#include "fix16.h" #if defined(FIXMATH_SIN_LUT) #include "fix16_trig_sin_lut.h" #elif !defined(FIXMATH_NO_CACHE) static fix16_t _fix16_sin_cache_index[4096] = { 0 }; static fix16_t _fix16_sin_cache_value[4096] = { 0 }; #endif #ifndef FIXMATH_NO_CACHE static fix16_t _fix16_atan_cache_index[2][4096] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static fix16_t _fix16_atan_cache_value[4096] = { 0 }; #endif fix16_t fix16_sin(fix16_t inAngle) { fix16_t tempAngle = inAngle % (fix16_pi << 1); #ifdef FIXMATH_SIN_LUT if(tempAngle < 0) tempAngle += (fix16_pi << 1); fix16_t tempOut; if(tempAngle >= fix16_pi) { tempAngle -= fix16_pi; if(tempAngle >= (fix16_pi >> 1)) tempAngle = fix16_pi - tempAngle; tempOut = -(tempAngle >= _fix16_sin_lut_count ? fix16_one : _fix16_sin_lut[tempAngle]); } else { if(tempAngle >= (fix16_pi >> 1)) tempAngle = fix16_pi - tempAngle; tempOut = (tempAngle >= _fix16_sin_lut_count ? fix16_one : _fix16_sin_lut[tempAngle]); } #else if(tempAngle > fix16_pi) tempAngle -= (fix16_pi << 1); else if(tempAngle < -fix16_pi) tempAngle += (fix16_pi << 1); #ifndef FIXMATH_NO_CACHE fix16_t tempIndex = ((inAngle >> 5) & 0x00000FFF); if(_fix16_sin_cache_index[tempIndex] == inAngle) return _fix16_sin_cache_value[tempIndex]; #endif fix16_t tempAngleSq = fix16_mul(tempAngle, tempAngle); #ifndef FIXMATH_FAST_SIN // Most accurate version, accurate to ~2.1% fix16_t tempOut = tempAngle; tempAngle = fix16_mul(tempAngle, tempAngleSq); tempOut -= (tempAngle / 6); tempAngle = fix16_mul(tempAngle, tempAngleSq); tempOut += (tempAngle / 120); tempAngle = fix16_mul(tempAngle, tempAngleSq); tempOut -= (tempAngle / 5040); tempAngle = fix16_mul(tempAngle, tempAngleSq); tempOut += (tempAngle / 362880); tempAngle = fix16_mul(tempAngle, tempAngleSq); tempOut -= (tempAngle / 39916800); #else // Fast implementation, runs at 159% the speed of above 'accurate' version with an slightly lower accuracy of ~2.3% fix16_t tempOut; tempOut = fix16_mul(-13, tempAngleSq) + 546; tempOut = fix16_mul(tempOut, tempAngleSq) - 10923; tempOut = fix16_mul(tempOut, tempAngleSq) + 65536; tempOut = fix16_mul(tempOut, tempAngle); #endif #ifndef FIXMATH_NO_CACHE _fix16_sin_cache_index[tempIndex] = inAngle; _fix16_sin_cache_value[tempIndex] = tempOut; #endif #endif return tempOut; } fix16_t fix16_cos(fix16_t inAngle) { return fix16_sin(inAngle + (fix16_pi >> 1)); } fix16_t fix16_tan(fix16_t inAngle) { return fix16_sdiv(fix16_sin(inAngle), fix16_cos(inAngle)); } fix16_t fix16_asin(fix16_t inValue) { if((inValue > fix16_one) || (inValue < -fix16_one)) return 0; fix16_t tempOut; tempOut = (fix16_one - fix16_mul(inValue, inValue)); tempOut = fix16_div(inValue, fix16_sqrt(tempOut)); tempOut = fix16_atan(tempOut); return tempOut; } fix16_t fix16_acos(fix16_t inValue) { return ((fix16_pi >> 1) - fix16_asin(inValue)); } fix16_t fix16_atan2(fix16_t inY , fix16_t inX) { #ifndef FIXMATH_NO_CACHE uintptr_t hash = (inX ^ inY); hash ^= hash >> 20; hash &= 0x0FFF; if((_fix16_atan_cache_index[0][hash] == inX) && (_fix16_atan_cache_index[1][hash] == inY)) return _fix16_atan_cache_value[hash]; #endif fix16_t absy = (inY < 0 ? -inY : inY); #ifndef FIXMATH_NO_64BIT int64_t i = inX + (inX >= 0 ? -absy : absy); int64_t j = (inX >= 0 ? inX : -inX) + absy; if(j == 0) return (inY < 0 ? (-fix16_pi >> 1) : (fix16_pi >> 1)); int64_t is, js; int64_t angle; angle = (4216574283LL * -i) / j; is = (i * i); js = (j * j); #ifndef FIXMATH_NO_ROUNDING is += (fix16_one >> 1); js += (fix16_one >> 1); #endif is >>= 16; js >>= 16; if((is | js) >> 32) { if((is | js) >> 40) { is >>= 16; js >>= 16; } else { is >>= 8; js >>= 8; } } is = (is * i); js = (js * j); #ifndef FIXMATH_NO_ROUNDING is += (fix16_one >> 1); js += (fix16_one >> 1); #endif is >>= 16; js >>= 16; is = is * 51472LL; angle += (is / js) << 14; angle += (inX >= 0 ? 3373259426LL : 10119778278LL); #ifndef FIXMATH_NO_ROUNDING angle += (fix16_one >> 1); #endif angle >>= 16; #else fix16_t angle; if(inX >= 0) { fix16_t r = fix16_sdiv(fix16_sadd(inX, -absy), fix16_sadd(inX, absy)); angle = fix16_sadd(fix16_sadd( fix16_mul(12864, fix16_mul(r, fix16_mul(r, r))), fix16_mul(-64336, r)), 51471); // pi/4 } else { fix16_t r = fix16_sdiv(fix16_sadd(inX, absy), fix16_sadd(absy, -inX)); angle = fix16_sadd(fix16_sadd( fix16_mul(12864, fix16_mul(r, fix16_mul(r, r))), fix16_mul(-64336, r)), 154415); // 3pi/4 } #endif angle = (inY < 0 ? -angle : angle); #ifndef FIXMATH_NO_CACHE _fix16_atan_cache_index[0][hash] = inX; _fix16_atan_cache_index[1][hash] = inY; _fix16_atan_cache_value[hash] = angle; #endif return angle; } fix16_t fix16_atan(fix16_t inValue) { return fix16_atan2(inValue, fix16_one); }