{ @abstract(This unit contains the common declarations for all edit controls.) @author(Tomas Krysl (tk@tkweb.eu)) @created(18 Sep 2009) @lastmod(20 Jun 2010) This unit defines common types and functions for all edit controls. Copyright © 2009 Tomas Krysl (tk@@tkweb.eu)

This code is distributed as a freeware. You are free to use it as part of your application for any purpose including freeware, commercial and shareware applications. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented; you must not claim your authorship. You may modify this code solely for your own purpose. Please feel free to contact the author if you think your changes might be useful for other users. You may distribute only the original package. The author accepts no liability for any damage that may result from using this code. } unit KEditCommon; {$include kcontrols.inc} {$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT ON} interface uses {$IFDEF FPC} LCLType, LCLIntf, LCLProc, LResources, {$ELSE} Windows, Messages, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms; type { Declares possible values for the edit control commands. } TKEditCommand = ( { Move caret left one char } ecLeft, { Move caret right one char } ecRight, { Move caret up one line } ecUp, { Move caret down one line } ecDown, { Move caret to beginning of line } ecLineStart, { Move caret to end of line } ecLineEnd, { Move caret up one page } ecPageUp, { Move caret down one page } ecPageDown, { Move caret left one page } ecPageLeft, { Move caret right one page } ecPageRight, { Move caret to top of page } ecPageTop, { Move caret to bottom of page } ecPageBottom, { Move caret to absolute beginning } ecEditorTop, { Move caret to absolute end } ecEditorBottom, { Move caret to specific coordinates, Data = ^TPoint } ecGotoXY, { Move caret left one char } ecSelLeft, { Move caret right one char, affecting selection } ecSelRight, { Move caret up one line, affecting selection } ecSelUp, { Move caret down one line, affecting selection } ecSelDown, { Move caret to beginning of line, affecting selection } ecSelLineStart, { Move caret to end of line, affecting selection } ecSelLineEnd, { Move caret up one page, affecting selection } ecSelPageUp, { Move caret down one page, affecting selection } ecSelPageDown, { Move caret left one page, affecting selection } ecSelPageLeft, { Move caret right one page, affecting selection } ecSelPageRight, { Move caret to top of page, affecting selection } ecSelPageTop, { Move caret to bottom of page, affecting selection } ecSelPageBottom, { Move caret to absolute beginning, affecting selection } ecSelEditorTop, { Move caret to absolute end, affecting selection } ecSelEditorBottom, { Move caret to specific coordinates, affecting selection, Data = ^TPoint } ecSelGotoXY, { Scroll up one line leaving caret position unchanged } ecScrollUp, { Scroll down one line leaving caret position unchanged } ecScrollDown, { Scroll left one char leaving caret position unchanged } ecScrollLeft, { Scroll right one char leaving caret position unchanged } ecScrollRight, { Scroll to center the caret position within client area } ecScrollCenter, { Undo previous action } ecUndo, { Redo last undone action } ecRedo, { Copy selection to clipboard } ecCopy, { Cut selection to clipboard } ecCut, { Paste clipboard to current position } ecPaste, { Insert character at current position, Data = ^Char } ecInsertChar, { Insert digits (digit string) at current position, Data = ^string (must contain digits only), TKCustomHexEditor only } ecInsertDigits, { Insert string (multiple characters) at current position, Data = ^string } ecInsertString, { Delete last character (i.e. backspace key) } ecDeleteLastChar, { Delete character at caret (i.e. delete key) } ecDeleteChar, { Delete from caret to beginning of line } ecDeleteBOL, { Delete from caret to end of line } ecDeleteEOL, { Delete current line } ecDeleteLine, { Select everything } ecSelectAll, { Delete everything } ecClearAll, { Delete selection (no digit selection), TKCustomHexEditor only } ecClearIndexSelection, { Delete selection (digit selection as well) } ecClearSelection, { Search for text/digits } ecSearch, { Replace text/digits } ecReplace, { Set insert mode } ecInsertMode, { Set overwrite mode } ecOverwriteMode, { Toggle insert/overwrite mode } ecToggleMode, { Adjust editor when getting input focus } ecGotFocus, { Adjust editor when losing input focus } ecLostFocus ); { @abstract(Declares the keystroke information structure for the Key member of the @link(TKEditCommandAssignment) structure) } TKEditKey = record Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState; end; { @abstract(Declares the @link(TKEditKeyMapping) array item) } TKEditCommandAssignment = record Command: TKEditCommand; Key: TKEditKey; end; { @abstract(Declares OnDropFiles event handler) } TKEditDropFilesEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; X, Y: integer; Files: TStrings) of object; { Declares key mapping array for the KeyMapping property } TKEditKeyMapping = array of TKEditCommandAssignment; { Declares character mapping array for the @link(TKCustomHexEditor.CharMapping) property } TKEditCharMapping = array of AnsiChar; { Pointer to @link(TKHexEditorCharMapping) } PKEditCharMapping = ^TKEditCharMapping; { Declares options - possible values for the @link(TKCustomEdit.Options) property } TKEditOption = ( { The editor will receive dropped files } eoDropFiles, { All undo/redo operations of the same kind will be grouped together } eoGroupUndo, { The editor allows undo/redo operations after the @link(TKCustomEdit.Modified) property has been set to False } eoUndoAfterSave ); { Options can be arbitrary combined } TKEditOptions = set of TKEditOption; { Declares possible values for the Action parameter in the @link(TKEditReplaceTextEvent) event } TKEditReplaceAction = ( { Quit replace sequence } eraCancel, { Replace this occurence } eraYes, { Don't replace this occurence } eraNo, { Replace all following occurences without prompting } eraAll ); { @abstract(Declares OnReplaceText event handler) } TKEditReplaceTextEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const TextToFind, TextToReplace: string; var Action: TKEditReplaceAction) of object; { Declares possible values for the ErrorReason member of the @link(TKEditSearchData) structure } TKEditSearchError = ( { No error occured } eseOk, { There is a character in the search string that cannot be interpreted as hexadecimal digits} eseNoDigitsFind, { There is a character in the replace string that cannot be interpreted as hexadecimal digits} eseNoDigitsReplace, { No other search string found } eseNoMatch ); { Declares search options - possible values for the Options member of the @link(TKEditSearchData) structure } TKEditSearchOption = ( { Replace all occurences } esoAll, { Search backwards } esoBackwards, { Search entire scope instead from current caret position } esoEntireScope, { Include to identify search - this element will be automatically cleared to provide the @link(TKEditSearchData) structure for additional search } esoFirstSearch, { Match case when a binary search should be executed } esoMatchCase, { Prompt user before a string is about to be replaced. This assumes @link(OnReplaceText) is assigned } esoPrompt, { Search the current selection only } esoSelectedOnly, { Treat the supplied search and/or replace strings as hexadecimal sequence. When the search string contains a character that cannot be interpreted as hexadecimal digit, the execution stops and @link(eseNoDigits) error will be returned. Similarly, @link(eseNoDigitsReplace) errors will be returned on invalid replace string } esoTreatAsDigits, { Internal option - don't modify } esoWereDigits ); { Search options can be arbitrary combined } TKEditSearchOptions = set of TKEditSearchOption; { @abstract(Declares the search/replace description structure for the @link(ecSearch) and @link(ecReplace) commands) } TKEditSearchData = record ErrorReason: TKEditSearchError; Options: TKEditSearchOptions; SelStart, SelEnd: Integer; TextToFind, TextToReplace: string; end; { Pointer to @link(TKEditSearchData) } PKEditSearchData = ^TKEditSearchData; { Returns default key mapping structure } function CreateDefaultKeyMapping: TKEditKeyMapping; { Returns default char mapping structure } function DefaultCharMapping: TKEditCharMapping; { Returns default search data structure } function DefaultSearchData: TKEditSearchData; implementation function CreateDefaultKeyMapping: TKEditKeyMapping; procedure AddKey(Command: TKEditCommand; Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var I: Integer; begin I := Length(Result); SetLength(Result, I + 1); Result[I].Command := Command; Result[I].Key.Key := Key; Result[I].Key.Shift := Shift; end; begin AddKey(ecLeft, VK_LEFT, []); AddKey(ecRight, VK_RIGHT, []); AddKey(ecRight, VK_RETURN, []); AddKey(ecUp, VK_UP, []); AddKey(ecDown, VK_DOWN, []); AddKey(ecLineStart, VK_HOME, []); AddKey(ecLineEnd, VK_END, []); AddKey(ecPageUp, VK_PRIOR, []); AddKey(ecPageDown, VK_NEXT, []); AddKey(ecPageLeft, VK_LEFT, [ssCtrl, ssAlt]); AddKey(ecPageRight, VK_RIGHT, [ssCtrl, ssAlt]); AddKey(ecPageTop, VK_PRIOR, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecPageBottom, VK_NEXT, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecEditorTop, VK_HOME, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecEditorBottom, VK_END, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecSelLeft, VK_LEFT, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecSelRight, VK_RIGHT, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecSelUp, VK_UP, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecSelDown, VK_DOWN, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecSelLineStart, VK_HOME, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecSelLineEnd, VK_END, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecSelPageUp, VK_PRIOR, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecSelPageDown, VK_NEXT, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecSelPageLeft, VK_LEFT, [ssShift, ssCtrl, ssAlt]); AddKey(ecSelPageRight, VK_RIGHT, [ssShift, ssCtrl, ssAlt]); AddKey(ecSelPageTop, VK_PRIOR, [ssShift, ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecSelPageBottom, VK_NEXT, [ssShift, ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecSelEditorTop, VK_HOME, [ssShift, ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecSelEditorBottom, VK_END, [ssShift, ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecScrollUp, VK_UP, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecScrollDown, VK_DOWN, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecScrollLeft, VK_LEFT, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecScrollRight, VK_RIGHT, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecScrollCenter, VK_RETURN, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecUndo, ord('Z'), [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecUndo, VK_BACK, [ssAlt]); AddKey(ecRedo, ord('Z'), [ssShift, ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecRedo, VK_BACK, [ssShift, ssAlt]); AddKey(ecCopy, ord('C'), [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecCopy, VK_INSERT, [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecCut, ord('X'), [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecCut, VK_DELETE, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecPaste, ord('V'), [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecPaste, VK_INSERT, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecDeleteLastChar, VK_BACK, []); AddKey(ecDeleteLastChar, VK_BACK, [ssShift]); AddKey(ecDeleteChar, VK_DELETE, []); AddKey(ecDeleteEOL, ord('Y'), [ssCtrl,ssShift]); AddKey(ecDeleteLine, ord('Y'), [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecSelectAll, ord('A'), [ssCtrl]); AddKey(ecToggleMode, VK_INSERT, []); end; function DefaultCharMapping: TKEditCharMapping; var I: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 256); for I := 0 to Length(Result) - 1 do if (I < $20) or (I >= $80) then Result[I] := '.' else Result[I] := AnsiChar(I); end; function DefaultSearchData: TKEditSearchData; begin with Result do begin ErrorReason := eseOk; Options := [esoAll, esoFirstSearch, esoPrompt, esoTreatAsDigits]; SelStart := 0; SelEnd := 0; TextToFind := ''; TextToReplace := ''; end; end; end.