{ @abstract(This unit contains miscellaneous supporting functions) @author(Tomas Krysl (tk@tkweb.eu)) @created(20 Oct 2001) @lastmod(20 Jun 2010) Copyright © 2001 Tomas Krysl (tk@@tkweb.eu)

This code is distributed as a freeware. You are free to use it as part of your application for any purpose including freeware, commercial and shareware applications. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented; you must not claim your authorship. You may modify this code solely for your own purpose. Please feel free to contact the author if you think your changes might be useful for other users. You may distribute only the original package. The author accepts no liability for any damage that may result from using this code. } unit KFunctions; {$include kcontrols.inc} {$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT ON} interface uses {$IFDEF FPC} // use the LCL interface support whenever possible {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} Windows, {$ENDIF} LCLType, LCLIntf, LMessages, LCLProc, LCLVersion, {$ELSE} Windows, Messages, {$ENDIF} Classes, Controls, ComCtrls, Graphics; const {$IFNDEF FPC} { @exclude } KM_MOUSELEAVE = WM_MOUSELEAVE; { @exclude } LM_USER = WM_USER; { @exclude } LM_CANCELMODE = WM_CANCELMODE; { @exclude } LM_CHAR = WM_CHAR; { @exclude } LM_DROPFILES = WM_DROPFILES; { @exclude } LM_ERASEBKGND = WM_ERASEBKGND; { @exclude } LM_GETDLGCODE = WM_GETDLGCODE; { @exclude } LM_HSCROLL = WM_HSCROLL; { @exclude } LM_KEYDOWN = WM_KEYDOWN; { @exclude } LM_KILLFOCUS = WM_KILLFOCUS; { @exclude } LM_LBUTTONDOWN = WM_LBUTTONDOWN; { @exclude } LM_LBUTTONUP = WM_LBUTTONUP; { @exclude } LM_MOUSEMOVE = WM_MOUSEMOVE; { @exclude } LM_SETFOCUS = WM_SETFOCUS; { @exclude } LM_SIZE = WM_SIZE; { @exclude } LM_VSCROLL = WM_VSCROLL; { @exclude } LCL_MAJOR = 0; { @exclude } LCL_MINOR = 0; { @exclude } LCL_RELEASE = 0; {$ELSE} // hope this is correct about WM_MOUSELEAVE otherwise adapt it as you wish {$IFDEF LCLWin32} {$IF ((LCL_MAJOR=0) AND (LCL_MINOR=9) AND (LCL_RELEASE<27))} { @exclude } KM_MOUSELEAVE = LM_LEAVE; // LCL {$ELSE} { @exclude } KM_MOUSELEAVE = LM_MOUSELEAVE; // LCL 0.9.27+ {$IFEND} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF LCLWinCE} { @exclude } KM_MOUSELEAVE = LM_LEAVE; {$ELSE} { @exclude } KM_MOUSELEAVE = LM_MOUSELEAVE; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} { @exclude } //WM_CTLCOLORBTN = Messages.WM_CTLCOLORBTN; { @exclude } //WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC = Messages.WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} { @exclude } SHFolderDll = 'SHFolder.dll'; {$ENDIF} { Base for custom messages used by KControls suite. } KM_BASE = LM_USER + 1024; { Custom message. } KM_LATEUPDATE = KM_BASE + 1; { Constant for horizontal resize cursor. } crHResize = TCursor(101); { Constant for vertical resize cursor. } crVResize = TCursor(102); { Constant for uncaptured dragging cursor. } crDragHandFree = TCursor(103); { Constant for captured dragging cursor. } crDragHandGrip = TCursor(104); { Checkbox frame size in logical screen units. } cCheckBoxFrameSize = 13; { Set of word break characters. } cWordBreaks = [#0, #9, #32]; { Set of line break characters. } cLineBreaks = [#10, #13]; { Carriage return character. } cCR = #10; { Line feed character. } cLF = #13; { Text ellipsis string. } cEllipsis = '...'; type {$IFNDEF FPC} { @exclude } TLMessage = TMessage; { @exclude } TLMMouse = TWMMouse; { @exclude } TLMNoParams = TWMNoParams; { @exclude } TLMKey = TWMKey; { @exclude } TLMChar = TWMChar; { @exclude } TLMEraseBkGnd = TWMEraseBkGnd; { @exclude } TLMHScroll = TWMHScroll; { @exclude } TLMKillFocus = TWMKillFocus; { @exclude } TLMSetFocus = TWMSetFocus; { @exclude } TLMSize = TWMSize; { @exclude } TLMVScroll = TWMVScroll; {$ENDIF} //PInteger = ^Integer; defined by System.pas { Static array for Integer. } TIntegers = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Integer) - 1] of Integer; { Pointer for TIntegers. } PIntegers = ^TIntegers; { Dynamic array for Integer. } TDynIntegers = array of Integer; //PCardinal = ^Cardinal; defined by System.pas { Static array for Cardinal. } TCardinals = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Cardinal) - 1] of Cardinal; { Pointer for TCardinals. } PCardinals = ^TCardinals; { Dynamic array for Cardinal. } TDynCardinals = array of Cardinal; //PShortInt = ^ShortInt; defined by System.pas { Static array for ShortInt. } TShortInts = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(ShortInt) - 1] of ShortInt; { Pointer for TShortInts. } PShortInts = ^TShortInts; { Dynamic array for ShortInt. } TDynShortInts = array of ShortInt; //PSmallInt = ^SmallInt; defined by System.pas { Static array for SmallInt. } TSmallInts = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(SmallInt) - 1] of SmallInt; { Pointer for TSmallInts. } PSmallInts = ^TSmallInts; { Dynamic array for SmallInt. } TDynSmallInts = array of SmallInt; //PLongInt = ^LongInt; defined by System.pas { Static array for LongInt. } TLongInts = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(LongInt) - 1] of LongInt; { Pointer for TLongInts. } PLongInts = ^TLongInts; { Dynamic array for LongInt. } TDynLongInts = array of LongInt; //PInt64 = ^Int64; defined by System.pas { Static array for Int64. } TInt64s = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Int64) - 1] of Int64; { Pointer for TInt64s. } PInt64s = ^TInt64s; { Dynamic array for Int64. } TDynInt64s = array of Int64; //PByte = ^Byte; defined by System.pas { Static array for Byte. } TBytes = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Byte) - 1] of Byte; { Pointer for TBytes. } PBytes = ^TBytes; { Dynamic array for Byte. } TDynBytes = array of Byte; //PWord = ^Word; defined by System.pas { Static array for Word. } TWords = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Word) - 1] of Word; { Pointer for TWords. } PWords = ^TWords; { Dynamic array for Word. } TDynWords = array of Word; //PLongWord = ^LongWord; defined by System.pas { Static array for LongWord. } TLongWords = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(LongWord) - 1] of LongWord; { Pointer for TLongWords. } PLongWords = ^TLongWords; { Dynamic array for LongWord. } TDynLongWords = array of LongWord; {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP} { Static array for UInt64. } TUInt64s = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(UInt64) - 1] of UInt64; { Pointer for TUInt64s. } PUInt64s = ^TUInt64s; { Dynamic array for UInt64. } TDynUInt64s = array of UInt64; {$ENDIF} //PSingle = ^Single; defined by System.pas { Static array for Single. } TSingles = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Single) - 1] of Single; { Pointer for TSingles. } PSingles = ^TSingles; { Dynamic array for Single. } TDynSingles = array of Single; //PDouble = ^Double; defined by System.pas { Static array for Double. } TDoubles = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Double) - 1] of Double; { Pointer for TDoubles. } PDoubles = ^TDoubles; { Dynamic array for Double. } TDynDoubles = array of Double; {$IFNDEF FPC} //PExtended = ^Extended; defined by System.pas { Static array for Extended. } TExtendeds = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Extended) - 1] of Extended; { Pointer for TExtendeds. } PExtendeds = ^TExtendeds; { Dynamic array for Extended. } TDynExtendeds = array of Extended; {$ENDIF} //PChar is special type { Static array for Char. } TChars = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Char) - 1] of Char; { Pointer for TChars. } PChars = ^TChars; { Dynamic array for Char. } TDynChars = array of Char; { Useful structure to handle general data and size as a single item } TDataSize = record Data: Pointer; Size: Integer; end; { Pointer for TDataSize } PDataSize = ^TDataSize; { Set type for @link(CharInSetEx). } TKSysCharSet = set of AnsiChar; { Defines a currency format settings for @link(FormatCurrency). } TKCurrencyFormat = record CurrencyFormat, CurrencyDecimals: Byte; CurrencyString: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; DecimalSep: Char; ThousandSep: Char; UseThousandSep: Boolean; end; { Replaces possible decimal separators in S with DecimalSeparator variable.} function AdjustDecimalSeparator(const S: string): string; {$IFNDEF FPC} { Converts an AnsiString into a PWideChar string. If CodePage is not set the current system code page for ANSI-UTFx translations will be used. } function AnsiStringToWideChar(const Text: AnsiString; CodePage: Cardinal = CP_ACP): PWideChar; {$ENDIF} { Under Windows this function calls the WinAPI TrackMouseEvent. Under other OSes the implementation is still missing. } procedure CallTrackMouseEvent(Control: TWinControl; var Status: Boolean); { Compiler independent Delphi2009-like CharInSet function for ANSI characters. } function CharInSetEx(AChar: AnsiChar; const ASet: TKSysCharSet): Boolean; overload; { Compiler independent Delphi2009-like CharInSet function for Unicode characters. } function CharInSetEx(AChar: WideChar; const ASet: TKSysCharSet): Boolean; overload; { Compares two Integers. Returns 1 if I1 > I2, -1 if I1 < I2 and 0 if I1 = I2. } function CompareIntegers(I1, I2: Integer): Integer; { Compares two PWideChar strings. Returns 1 if W1 > W2, -1 if W1 < W2 and 0 if W1 = W2. The strings will be compared using the default user locale unless another locale has been specified in Locale. } function CompareWideChars(W1, W2: PWideChar{$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS}; Locale: Cardinal = LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT{$ENDIF}): Integer; {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE} { Compares two Unicode strings (Lazarus, Delphi 2009 and better). Returns 1 if S1 > S2, -1 if S1 < S2 and 0 if S1 = S2. The strings will be compared using the default user locale unless another locale has been specified in Locale. } function CompareChars(S1, S2: PChar{$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS}; Locale: Cardinal = LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT{$ENDIF}): Integer; {$ENDIF} { Compares two WideString strings. Returns 1 if W1 > W2, -1 if W1 < W2 and 0 if W1 = W2. The strings will be compared using the default user locale unless another locale has been specified in Locale. } function CompareWideStrings(W1, W2: WideString{$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS}; Locale: Cardinal = LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT{$ENDIF}): Integer; {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE} { Compares two Unicode strings (Lazarus, Delphi 2009 and better). Returns 1 if S1 > S2, -1 if S1 < S2 and 0 if S1 = S2. The strings will be compared using the default user locale unless another locale has been specified in Locale. } function CompareStrings(S1, S2: string{$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS}; Locale: Cardinal = LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT{$ENDIF}): Integer; {$ENDIF} { Performs integer division. If there is a nonzero remainder, the result will be incremented. } function DivUp(Dividend, Divisor: Integer): Integer; { Performs integer division. If there is a nonzero remainder, the result will be decremented. } function DivDown(Dividend, Divisor: Integer): Integer; { Raises a general exception with associated message Msg. } procedure Error(const Msg: string); { Swaps values of two SmallInt variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: SmallInt); overload; { Swaps values of two ShortInt variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: ShortInt); overload; { Swaps values of two Integer variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Integer); overload; { Swaps values of two Int64 variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Int64); overload; { Swaps values of two Byte variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Byte); overload; { Swaps values of two Word variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Word); overload; { Swaps values of two Cardinal variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Cardinal); overload; {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP } { Swaps values of two UInt64 variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: UInt64); overload; {$ENDIF} { Swaps values of two Single variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Single); overload; { Swaps values of two Double variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Double); overload; {$IFNDEF FPC} { Swaps values of two Extended variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Extended); overload; {$ENDIF} { Swaps values of two Char variables. } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Char); overload; { Fills the message record. } function FillMessage(Msg: Cardinal; WParam: WPARAM; LParam: LPARAM): TLMessage; { Formats the given currency value with to specified parameters. Not thread safe. } function FormatCurrency(Value: Currency; const AFormat: TKCurrencyFormat): {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; { Returns the module version for given module. Works under WinX only. } function GetAppVersion(const ALibName: string; var MajorVersion, MinorVersion, BuildNumber, RevisionNumber: Word): Boolean; { Returns the Text property of any TWinControl instance as WideString (up to Delphi 2007) or string (Delphi 2009, Lazarus). } function GetControlText(Value: TWinControl): {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; { Returns current status of Shift, Alt and Ctrl keys. } function GetShiftState: TShiftState; { Converts an integer into binary string with custom alignment (given by Digits). } function IntToAscii(Value: Int64; Digits: Integer): string; { Converts an integer into binary digit string with custom alignment (given by Digits) and suffix. } function IntToBinStr(Value: Int64; Digits: Byte; const Suffix: string): string; { Converts an integer value into BCD number. } function IntToBCD(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; { Converts an integer into decimal digit string. Equals to IntToStr. } function IntToDecStr(Value: Int64): string; { Converts an integer into hexadecimal digit string with custom alignment (given by Digits), prefix and suffix. Digits represented by alphabetical characters can be either in lower or upper case. } function IntToHexStr(Value: Int64; Digits: Byte; const Prefix, Suffix: string; UseLowerCase: Boolean): string; function IntPowerInt(Value: Int64; Exponent: Integer): Int64; { Converts a binary string into integer with custom alignment (given by Digits). } function AsciiToInt(S: string; Digits: Integer): Int64; { Converts a BCD number into integer value. } function BCDToInt(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; { Converts a binary digit string into integer with custom alignment (given by Digits) and sign of a value represented by the string (given by Signed). Code returns either zero for a successful conversion or the position of first bad character. } function BinStrToInt(S: string; Digits: Byte; Signed: Boolean; var Code: Integer): Int64; { Converts a decimal digit string into integer. Code returns either zero for a successful conversion or the position of first bad character. Equals to Val. } function DecStrToInt(S: string; var Code: Integer): Int64; { Converts a hexadecimal digit string into integer with custom alignment (given by Digits) and sign of a value represented by the string (given by Signed). Code returns either zero for a successful conversion or the position of first bad character. } function HexStrToInt(S: string; Digits: Byte; Signed: Boolean; var Code: Integer): Int64; { Returns a clipped ShortInt value so that it lies between Min and Max } function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: ShortInt): ShortInt; overload; { Returns a clipped SmallInt value so that it lies between Min and Max } function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: SmallInt): SmallInt; overload; { Returns a clipped Integer value so that it lies between Min and Max } function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Integer): Integer; overload; { Returns a clipped Int64 value so that it lies between Min and Max } function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Int64): Int64; overload; { Returns a clipped Single value so that it lies between Min and Max } function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Single): Single; overload; { Returns a clipped Double value so that it lies between Min and Max } function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Double): Double; overload; {$IFNDEF FPC} { Returns a clipped Extended value so that it lies between Min and Max } function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Extended): Extended; overload; {$ENDIF} { Under Windows this function calls the WinAPI SetWindowRgn. Under other OSes the implementation is still missing. } procedure SetControlClipRect(AControl: TWinControl; const ARect: TRect); { Modifies the Text property of any TWinControl instance. The value is given as WideString (up to Delphi 2007) or string (Delphi 2009, Lazarus). } procedure SetControlText(Value: TWinControl; const Text: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}); { Returns next character index for given null terminated string and character index. Takes MBCS (UTF8 in Lazarus) into account. } function StrNextCharIndex(AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}PChar{$ELSE}PWideChar{$ENDIF}; Index: Integer): Integer; { Returns the index for given string where character at given index begins. Takes MBCS (UTF8 in Lazarus) into account. } function StringCharBegin(const AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; Index: Integer): Integer; { Returns the number of characters in a string. Under Delphi it equals Length, under Lazarus it equals UTF8Length. } function StringLength(const AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}): Integer; { Returns next character index for given string and character index. Takes MBCS (UTF8 in Lazarus) into account. } function StringNextCharIndex(const AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; Index: Integer): Integer; { Trims characters specified by ASet from the beginning and end of AText. New text length is returned by ALen. } procedure TrimWhiteSpaces(var AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}PChar{$ELSE}PWideChar{$ENDIF}; var ALen: Integer; const ASet: TKSysCharSet); overload; { Trims characters specified by ASet from the beginning and end of AText. } procedure TrimWhiteSpaces(var AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; const ASet: TKSysCharSet); overload; {$IFNDEF FPC} { Converts a PWideChar string into AnsiString. If CodePage is not set the current system code page for ANSI-UTFx translations will be used. } function WideCharToAnsiString(Text: PWideChar; CodePage: Cardinal = CP_ACP): AnsiString; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} function GetWindowsFolder(CSIDL: Cardinal; var APath: string): Boolean; {$ENDIF} implementation uses Forms, Math, SysUtils, TypInfo {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} , ShlObj {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS} , KWideWinProcs {$ENDIF} ; function AdjustDecimalSeparator(const S: string): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := S; for I := 1 to Length(Result) do if CharInSetEx(Result[I], [',', '.']) then Result[I] := DecimalSeparator; end; {$IFNDEF FPC} function AnsiStringToWideChar(const Text: AnsiString; CodePage: Cardinal): PWideChar; var Len: Integer; begin Len := MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, 0, PAnsiChar(Text), -1, nil, 0); GetMem(Result, Len shl 1); MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, 0, PAnsiChar(Text), -1, Result, Len); end; {$ENDIF} procedure CallTrackMouseEvent(Control: TWinControl; var Status: Boolean); {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} var TE: TTrackMouseEvent; begin if not Status then begin TE.cbSize := SizeOf(TE); TE.dwFlags := TME_LEAVE; TE.hwndTrack := Control.Handle; TE.dwHoverTime := HOVER_DEFAULT; TrackMouseEvent(TE); Status := True; end; end; {$ELSE} begin // This is a TODO for Lazarus team. end; {$ENDIF} function CharInSetEx(AChar: AnsiChar; const ASet: TKSysCharSet): Boolean; begin Result := AChar in ASet; end; function CharInSetEx(AChar: WideChar; const ASet: TKSysCharSet): Boolean; begin Result := (Ord(AChar) < $100) and {$IFDEF COMPILER12_UP} CharInSet(AChar, ASet); {$ELSE} (AnsiChar(AChar) in ASet); {$ENDIF} end; function CompareIntegers(I1, I2: Integer): Integer; begin if I1 > I2 then Result := 1 else if I1 < I2 then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end; function CompareWideChars(W1, W2: PWideChar{$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS}; Locale: Cardinal{$ENDIF}): Integer; begin if (W1 = nil) or (W2 = nil) then begin if W1 <> nil then Result := 1 else if W2 <> nil then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end else begin {$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS} Result := WideWinProcs.CompareString(Locale, 0, W1, -1, W2, -1); Dec(Result, 2); {$ELSE} Result := WideCompareStr(WideString(W1), WideString(W2)); {$ENDIF} end; end; {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE} function CompareChars(S1, S2: PChar{$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS}; Locale: Cardinal{$ENDIF}): Integer; begin if (S1 = nil) or (S2 = nil) then begin if S1 <> nil then Result := 1 else if S2 <> nil then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end else begin {$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS} Result := WideWinProcs.CompareString(Locale, 0, PWideChar(S1), -1, PWideChar(S2), -1); Dec(Result, 2); {$ELSE} Result := CompareStr(string(S1), string(S2)); {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF} function CompareWideStrings(W1, W2: WideString{$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS}; Locale: Cardinal{$ENDIF}): Integer; begin {$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS} Result := WideWinProcs.CompareString(Locale, 0, PWideChar(W1), -1, PWideChar(W2), -1); Dec(Result, 2); {$ELSE} Result := WideCompareStr(W1, W2); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE} function CompareStrings(S1, S2: string{$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS}; Locale: Cardinal{$ENDIF}): Integer; begin {$IFDEF USE_WIDEWINPROCS} Result := WideWinProcs.CompareString(Locale, 0, PWideChar(S1), -1, PWideChar(S2), -1); Dec(Result, 2); {$ELSE} Result := CompareStr(S1, S2); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} function DivUp(Dividend, Divisor: Integer): Integer; begin if Divisor = 0 then Result := 0 else if Dividend mod Divisor > 0 then Result := Dividend div Divisor + 1 else Result := Dividend div Divisor; end; function DivDown(Dividend, Divisor: Integer): Integer; begin if Divisor = 0 then Result := 0 else if Dividend mod Divisor < 0 then Result := Dividend div Divisor - 1 else Result := Dividend div Divisor; end; procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: ShortInt); var Tmp: ShortInt; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: SmallInt); var Tmp: SmallInt; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Integer); var Tmp: Integer; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Int64); var Tmp: Int64; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Byte); var Tmp: Byte; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Word); var Tmp: Word; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Cardinal); var Tmp: Cardinal; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP } procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: UINT64); var Tmp: UINT64; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; {$ENDIF} procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Single); var Tmp: Single; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Double); var Tmp: Double; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; {$IFNDEF FPC} procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Extended); var Tmp: Extended; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; {$ENDIF} procedure Exchange(var Value1, Value2: Char); var Tmp: Char; begin Tmp := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := Tmp; end; procedure Error(const Msg: string); begin raise Exception.Create(Msg); end; function FillMessage(Msg: Cardinal; WParam: WPARAM; LParam: LPARAM): TLMessage; begin Result.Msg := Msg; Result.LParam := LParam; Result.WParam := WParam; Result.Result := 0; end; function FormatCurrency(Value: Currency; const AFormat: TKCurrencyFormat): {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; var OldDecimalSep, OldThousandSep: Char; Fmt: string; begin OldThousandSep := ThousandSeparator; if AFormat.UseThousandSep then begin ThousandSeparator := AFormat.ThousandSep; Fmt := '%.*n'; end else Fmt := '%.*f'; OldDecimalSep := DecimalSeparator; DecimalSeparator := AFormat.DecimalSep; try case AFormat.CurrencyFormat of 0: Result := {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}Format{$ELSE}WideFormat{$ENDIF}( '%s' + Fmt, [AFormat.CurrencyString, AFormat.CurrencyDecimals, Value]); 1: Result := {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}Format{$ELSE}WideFormat{$ENDIF}( Fmt + '%s', [AFormat.CurrencyDecimals, Value, AFormat.CurrencyString]); 2: Result := {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}Format{$ELSE}WideFormat{$ENDIF}( '%s ' + Fmt, [AFormat.CurrencyString, AFormat.CurrencyDecimals, Value]); else Result := {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}Format{$ELSE}WideFormat{$ENDIF}( Fmt + ' %s', [AFormat.CurrencyDecimals, Value, AFormat.CurrencyString]); end; finally DecimalSeparator := OldDecimalSep; if AFormat.UseThousandSep then ThousandSeparator := OldThousandSep; end; end; function GetAppVersion(const ALibName: string; var MajorVersion, MinorVersion, BuildNumber, RevisionNumber: Word): Boolean; {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} var dwHandle, dwLen: DWORD; BufLen: Cardinal; lpData: LPTSTR; pFileInfo: ^VS_FIXEDFILEINFO; {$ENDIF} begin Result := False; {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} dwLen := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(ALibName), dwHandle); if dwLen <> 0 then begin GetMem(lpData, dwLen); try if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(ALibName), dwHandle, dwLen, lpData) then begin if VerQueryValue(lpData, '\\', Pointer(pFileInfo), BufLen) then begin MajorVersion := HIWORD(pFileInfo.dwFileVersionMS); MinorVersion := LOWORD(pFileInfo.dwFileVersionMS); BuildNumber := HIWORD(pFileInfo.dwFileVersionLS); RevisionNumber := LOWORD(pFileInfo.dwFileVersionLS); Result := True; end; end; finally FreeMem(lpData); end; end; {$ENDIF} end; function GetControlText(Value: TWinControl): {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; function GetTextBuffer(Value: TWinControl): string; begin SetLength(Result, Value.GetTextLen); Value.GetTextBuf(PChar(Result), Length(Result) + 1); end; begin {$IFDEF FPC} Result := GetTextBuffer(Value); // conversion from UTF8 forced anyway {$ELSE} {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE} Result := GetTextBuffer(Value); {$ELSE} if Value.HandleAllocated and (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then // unicode fully supported begin SetLength(Result, GetWindowTextLengthW(Value.Handle)); GetWindowTextW(Value.Handle, PWideChar(Result), Length(Result) + 1); end else Result := GetTextBuffer(Value); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; function GetShiftState: TShiftState; begin Result := []; if GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 then Include(Result, ssShift); if GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 then Include(Result, ssCtrl); if GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 then Include(Result, ssAlt); end; function IntToAscii(Value: Int64; Digits: Integer): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; I := 0; while I < Digits do begin Result := Result + Chr(Value and $FF); Value := Value shr 8; Inc(I); end; end; function IntToBCD(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; var Exp: Cardinal; begin Result := 0; Exp := 1; while (Value > 0) and (Exp > 0) do begin Result := Result + Value mod 10 * Exp; Value := Value div 10; Exp := Exp * 16; end; end; function IntToBinStr(Value: Int64; Digits: Byte; const Suffix: string): string; var B: Byte; C: Char; begin Result := ''; if Digits <> 0 then Digits := MinMax(Digits, 1, 64); repeat B := Byte(Value and $1); Value := Value shr 1; C := Chr(Ord('0') + B); Result := C + Result; until (Value = 0) or ((Digits <> 0) and (Length(Result) = Digits)); while Length(Result) < Digits do Result := '0' + Result; Result := Result + Suffix; end; function IntToDecStr(Value: Int64): string; var B: Byte; C: Char; begin Result := ''; repeat B := Byte(Value mod 10); Value := Value div 10; C := Chr(Ord('0') + B); Result := C + Result; until Value = 0; end; function IntToHexStr(Value: Int64; Digits: Byte; const Prefix, Suffix: string; UseLowerCase: Boolean): string; var B: Byte; C: Char; begin Result := ''; if Digits <> 0 then Digits := MinMax(Digits, 1, 16); repeat B := Byte(Value and $F); Value := Value shr 4; if B < 10 then C := Chr(Ord('0') + B) else if UseLowerCase then C := Chr(Ord('a') + B - 10) else C := Chr(Ord('A') + B - 10); Result := C + Result; until (Value = 0) or ((Digits <> 0) and (Length(Result) = Digits)); while Length(Result) < Digits do Result := '0' + Result; Result := Prefix + Result + Suffix; end; function IntPowerInt(Value: Int64; Exponent: Integer): Int64; begin Result := Value; while Exponent > 1 do begin Result := Result * Value; Dec(Exponent); end; end; function AsciiToInt(S: string; Digits: Integer): Int64; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; I := Min(Length(S), Digits); while I > 0 do begin Result := Result shl 8; Result := Ord(S[I]) + Result; Dec(I); end; end; function BCDToInt(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; var Exp: Cardinal; begin Result := 0; Exp := 1; while Value > 0 do begin Result := Result + Min(Value and 15, 9) * Exp; Value := Value shr 4; Exp := Exp * 10; end; end; function BinStrToInt(S: string; Digits: Byte; Signed: Boolean; var Code: Integer): Int64; var I, L, Len: Integer; N: Byte; C: Char; M: Int64; begin Result := 0; Code := 0; L := 0; Len := Length(S); if (Digits = 0) or (Digits > 64) then Digits := 64; if (Len >= 1) and CharInSetEx(S[Len], ['b', 'B']) then begin Delete(S, Len, 1); Dec(Len); end; I := 1; while I <= Len do begin C := S[I]; N := 255; if (C >= '0') and (C <= '1') then N := Ord(C) - Ord('0'); if N > 1 then begin Code := I; Break; end else if (N > 0) or (Result <> 0) then begin if L >= Digits then begin Code := I; Break; end; Result := Result shl 1; Inc(Result, N); Inc(L); end; Inc(I); end; if Signed and (Digits < 64) then begin M := Int64(1) shl Digits; if Result >= M shr 1 - 1 then Dec(Result, M); end; end; function DecStrToInt(S: string; var Code: Integer): Int64; var I, Len: Integer; N: Byte; C: Char; Minus: Boolean; begin Result := 0; Code := 0; Len := Length(S); Minus := S[1] = '-'; if Minus then I := 2 else I := 1; while I <= Len do begin C := S[I]; N := 255; if (C >= '0') and (C <= '9') then N := Ord(C) - Ord('0'); if N > 9 then begin Code := I; Break; end else if (N > 0) or (Result <> 0) then begin Result := Result * 10; Inc(Result, N); end; Inc(I); end; if Minus then Result := -Result; end; function HexStrToInt(S: string; Digits: Byte; Signed: Boolean; var Code: Integer): Int64; var I, L, Len: Integer; N: Byte; C: Char; M: Int64; begin Result := 0; Code := 0; L := 0; Len := Length(S); if (Digits = 0) or (Digits > 16) then Digits := 16; if (Len >= 2) and (AnsiChar(S[1]) = '0') and CharInSetEx(S[2], ['x', 'X']) then I := 3 else if (Len >= 1) and CharInSetEx(S[1], ['x', 'X', '$']) then I := 2 else I := 1; while I <= Len do begin C := S[I]; N := 255; if (C >= '0') and (C <= '9') then N := Ord(C) - Ord('0') else if (C >= 'a') and (C <= 'f') then N := Ord(C) - Ord('a') + 10 else if (C >= 'A') and (C <= 'F') then N := Ord(C) - Ord('A') + 10; if N > 15 then begin if CharInSetEx(C, ['h', 'H']) then begin if Len > I then Code := I + 1; end else Code := I; Break; end else if (N > 0) or (Result <> 0) then begin if L >= Digits then begin Code := I; Break; end; Result := Result shl 4; Inc(Result, N); Inc(L); end; Inc(I); end; if Signed and (Digits < 16) then begin M := Int64(1) shl (Digits shl 2); if Result >= M shr 1 - 1 then Dec(Result, M); end; end; function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: ShortInt): ShortInt; begin if Max < Min then Exchange(Min, Max); if Value <= Max then if Value >= Min then Result := Value else Result := Min else Result := Max; end; function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: SmallInt): SmallInt; begin if Max < Min then Exchange(Min, Max); if Value <= Max then if Value >= Min then Result := Value else Result := Min else Result := Max; end; function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Integer): Integer; begin if Max < Min then Exchange(Min, Max); if Value <= Max then if Value >= Min then Result := Value else Result := Min else Result := Max; end; function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Int64): Int64; begin if Max < Min then Exchange(Min, Max); if Value <= Max then if Value >= Min then Result := Value else Result := Min else Result := Max; end; function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Single): Single; begin if Max < Min then Exchange(Min, Max); if Value <= Max then if Value >= Min then Result := Value else Result := Min else Result := Max; end; function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Double): Double; begin if Max < Min then Exchange(Min, Max); if Value <= Max then if Value >= Min then Result := Value else Result := Min else Result := Max; end; {$IFNDEF FPC} function MinMax(Value, Min, Max: Extended): Extended; begin if Max < Min then Exchange(Min, Max); if Value <= Max then if Value >= Min then Result := Value else Result := Min else Result := Max; end; {$ENDIF} procedure SetControlClipRect(AControl: TWinControl; const ARect: TRect); begin if AControl.HandleAllocated then begin {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} SetWindowRgn(AControl.Handle, CreateRectRgn(0, 0, ARect.Right - ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top), True); {$ELSE} //how to do that? {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure SetControlText(Value: TWinControl; const Text: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}); procedure SetTextBuffer(Value: TWinControl; const Text: string); begin Value.SetTextBuf(PChar(Text)); end; begin {$IFDEF FPC} SetTextBuffer(Value, Text); // conversion to UTF8 forced anyway {$ELSE} {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE} SetTextBuffer(Value, Text); {$ELSE} if Value.HandleAllocated and (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then // unicode fully supported SetWindowTextW(Value.Handle, PWideChar(Text)) else SetTextBuffer(Value, Text); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; function StrNextCharIndex(AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}PChar{$ELSE}PWideChar{$ENDIF}; Index: Integer): Integer; begin {$IFDEF FPC} Result := Index + UTF8CharacterLength(@AText[Index]); {$ELSE} Result := Index + 1; // neglecting surrogate pairs {$ENDIF} end; function StringCharBegin(const AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; Index: Integer): Integer; begin {$IFDEF FPC} Result := UTF8CharToByteIndex(PChar(AText), Length(AText), Index) {$ELSE} Result := Index // neglecting surrogate pairs {$ENDIF} end; function StringLength(const AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}): Integer; begin {$IFDEF FPC} Result := UTF8Length(AText) {$ELSE} Result := Length(AText) // neglecting surrogate pairs {$ENDIF} end; function StringNextCharIndex(const AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; Index: Integer): Integer; begin {$IFDEF FPC} Result := Index + UTF8CharacterLength(@AText[Index]); {$ELSE} Result := Index + 1; // neglecting surrogate pairs {$ENDIF} end; procedure TrimWhiteSpaces(var AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}PChar{$ELSE}PWideChar{$ENDIF}; var ALen: Integer; const ASet: TKSysCharSet); begin while (ALen > 0) and CharInSetEx(AText[0], ASet) do begin AText := @AText[1]; Dec(ALen) end; while (ALen > 0) and CharInSetEx(AText[ALen - 1], ASet) do Dec(ALen); end; procedure TrimWhiteSpaces(var AText: {$IFDEF STRING_IS_UNICODE}string{$ELSE}WideString{$ENDIF}; const ASet: TKSysCharSet); begin while (Length(AText) > 0) and CharInSetEx(AText[1], ASet) do Delete(AText, 1, 1); while (Length(AText) > 0) and CharInSetEx(AText[Length(AText)], ASet) do Delete(AText, Length(AText), 1); end; {$IFNDEF FPC} function WideCharToAnsiString(Text: PWideChar; CodePage: Cardinal): AnsiString; var Len: Integer; begin Len := WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, 0, Text, -1, nil, 0, nil, nil); SetLength(Result, Len); WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, 0, Text, -1, PAnsiChar(Result), Len, nil, nil); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_WINAPI} function GetWindowsFolder(CSIDL: Cardinal; var APath: string): Boolean; type TSHGetFolderPathProc = function(hWnd: HWND; CSIDL: Integer; hToken: THandle; dwFlags: DWORD; pszPath: PAnsiChar): HResult; stdcall; var SHFolderHandle: HMODULE; SHGetFolderPathProc: TSHGetFolderPathProc; Buffer: PAnsiChar; begin Result := False; APath := ''; SHFolderHandle := GetModuleHandle(SHFolderDll); if SHFolderHandle <> 0 then begin SHGetFolderPathProc := GetProcAddress(SHFolderHandle, 'SHGetFolderPathA'); if Assigned(SHGetFolderPathProc) then begin GetMem(Buffer, MAX_PATH); try if Succeeded(SHGetFolderPathProc(0, CSIDL, 0, 0, Buffer)) then begin APath := string(Buffer); Result := True; end finally FreeMem(Buffer); end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF} end.