result := FOptions <> [eoGroupUndo]; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var I: Integer; HK: TKEditKey; begin inherited; Exclude(FStates, elIgnoreNextChar); if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin for I := 0 to Length(FKeyMapping) - 1 do begin HK := FKeyMapping[I].Key; if (HK.Key = Key) and (HK.Shift = Shift) then begin ExecuteCommand(FKeyMapping[I].Command); Key := 0; Include(FStates, elIgnoreNextChar); Exit; end; end; if Key = VK_ESCAPE then Include(FStates, elIgnoreNextChar); end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.KeyPress(var Key: Char); var I: Integer; begin inherited; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if not (elIgnoreNextChar in FStates) then begin case FEditArea of eaDigits: I := DigitToBin(AnsiChar(Key)); eaText: I := Ord(Key); else I := -1; end; if I >= 0 then ExecuteCommand(ecInsertChar, @I); end else Exclude(FStates, elIgnoreNextChar); end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.LoadFromFile(const FileName: TFileName); var Stream: TFileStream; begin Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead); try LoadFromStream(Stream); finally Stream.Free; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); var Size: Integer; begin Size := Stream.Size - Stream.Position; if Size > 0 then begin Clear; FSize := Size; GetMem(FBuffer, FSize); Stream.Read(FBuffer^, FSize); BufferChanged; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.MeasurePages(var Info: TKPrintMeasureInfo); var AD: TKHexEditorAreaDimensions; PageLines, ActiveLines: Integer; FitToPage, SelOnly: Boolean; Scale: Double; APageSetup: TKPrintPageSetup; begin APageSetup := PageSetup; FitToPage := poFitToPage in APageSetup.Options; SelOnly := APageSetup.Range = prSelectedOnly; Scale := APageSetup.Scale / 100; AD := GetAreaDimensions; Info.OutlineWidth := AD.TotalHorz * FCharWidth; if FitToPage then Scale := APageSetup.PaintAreaWidth / Info.OutlineWidth; PageLines := Round(APageSetup.PaintAreaHeight / Scale) div FCharHeight; if SelOnly then ActiveLines := DivUp(GetRealSelEnd.Index, FLineSize) - GetRealSelStart.Index div FLineSize else ActiveLines := LineCount; Info.OutlineHeight := PageLines * FCharHeight; Info.HorzPageCount := 1; // cut text off Info.VertPageCount := DivUp(ActiveLines, PageLines); Info.PageCount := Info.VertPageCount; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ModifyScrollBar(ScrollBar, ScrollCode, Delta: Integer; UpdateNeeded: Boolean); var I, J, K: Integer; HasScrollBar: Boolean; SI: TScrollInfo; begin HasScrollBar := (ScrollBar = SB_HORZ) and (ScrollBars = ssHorizontal) or (ScrollBar = SB_VERT) and (ScrollBars = ssVertical) or (ScrollBars = ssBoth); if HasScrollBar then begin FillChar(SI, SizeOf(TScrollInfo), 0); SI.cbSize := SizeOf(TScrollInfo); SI.fMask := SIF_PAGE or SIF_TRACKPOS; GetScrollInfo(Handle, ScrollBar, SI); {$IF DEFINED(LCLGTK2)} {.$WARNING "scrollbar arrows still not working properly on GTK2 in some cases!"} SI.nTrackPos := Delta; {$IFEND} end; if ScrollBar = SB_HORZ then begin I := FLeftChar; J := GetMaxLeftChar; end else begin I := FTopLine; J := GetMaxTopLine; end; K := I; if ScrollCode = cScrollDelta then Inc(I, Delta) else if HasScrollBar then case ScrollCode of SB_LINEUP: Dec(I); SB_LINEDOWN: Inc(I); SB_PAGEUP: Dec(I, SI.nPage); SB_PAGEDOWN: Inc(I, SI.nPage); SB_THUMBTRACK, SB_THUMBPOSITION: I := SI.nTrackPos; end; I := MinMax(I, 0, J); if K <> I then begin if HasScrollBar then begin FillChar(SI, SizeOf(TScrollInfo), 0); SI.nPos := I; SI.fMask := SIF_POS; SetScrollInfo(Handle, ScrollBar, SI, True); end; if ScrollBar = SB_HORZ then FLeftChar := I else FTopLine := I; if UpdateNeeded then begin UpdateEditorCaret; Invalidate; end; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var P: TPoint; Command: TKEditCommand; begin inherited; if Enabled and (Button = mbLeft) and not (ssDouble in Shift) then begin SafeSetFocus; P := Point(X, Y); if ssShift in Shift then Command := ecSelGotoXY else Command := ecGotoXY; if ExecuteCommand(Command, @P) then Include(FStates, elMouseCapture); end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var P: TPoint; R: TRect; begin inherited; if (elMouseCapture in FStates) then begin P := Point(X, Y); R := GetModifiedClientRect; if PtInRect(R, P) then UpdateSelEnd(P, False) else if not FScrollTimer.Enabled then ScrollTo(P, True, False); end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin inherited; Exclude(FStates, elMouseCapture); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.PaintLines(const Data: TKHexEditorPaintData); var HalfPosWidth, I, Index, J, K, L, M, MaxAddress, WHorz, WVert, WSep, LeftIndent, VTextIndent: Integer; BC1, BC2, FC1, FC2, PC1: TColor; EditorFocused, DrawInactiveCaret, DrawNormal, DigitSep, SelCondition: Boolean; S: AnsiString; Fmt: string; C: Char; R, R1, RClip: TRect; OldColorScheme: TKHexEditorColorScheme; ASelStart, ASelEnd: TKHexEditorSelection; AD: TKHexEditorAreaDimensions; begin { this function must be reentrant because of print function so there is necessary to backup all changes to global properties} OldColorScheme := FColors.ColorScheme; with Data.Canvas do try R := Data.PaintRect; AD := GetAreaDimensions; // add possible inter-character spacing (in Lazarus not fully implemented yet) SetTextCharacterExtra(Handle, Data.CharSpacing); LeftIndent := R.Left - Data.LeftChar * Data.CharWidth; VTextIndent := (Data.CharHeight - Abs(Font.Height)) div 2; HalfPosWidth := Data.CharWidth div 2; Fmt := ''; MaxAddress := 0; L := LineCount; DrawInactiveCaret := not (Data.Printing or Data.CaretShown) and (edInactiveCaret in FDrawStyles); DrawNormal := not Data.Printing; EditorFocused := HasFocus; if FSelStart.Index <= FSelEnd.Index then begin ASelStart := FSelStart; ASelEnd := FSelEnd; end else begin ASelStart := FSelEnd; ASelEnd := FSelStart; end; // preserve space for lines and separators if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then WVert := Max(1, Data.CharHeight div 25) else WVert := 0; if edVertLines in FDrawStyles then WHorz := Max(1, Data.CharWidth div 20) else WHorz := 0; if edSeparators in FDrawStyles then WSep := Max(1, Data.CharWidth div 20) else WSep := 0; // address area pre-comp if edAddress in FDrawStyles then begin if FAddressMode = eamDec then begin C := 'd'; J := 10; end else begin C := 'x'; J := 16; end; Fmt := Format('%s%%.%d%s', [FAddressPrefix, FAddressSize, C]); MaxAddress := 1; for I := 1 to FAddressSize do MaxAddress := MaxAddress * J; end; // update color scheme if Data.Printing then begin if Data.PaintColors then FColors.ColorScheme := ecsNormal else FColors.ColorScheme := ecsGrayScale; end else begin if Enabled or (FDisabledDrawStyle = eddNormal) then FColors.ColorScheme := ecsNormal else if FDisabledDrawStyle = eddGrayed then FColors.ColorScheme := ecsGrayed else FColors.ColorScheme := ecsBright end; FColors.SingleBkGnd := edSingleBkGnd in FDrawStyles; // get clip box for updating; if Data.Printing then RClip := R else GetClipBox(Handle, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}RClip); // now paint text lines for I := Data.TopLine to Min(L - 1, Data.BottomLine) do begin Brush.Style := bsSolid; K := LeftIndent; R.Bottom := R.Top + Data.CharHeight - WVert; if (R.Top <= RClip.Bottom) and (R.Bottom >= RClip.Top) then begin if edAddress in FDrawStyles then begin Index := I * FLineSize; Brush.Color := clRed; if (DrawNormal or Data.PaintSelection) and ((ASelStart.Index <> ASelEnd.Index) or (ASelStart.Digit <> ASelEnd.Digit)) and (Index + FLineSize - 1 >= ASelStart.Index) and (Index < ASelEnd.Index) then begin PC1 := FColors.LinesHighLight; if (FEditArea = eaAddress) and (EditorFocused or Data.PaintSelection) then begin FC1 := FColors.SelTextFocused; BC1 := FColors.SelBkGndFocused; end else begin FC1 := FColors.SelText; BC1 := FColors.SelBkGnd; end; end else begin PC1 := FColors.HorzLines; FC1 := FColors.AddressText; BC1 := FColors.AddressBkGnd; end; Brush.Color := BC1; Font.Color := FC1; R.Left := K; Inc(K, AD.Address * Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; J := I * FLineSize + FAddressOffset; if MaxAddress <> 0 then J := J mod MaxAddress; FillRect(R); TextOut(R.Left, R.Top + VTextIndent, Format(Fmt, [J])); if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then begin Brush.Color := PC1; FillRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Bottom, R.Right, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; if AD.AddressOut > 0 then begin R.Left := K; Inc(K, AD.AddressOut * Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; Brush.Color := FColors.AddressBkGnd; FillRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right - WSep, R.Bottom)); if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then begin Brush.Color := FColors.HorzLines; FillRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Bottom, R.Right - WSep, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; end; end; if edDigits in FDrawStyles then begin if AD.DigitsIn > 0 then begin R.Left := K; Inc(K, AD.DigitsIn * Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; Brush.Color := FColors.DigitBkGnd; FillRect(Rect(R.Left + WSep, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom)); if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then begin Brush.Color := FColors.HorzLines; FillRect(Rect(R.Left + WSep, R.Bottom, R.Right, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; end; Index := 0; for J := 0 to FLineSize - 1 do begin Index := I * FLineSize + J; DigitSep := (J < FLineSize - 1) and ((J + 1) mod FDigitGrouping = 0); R.Left := K; Inc(K, cDigitCount * Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; if Index <= FSize then begin if Index < FSize then S := AnsiString(Format(cFmtText, [FBuffer[Index]])) else S := ' '; if (Index <> FSelStart.Index) and (Index <> FSelEnd.Index) then begin SelCondition := (Index >= ASelStart.Index) and (Index < ASelEnd.Index); if (DrawNormal or Data.PaintSelection) and SelCondition then begin PC1 := FColors.LinesHighLight; if (FEditArea = eaDigits) and (EditorFocused or Data.PaintSelection) then begin FC1 := FColors.SelTextFocused; BC1 := FColors.SelBkGndFocused; end else begin FC1 := FColors.SelText; BC1 := FColors.SelBkGnd; end; FC2 := FColors.InactiveCaretSelText; BC2 := FColors.InactiveCaretSelBkGnd; end else begin PC1 := FColors.HorzLines; if DrawNormal or Data.PaintAll or SelCondition then begin if (J div FDigitGrouping) and 1 = 0 then FC1 := FColors.DigitTextEven else FC1 := FColors.DigitTextOdd; end else FC1 := FColors.DigitBkGnd; BC1 := FColors.DigitBkGnd; FC2 := FColors.InactiveCaretText; BC2 := FColors.InactiveCaretBkGnd; end; Brush.Color := BC1; Font.Color := FC1; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(R); Brush.Style := bsClear; TextOut(R.Left, R.Top + VTextIndent, Char(S[1])); TextOut(R.Left + Data.CharWidth, R.Top + VTextIndent, Char(S[2])); if (Index = FSelEnd.Index) and DrawInactiveCaret then begin // draw inactive caret - place into previous drawn text R1 := R; Inc(R1.Left, Data.CharWidth * Min(FSelEnd.Digit, cDigitCount - 1)); R1.Right := R1.Left + Data.CharWidth; Font.Color := FC2; Brush.Color := BC2; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(R1); Brush.Style := bsClear; TextOut(R1.Left, R1.Top + VTextIndent, string(S)); end; if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then begin Brush.Color := PC1; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Bottom, R.Right, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; end else begin R1 := R; R1.Right := R1.Left; Inc(R1.Right, Data.CharWidth); for M := 0 to cDigitCount - 1 do begin SelCondition := (ASelStart.Index = ASelEnd.Index) and ( (M >= ASelStart.Digit) and (M < ASelEnd.Digit) or (M >= ASelEnd.Digit) and (M < ASelStart.Digit) ) or (ASelStart.Index <> ASelEnd.Index) and ( (Index = ASelStart.Index) and (M >= ASelStart.Digit) or (Index = ASelEnd.Index) and (M < ASelEnd.Digit) ); if (DrawNormal or Data.PaintSelection) and SelCondition then begin PC1 := FColors.LinesHighLight; if DrawInactiveCaret and (Index = FSelEnd.Index) and (M = FSelEnd.Digit) then begin FC1 := FColors.InactiveCaretSelText; BC1 := FColors.InactiveCaretSelBkGnd; end else if (FEditArea = eaDigits) and (EditorFocused or Data.PaintSelection) then begin FC1 := FColors.SelTextFocused; BC1 := FColors.SelBkGndFocused; end else begin FC1 := FColors.SelText; BC1 := FColors.SelBkGnd; end; end else begin PC1 := FColors.HorzLines; if DrawInactiveCaret and (Index = FSelEnd.Index) and (M = FSelEnd.Digit) then begin FC1 := FColors.InactiveCaretText; BC1 := FColors.InactiveCaretBkGnd; end else begin if DrawNormal or Data.PaintAll or SelCondition then begin if (J div FDigitGrouping) and 1 = 0 then FC1 := FColors.DigitTextEven else FC1 := FColors.DigitTextOdd; end else FC1 := FColors.DigitBkGnd; BC1 := FColors.DigitBkGnd; end; end; Brush.Color := BC1; Font.Color := FC1; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(R1); Brush.Style := bsClear; TextOut(R1.Left, R1.Top + VTextIndent, Char(S[M + 1])); if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then begin Brush.Color := PC1; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(R1.Left, R1.Bottom, R1.Right, R1.Bottom + WVert)); end; R1.Left := R1.Right; Inc(R1.Right, Data.CharWidth); end; end; if DigitSep then begin if Index < FSize then M := Data.CharWidth else M := HalfPosWidth; Brush.Color := FColors.DigitBkGnd; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(R.Right, R.Top, R.Right + Data.CharWidth, R.Bottom)); if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then begin Brush.Color := FColors.HorzLines; FillRect(Rect(R.Right, R.Bottom, R.Right + M, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; if edVertLines in FDrawStyles then begin M := R.Right + HalfPosWidth; Brush.Color := FColors.VertLines; FillRect(Rect(M, R.Top, M + WHorz, R.Bottom)); end; Inc(K, Data.CharWidth); end; end else begin Inc(K, Integer(DigitSep) * Data.CharWidth); Brush.Color := FColors.DigitBkGnd; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top, K, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; end; if AD.DigitsOut > 0 then begin R.Left := K; Inc(K, AD.DigitsOut * Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; Brush.Style := bsSolid; Brush.Color := FColors.DigitBkGnd; FillRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right - WSep, R.Bottom)); if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then begin if Index < FSize then Brush.Color := FColors.HorzLines else Brush.Color := FColors.DigitBkGnd; FillRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Bottom, R.Right - WSep, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; end; end; if edText in FDrawStyles then begin if AD.TextIn > 0 then begin R.Left := K; Inc(K, AD.TextIn * Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; Brush.Color := FColors.TextBkGnd; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(R.Left + WSep, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom)); if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then begin Brush.Color := FColors.HorzLines; FillRect(Rect(R.Left + WSep, R.Bottom, R.Right, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; end; for J := 0 to FLineSize - 1 do begin Index := I * FLineSize + J; R.Left := K; Inc(K, Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; if Index <= FSize then begin SelCondition := (Index >= ASelStart.Index) and (Index < ASelEnd.Index); if (DrawNormal or Data.PaintSelection) and SelCondition then begin PC1 := FColors.LinesHighLight; if DrawInactiveCaret and (Index = FSelEnd.Index) then begin FC1 := FColors.InactiveCaretSelText; BC1 := FColors.InactiveCaretSelBkGnd; end else if (FEditArea = eaText) and (EditorFocused or Data.PaintSelection) then begin FC1 := FColors.SelTextFocused; BC1 := FColors.SelBkGndFocused; end else begin FC1 := FColors.SelText; BC1 := FColors.SelBkGnd; end; end else begin PC1 := FColors.HorzLines; if DrawInactiveCaret and (Index = FSelEnd.Index) then begin FC1 := FColors.InactiveCaretText; BC1 := FColors.InactiveCaretBkGnd; end else begin if DrawNormal or Data.PaintAll or SelCondition then FC1 := FColors.TextText else FC1 := FColors.TextBkgnd; BC1 := FColors.TextBkgnd; end; end; Brush.Color := BC1; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(R); Brush.Style := bsClear; if Index < FSize then begin Font.Color := FC1; TextOut(R.Left, R.Top + VTextIndent, Char(FCharMapping[FBuffer[Index]])); end; if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then begin Brush.Color := PC1; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Bottom, R.Right, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; end else begin Brush.Color := FColors.TextBkGnd; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top, K, R.Bottom + WVert)); end; end; end; end; Inc(R.Top, Data.CharHeight); end; // now complete blank areas below text and optionally paint separators K := LeftIndent; R.Bottom := Data.PaintRect.Bottom; Brush.Style := bsSolid; if edAddress in FDrawStyles then begin R.Left := K; Inc(K, (AD.Address + AD.AddressOut) * Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; if FDrawStyles * [edDigits, edText] <> [] then Dec(R.Right, WSep); if R.Top < R.Bottom then begin Brush.Color := FColors.AddressBkGnd; FillRect(R); end; if (edSeparators in FDrawStyles) and (FDrawStyles * [edDigits, edText] <> []) then begin Brush.Color := FColors.Separators; FillRect(Rect(K - WSep, Data.PaintRect.Top, K + WSep, Data.PaintRect.Bottom)); end; end; if edDigits in FDrawStyles then begin R.Left := K; if edAddress in FDrawStyles then Inc(R.Left, WSep); Inc(K, (AD.Digits + AD.DigitsIn + AD.DigitsOut) * Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; if edText in FDrawStyles then Dec(R.Right, WSep); if R.Top < R.Bottom then begin Brush.Color := FColors.DigitBkGnd; FillRect(R); end; if (edSeparators in FDrawStyles) and (edText in FDrawStyles) then begin Brush.Color := FColors.Separators; FillRect(Rect(K - WSep, Data.PaintRect.Top, K + WSep, Data.PaintRect.Bottom)); end; end; if edText in FDrawStyles then begin R.Left := K; if FDrawStyles * [edAddress, edDigits] <> [] then Inc(R.Left, WSep); Inc(K, (AD.TextIn + AD.Text) * Data.CharWidth); R.Right := K; if R.Top < R.Bottom then begin Brush.Color := FColors.TextBkGnd; FillRect(R); end; end; if K < ClientWidth then begin Brush.Color := FColors.BkGnd; FillRect(Rect(K, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight)); end; finally FColors.ColorScheme := OldColorScheme; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.PaintPage; var ActiveLines, AreaWidth, AreaHeight, FirstLine, PageLines: Integer; SelOnly: Boolean; TmpRect, TmpRect1: TRect; APageSetup: TKPrintPageSetup; Data: TKHexEditorPaintData; begin APageSetup := PageSetup; SelOnly := APageSetup.Range = prSelectedOnly; AreaWidth := Round(APageSetup.PaintAreaWidth / APageSetup.CurrentScale); AreaHeight := Round(APageSetup.PaintAreaHeight / APageSetup.CurrentScale); PageLines := AreaHeight div FCharHeight; if SelOnly then begin FirstLine := GetRealSelStart.Index div FLineSize; ActiveLines := DivUp(GetRealSelEnd.Index, FLineSize) - FirstLine; end else begin FirstLine := 0; ActiveLines := LineCount; end; TmpRect := Rect(0, 0, APageSetup.OutlineWidth, APageSetup.OutlineHeight); TmpRect1 := Rect(0, 0, AreaWidth, AreaHeight); IntersectRect(TmpRect, TmpRect, TmpRect1); TmpRect1 := TmpRect; TranslateRectToDevice(APageSetup.Canvas.Handle, TmpRect1); SelectClipRect(APageSetup.Canvas.Handle, TmpRect1); Data.Canvas := APageSetup.Canvas; Data.Canvas.Font := Font; Data.Canvas.Font.Height := Abs(Font.Height); Data.PaintRect := TmpRect; Data.TopLine := (APageSetup.CurrentPage - 1) * PageLines; Data.BottomLine := Min(Data.TopLine + PageLines, ActiveLines) - 1; Inc(Data.TopLine, FirstLine); Inc(Data.BottomLine, FirstLine); Data.LeftChar := 0; Data.CharWidth := FCharWidth; Data.CharHeight := FCharHeight; Data.CharSpacing := FTotalCharSpacing; Data.Printing := True; Data.PaintSelection := poPaintSelection in APageSetup.Options; Data.PaintAll := not SelOnly; Data.PaintColors := poUseColor in APageSetup.Options; PaintLines(Data); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.PaintToCanvas(ACanvas: TCanvas); var Data: TKHexEditorPaintData; begin ACanvas.Font := Font; with Data do begin Canvas := ACanvas; PaintRect := ClientRect; LeftChar := FLeftChar; TopLine := FTopLine; CharWidth := FCharWidth; CharHeight := FCharHeight; BottomLine := TopLine + ClientHeight div FCharHeight; CharSpacing := FTotalCharSpacing; Printing := False; PaintSelection := False; CaretShown := elCaretVisible in FStates; end; {$IFDEF FPC} if Data.CaretShown then HideEditorCaret; try {$ENDIF} PaintLines(Data); {$IFDEF FPC} finally if Data.CaretShown then ShowEditorCaret; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.PaintToCanvasEx(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; ALeftChar, ATopLine: Integer); var Data: TKHexEditorPaintData; Region: HRGN; begin ACanvas.Font := Font; with Data do begin Canvas := ACanvas; PaintRect := ARect; LeftChar := ALeftChar; TopLine := ATopLine; CharWidth := FCharWidth; CharHeight := FCharHeight; BottomLine := TopLine + (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) div FCharHeight; CharSpacing := FTotalCharSpacing; Printing := False; PaintSelection := False; end; Region := CreateRectRgnIndirect(ARect); try SelectClipRgn(ACanvas.Handle, Region); try PaintLines(Data); finally SelectClipRgn(ACanvas.Handle, 0); end; finally DeleteObject(Region); end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.PointToSel(P: TPoint; OutOfArea: Boolean; var Area: TKHexEditorArea): TKHexEditorSelection; var Digit, HalfPosWidth, I, X, X1, XMax: Integer; DigitSep: Boolean; AD: TKHexEditorAreaDimensions; Sel: TKHexEditorSelection; begin Result := MakeSelection(cInvalidIndex, 0); P.X := P.X + FLeftChar * FCharWidth; P.Y := P.Y div FCharHeight + FTopLine; AD := GetAreaDimensions; HalfPosWidth := FCharWidth div 2; X := 0; if OutOfArea then P.Y := MinMax(P.Y, 0, LineCount - 1) else Area := eaNone; if P.Y < LineCount then begin if edAddress in FDrawStyles then begin XMax := X + (AD.Address + AD.AddressOut) * FCharWidth; if not OutOfArea or (Area = eaAddress) then if (P.X >= X) and (P.X < XMax) then begin Result := MakeSelection(P.Y * FLineSize, 0); Area := eaAddress; end else if Area = eaAddress then // OutOfArea = True begin Result.Index := P.Y * FLineSize; if P.X >= XMax then Inc(Result.Index, FLineSize); end; X := XMax; end; if (P.X >= X) or OutOfArea then begin if edDigits in FDrawStyles then begin XMax := X + (AD.Digits + AD.DigitsIn + AD.DigitsOut) * FCharWidth; if not OutOfArea or (Area = eaDigits) then if (P.X >= X) and (P.X < XMax) then begin Inc(X, AD.DigitsIn * FCharWidth); for I := 0 to FLineSize - 1 do begin DigitSep := (I < FLineSize - 1) and ((I + 1) mod FDigitGrouping = 0); X1 := X; Inc(X, cDigitCount * FCharWidth); if DigitSep then Inc(X, HalfPosWidth) else if I = FLineSize - 1 then Inc(X, AD.DigitsOut * FCharWidth); if P.X < X then begin Digit := (Max(P.X - X1, 0) + HalfPosWidth) div FCharWidth; Sel := MakeSelection(P.Y * FLineSize + I, Digit); if (Digit >= cDigitCount) and (Sel.Index < FSize) then // don't split the FSize character box begin Inc(Sel.Index); Sel.Digit := 0; end; if (Sel.Index <= FSize) or OutOfArea then begin Result := Sel; Area := eaDigits; end; Break; end; if DigitSep then Inc(X, HalfPosWidth); end; end else if Area = eaDigits then // OutOfArea = True begin Result.Index := P.Y * FLineSize; if P.X >= XMax then Inc(Result.Index, FLineSize); end; X := XMax; end; if ((P.X >= X) or OutOfArea) and (edText in FDrawStyles) then begin XMax := X + (AD.Text + AD.TextIn) * FCharWidth; if not OutOfArea or (Area = eaText) then if (P.X >= X) and (P.X < XMax) then begin Inc(X, AD.TextIn * FCharWidth); Sel := MakeSelection(P.Y * FLineSize, 0); I := Max(P.X - X, 0) div FCharWidth; if Sel.Index + I = FSize then Sel.Index := FSize // don't split the FSize character box else Inc(Sel.Index, (Max(P.X - X, 0) + HalfPosWidth) div FCharWidth); if (Sel.Index <= FSize) or OutOfArea then begin Result := Sel; Area := eaText; end; end else if Area = eaText then // OutOfArea = True begin Result.Index := P.Y * FLineSize; if P.X >= XMax then Inc(Result.Index, FLineSize); end; end; end; end; ValidateSelection(Result, Area); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SafeSetFocus; var Form: TCustomForm; begin Form := GetParentForm(Self); if (Form <> nil) and Form.Visible and Form.Enabled and not (csDestroying in Form.ComponentState) and Visible and Enabled then Form.ActiveControl := Self; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SaveToFile(const FileName: TFileName); var Stream: TFileStream; begin Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); try SaveToStream(Stream); finally Stream.Free; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin if FBuffer <> nil then Stream.Write(FBuffer^, FSize); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ScrollBy(HChars, VChars: Integer; UpdateNeeded: Boolean); begin if HChars <> 0 then ModifyScrollBar(SB_HORZ, cScrollDelta, HChars, UpdateNeeded); if VChars <> 0 then ModifyScrollBar(SB_VERT, cScrollDelta, VChars, UpdateNeeded); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ScrollTo(Point: TPoint; Timed, AlwaysScroll: Boolean); var ScrollHorz: Boolean; R: TRect; begin // disable horizontal overscroll when scrolling e.g. with mouse ScrollHorz := AlwaysScroll or (FSelEnd.Index mod FLineSize <> 0) and (FSelEnd.Index < FSize) or (FSelEnd.Digit > 0); R := GetModifiedClientRect; if ScrollHorz then begin if Point.X < R.Left then FScrollDeltaX := DivDown(Point.X, FCharWidth) else if Point.X >= R.Right then FScrollDeltaX := (Point.X - R.Right) div FCharWidth + 1 else FScrollDeltaX := 0; end else FScrollDeltaX := 0; if Point.Y < R.Top then FScrollDeltaY := DivDown(Point.Y, FCharHeight) else if Point.Y >= R.Bottom then FScrollDeltaY := (Point.Y - R.Bottom) div FCharHeight + 1 else FScrollDeltaY := 0; if (FScrollDeltaX <> 0) or (FScrollDeltaY <> 0) then if Timed then begin ScrollBy(FScrollDeltaX, FScrollDeltaY, False); FScrollTimer.Enabled := True; end else ScrollBy(FScrollDeltaX, FScrollDeltaY, True); UpdateSelEnd(Point, True); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ScrollTimerHandler(Sender: TObject); var P: TPoint; begin GetCursorPos(P); P := ScreenToClient(P); if (elMouseCapture in FStates) and not (Dragging or PtInRect(GetModifiedClientRect, P)) then ScrollTo(P, True, False) else FScrollTimer.Enabled := False; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.SelAvail: Boolean; begin Result := SelLength.Index > 0; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SelectionChanged(StartEqualEnd: Boolean; ScrollToView: Boolean = True); begin ValidateSelection(FSelEnd, FEditArea); if StartEqualEnd then FSelStart := FSelEnd else ValidateSelection(FSelStart, FEditArea); if HasParent then begin if ScrollToView and (FEditArea <> eaNone) then ScrollTo(SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea), False, True); UpdateEditorCaret; Invalidate; InvalidatePageSetup; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.SelectionValid(Value: TKHexEditorSelection; Area: TKHexEditorArea): Boolean; begin Result := (Area <> eaNone) and ( (Value.Index >= 0) and (Value.Index < FSize) or (Value.Index = FSize) and (Value.Digit = 0)) end; function TKCustomHexEditor.SelToPoint(Value: TKHexEditorSelection; Area: TKHexEditorArea): TPoint; var AD: TKHexEditorAreaDimensions; begin Result := Point(0, 0); AD := GetAreaDimensions; ValidateSelection(Value, Area); if (Area = eaDigits) and (edDigits in FDrawStyles) then begin Result.X := ((Value.Index mod FLineSize) div FDigitGrouping * (cDigitCount * FDigitGrouping + 1) + (Value.Index mod FLineSize) mod FDigitGrouping * cDigitCount + Value.Digit + AD.DigitsIn) end else if (Area = eaText) and (edText in FDrawStyles) then Result.X := (Value.Index mod FLineSize + AD.DigitsIn + AD.Digits + AD.DigitsOut + AD.TextIn) else if Area = eaAddress then begin if edDigits in FDrawStyles then Result.X := AD.DigitsIn else if edText in FDrawStyles then Result.X := AD.TextIn; end; Result.X := (Result.X + AD.Address + AD.AddressOut - FLeftChar) * FCharWidth; Result.Y := (Value.Index div FLineSize - FTopLine) * FCharHeight; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetAddressCursor(Value: TCursor); begin if Value <> FAddressCursor then begin FAddressCursor := Value; UpdateMouseCursor; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetAddressMode(Value: TKHexEditorAddressMode); begin if Value <> FAddressMode then begin FAddressMode := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetAddressOffset(Value: Integer); begin if Value <> FAddressOffset then begin FAddressOffset := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetAddressPrefix(const Value: string); begin if Value <> FAddressPrefix then begin FAddressPrefix := Value; UpdateScrollRange; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetAddressSize(Value: Integer); begin Value := MinMax(Value, cAddressSizeMin, cAddressSizeMax); if Value <> FAddressSize then begin FAddressSize := Value; UpdateScrollRange; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetAreaSpacing(Value: Integer); begin Value := MinMax(Value, cAreaSpacingMin, cAreaSpacingMax); if Value <> FAreaSpacing then begin FAreaSpacing := Value; UpdateScrollRange; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetCharMapping(const Value: TKEditCharMapping); begin if not CompareMem(@Value, @FCharMapping, SizeOf(TKEditCharMapping)) and (edText in FDrawStyles) then Invalidate; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetCharSpacing(Value: Integer); begin Value := MinMax(Value, cCharSpacingMin, cCharSpacingMax); if Value <> FCharSpacing then begin FCharSpacing := Value; UpdateCharMetrics; UpdateScrollRange; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetColors(Value: TKHexEditorColors); begin FColors.Assign(Value); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetCommandKey(Index: TKEditCommand; Value: TKEditKey); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to Length(FKeyMapping) - 1 do if FKeyMapping[I].Command = Index then begin FKeyMapping[I].Key := Value; Exit; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetData(Value: TDataSize); begin if (Value.Data <> FBuffer) or (Value.Size <> FSize) then begin Clear; if Value.Data <> nil then begin FSize := Value.Size; GetMem(FBuffer, FSize); System.Move(Value.Data^, FBuffer^, FSize); BufferChanged; end; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetDigitGrouping(Value: Integer); begin Value := MinMax(Value, cDigitGroupingMin, Min(FLineSize, cDigitGroupingMax)); if Value <> FDigitGrouping then begin FDigitGrouping := Value; UpdateScrollRange; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetDisabledDrawStyle(Value: TKHexEditorDisabledDrawStyle); begin if Value <> FDisabledDrawStyle then begin FDisabledDrawStyle := Value; if not Enabled then Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetDrawStyles(const Value: TKHexEditorDrawStyles); begin if Value <> FDrawStyles then begin FDrawStyles := Value; EditAreaChanged; // must be called first UpdateScrollRange; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetEditArea(Value: TKHexEditorArea); begin if Value <> FEditArea then begin FEditArea := Value; EditAreaChanged; if Value <> FEditArea then Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetKeyMapping(const Value: TKEditKeyMapping); begin SetLength(FKeyMapping, Length(Value)); Move(Value, FKeyMapping, Length(Value) * SizeOf(TKEditCommandAssignment)); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetLineHeightPercent(Value: Integer); begin Value := MinMax(Value, cLineHeightPercentMin, cLineHeightPercentMax); if Value <> FLineHeightPercent then begin FLineHeightPercent := Value; UpdateCharMetrics; UpdateScrollRange; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetLeftChar(Value: Integer); begin Value := MinMax(Value, 0, GetMaxLeftChar); if Value <> FLeftChar then ScrollBy(Value - FLeftChar, 0, True); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetLines(Index: Integer; const Value: TDataSize); var I, Size: Integer; begin I := Index * FLineSize; if (Value.Data <> nil) and (Value.Size > 0) and (I >= 0) and (I <= FSize) then begin Size := Min(FLineSize, Value.Size); if I + Size > FSize then begin FSize := Size; ReallocMem(FBuffer, FSize); end; System.Move(Value.Data^, FBuffer[I], Size); BufferChanged; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetLineSize(Value: Integer); begin Value := MinMax(Value, cLineSizeMin, cLineSizeMax); if Value <> FLineSize then begin FLineSize := Value; UpdateScrollRange; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetModified(Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> GetModified then begin if Value then Include(FStates, elModified) else begin Exclude(FStates, elModified); if eoUndoAfterSave in FOptions then FUndoList.Modified := False else begin FUndoList.Clear; FRedoList.Clear; end; end; end; end; function TKCustomHexEditor.SetMouseCursor(X, Y: Integer): Boolean; var ACursor: TCursor; P: TPoint; Area: TKHexEditorArea; begin P := Point(X, Y); PointToSel(P, False, Area); if PtInRect(ClientRect, P) then begin case Area of eaAddress: ACursor := FAddressCursor; eaDigits: ACursor := crIBeam; eaText: ACursor := crIBeam; else ACursor := crDefault; end; end else ACursor := crDefault; {$IFDEF FPC} FCursor := ACursor; SetTempCursor(ACursor); {$ELSE} Windows.SetCursor(Screen.Cursors[ACursor]); {$ENDIF} Result := True; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetOptions(const Value: TKEditOptions); {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} var UpdateDropFiles: Boolean; {$ENDIF} begin if Value <> FOptions then begin {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} UpdateDropFiles := (eoDropFiles in Value) <> (eoDropFiles in FOptions); FOptions := Value; // (un)register HWND as drop target if UpdateDropFiles and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and HandleAllocated then DragAcceptFiles(Handle, (eoDropFiles in fOptions)); {$ELSE} FOptions := Value; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> GetReadOnly then begin if Value then Include(FStates, elReadOnly) else Exclude(FStates, elReadOnly); end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetScrollBars(Value: TScrollStyle); begin if Value <> FScrollBars then begin FScrollBars := Value; {$IFDEF FPC} UpdateSize; {$ELSE} RecreateWnd; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetScrollSpeed(Value: Cardinal); begin Value := MinMax(Integer(Value), cScrollSpeedMin, cScrollSpeedMax); if Value <> FScrollSpeed then begin FScrollSpeed := Value; FScrollTimer.Enabled := False; FScrollTimer.Interval := FScrollSpeed; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetSelEnd(Value: TKHexEditorSelection); begin if (Value.Index <> FSelEnd.Index) or (Value.Digit <> FSelEnd.Digit) then begin FSelEnd := Value; SelectionChanged(False, False); Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetSelLength(Value: TKHexEditorSelection); var X: TKHexEditorSelection; begin X := GetSelLength; if (Value.Index <> X.Index) or (Value.Digit <> X.Digit) then begin FSelEnd.Index := FSelStart.Index + Value.Index; FSelEnd.Digit := FSelStart.Digit + Value.Digit; if FSelEnd.Digit >= cDigitCount then Inc(FSelEnd.Index); SelectionChanged(False, False); Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetSelStart(Value: TKHexEditorSelection); begin if (Value.Index <> FSelStart.Index) or (Value.Digit <> FSelStart.Digit) then begin FSelStart := Value; SelectionChanged(False, False); Invalidate; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetTopLine(Value: Integer); begin Value := MinMax(Value, 0, GetMaxTopLine); if Value <> FTopLine then ScrollBy(0, Value - FTopLine, True); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.SetUndoLimit(Value: Integer); begin Value := MinMax(Value, cUndoLimitMin, cUndoLimitMax); if Value <> FUndoList.Limit then begin FUndoList.Limit := Value; FRedoList.Limit := Value; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.HideEditorCaret; var P: TPoint; begin P := SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea); HideCaret(Handle); {$IFDEF FPC}SetCaretPosEx(Handle,{$ELSE}SetCaretPos({$ENDIF} P.X, P.Y + 1); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ShowEditorCaret; var P: TPoint; begin P := SelToPoint(FSelEnd, FEditArea); {$IFDEF FPC}SetCaretPosEx(Handle,{$ELSE}SetCaretPos({$ENDIF} P.X, P.Y + 1); ShowCaret(Handle); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.UndoChange(Sender: TObject; ItemReason: TKHexEditorChangeReason); begin if (Sender = FUndoList) and (ItemReason <> crCaretPos) then DoChange; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.UpdateEditorCaret(Recreate: Boolean = False); var CW, CH: Integer; begin Include(FStates, elCaretUpdate); try if Enabled and Focused and (FEditArea in [eaDigits, eaText]) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if not (elCaretVisible in FStates) or Recreate then begin if elOverwrite in FStates then CW := FCharWidth else CW := Max(2, (Abs(Font.Height) * 2) div 25); if edHorzLines in FDrawStyles then CH := FCharHeight - Max(1, FCharHeight div 25) else CH := FCharHeight; {$IFDEF FPC} CreateCaret(Handle, 0, CW, CH - 2); {$ELSE} if CreateCaret(Handle, 0, CW, CH - 2) then {$ENDIF} Include(FStates, elCaretVisible); Invalidate; end; if elCaretVisible in FStates then ShowEditorCaret; end else begin Exclude(FStates, elCaretVisible); HideEditorCaret; {$IFDEF FPC} DestroyCaret(Handle); {$ELSE} DestroyCaret; {$ENDIF} end; finally Exclude(FStates, elCaretUpdate); end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.UpdateCharMetrics; var DC: HDC; TM: TTextMetric; begin DC := GetDC(0); try SelectObject(DC, Font.Handle); GetTextMetrics(DC, TM); FTotalCharSpacing := FCharSpacing * 2; // ensure even char spacing because of PointToSel if TM.tmAveCharWidth and 1 <> 0 then Inc(FTotalCharSpacing); FCharWidth := TM.tmAveCharWidth + FTotalCharSpacing; FCharHeight := TM.tmHeight * FLineHeightPercent div 100; finally ReleaseDC(0, DC); end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.UpdateMouseCursor; var P: TPoint; begin P := ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos); SetMouseCursor(P.X, P.Y); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.UpdateScrollRange; var I: Integer; AD: TKHexEditorAreaDimensions; SI: TScrollInfo; begin if HandleAllocated then begin AD := GetAreaDimensions; // update horizontal scroll position I := FLeftChar - GetMaxLeftChar(AD.TotalHorz); if I > 0 then Dec(FLeftChar, I); FLeftChar := Max(FLeftChar, 0); // update vertical scroll position I := FTopLine - GetMaxTopLine(AD.TotalVert); if I > 0 then Dec(FTopLine, I); FTopLine := Max(FTopLine, 0); if FScrollBars in [ssBoth, ssHorizontal, ssVertical] then begin SI.cbSize := SizeOf(TScrollInfo); SI.fMask := SIF_RANGE or SIF_PAGE or SIF_POS {$IFDEF UNIX}or SIF_UPDATEPOLICY{$ENDIF}; SI.nMin := 0; {$IFDEF UNIX} SI.ntrackPos := SB_POLICY_CONTINUOUS; {$ENDIF} if FScrollBars in [ssBoth, ssHorizontal] then begin SI.nMax := AD.TotalHorz{$IFNDEF FPC}- 1{$ENDIF}; SI.nPage := GetClientWidthChars; SI.nPos := FLeftChar; SetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_HORZ, SI, True); ShowScrollBar(Handle, SB_HORZ, Integer(SI.nPage) < AD.TotalHorz); end else ShowScrollBar(Handle, SB_HORZ, False); if FScrollBars in [ssBoth, ssVertical] then begin SI.nMax := AD.TotalVert{$IFNDEF FPC}- 1{$ENDIF}; SI.nPage := GetClientHeightChars; SI.nPos := FTopLine; SetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_VERT, SI, True); ShowScrollBar(Handle, SB_VERT, Integer(SI.nPage) < AD.TotalVert); end else ShowScrollBar(Handle, SB_VERT, False); end; UpdateEditorCaret(True); Invalidate; InvalidatePageSetup; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.UpdateSelEnd(Point: TPoint; ClipToClient: Boolean); var R: TRect; Sel: TKHexEditorSelection; begin if ClipToClient then begin R := GetModifiedClientRect; Dec(R.Right, FCharWidth); Dec(R.Bottom, FCharHeight); if CanScroll(ecScrollLeft) and (Point.X < R.Left) then Point.X := R.Left else if CanScroll(ecScrollRight) and (Point.X > R.Right) then Point.X := R.Right; if CanScroll(ecScrollUp) and (Point.Y < R.Top) then Point.Y := R.Top else if CanScroll(ecScrollDown) and (Point.Y > R.Bottom) then Point.Y := R.Bottom; end; Sel := PointToSel(Point, True, FEditArea); if (Sel.Index <> cInvalidIndex) and ((Sel.Index <> FSelEnd.Index) or (Sel.Digit <> FSelEnd.Digit)) then begin FSelEnd := Sel; UpdateEditorCaret; Invalidate; InvalidatePageSetup; end; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.UpdateSize; begin UpdateScrollRange; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.ValidateSelection(var Value: TKHexEditorSelection; Area: TKHexEditorArea); begin if Area <> eaNone then begin Value.Index := MinMax(Value.Index, 0, FSize); if Value.Index = FSize then Value.Digit := 0 else Value.Digit := MinMax(Value.Digit, 0, cDigitCount - 1); end else Value := MakeSelection(cInvalidIndex, 0); end; {$IFNDEF FPC} procedure TKCustomHexEditor.WMDropFiles(var Msg: TLMessage); var I, FileCount: Integer; PathName: array[0..260] of Char; Point: TPoint; FilesList: TStringList; begin try if Assigned(FOnDropFiles) then begin FilesList := TStringList.Create; try FileCount := DragQueryFile(THandle(Msg.wParam), Cardinal(-1), nil, 0); DragQueryPoint(THandle(Msg.wParam), Point); for i := 0 to FileCount - 1 do begin DragQueryFile(THandle(Msg.wParam), I, PathName, SizeOf(PathName)); FilesList.Add(PathName); end; FOnDropFiles(Self, Point.X, Point.Y, FilesList); finally FilesList.Free; end; end; finally Msg.Result := 0; DragFinish(THandle(Msg.wParam)); end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TKCustomHexEditor.WMEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TLMessage); begin Msg.Result := 1; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TLMNoParams); begin Msg.Result := DLGC_WANTARROWS; end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.WMHScroll(var Msg: TLMHScroll); begin SafeSetFocus; ModifyScrollBar(SB_HORZ, Msg.ScrollCode, Msg.Pos, True); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.WMKillFocus(var Msg: TLMKillFocus); begin inherited; ExecuteCommand(ecLostFocus); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.WMSetFocus(var Msg: TLMSetFocus); begin inherited; ExecuteCommand(ecGotFocus); end; procedure TKCustomHexEditor.WMVScroll(var Msg: TLMVScroll); begin SafeSetFocus; ModifyScrollBar(SB_VERT, Msg.ScrollCode, Msg.Pos, True); end; function GetColorSpec(Index: TKHexEditorColorIndex): TKHexEditorColorSpec; begin case Index of ciAddressText: begin Result.Def := cAddressTextDef; Result.Name := sAddressText; end; ciAddressBkGnd: begin Result.Def := cAddressBkgndDef; Result.Name := sAddressBkGnd; end; ciBkGnd: begin Result.Def := cBkGndDef; Result.Name := sBkGnd; end; ciDigitTextEven: begin Result.Def := cDigitTextEvenDef; Result.Name := sDigitTextEven; end; ciDigitTextOdd: begin Result.Def := cDigitTextOddDef; Result.Name := sDigitTextOdd; end; ciDigitBkGnd: begin Result.Def := cDigitBkGndDef; Result.Name := sDigitBkgnd; end; ciHorzLines: begin Result.Def := cHorzLinesDef; Result.Name := sHorzLines; end; ciInactiveCaretBkGnd: begin Result.Def := cInactiveCaretBkGndDef; Result.Name := sInactiveCaretBkGnd; end; ciInactiveCaretSelBkGnd: begin Result.Def := cInactiveCaretSelBkGndDef; Result.Name := sInactiveCaretSelBkGnd; end; ciInactiveCaretSelText: begin Result.Def := cInactiveCaretSelTextDef; Result.Name := sInactiveCaretSelText; end; ciInactiveCaretText: begin Result.Def := cInactiveCaretTextDef; Result.Name := sInactiveCaretText; end; ciLinesHighLight: begin Result.Def := cLinesHighLightDef; Result.Name := sLinesHighLight; end; ciSelBkGnd: begin Result.Def := cSelBkGndDef; Result.Name := sSelBkGnd; end; ciSelBkGndFocused: begin Result.Def := cSelBkGndFocusedDef; Result.Name := sSelBkGndFocused; end; ciSelText: begin Result.Def := cSelTextDef; Result.Name := sSelText; end; ciSelTextFocused: begin Result.Def := cSelTextFocusedDef; Result.Name := sSelTextFocused; end; ciSeparators: begin Result.Def := cSeparatorsDef; Result.Name := sSeparators; end; ciTextText: begin Result.Def := cTextTextDef; Result.Name := sTextText; end; ciTextBkGnd: begin Result.Def := cTextBkgndDef; Result.Name := sTextBkGnd; end; ciVertLines: begin Result.Def := cVertLinesDef; Result.Name := sVertLines; end; else Result.Def := clNone; Result.Name := ''; end; end; end.