{.$DEFINE DCCTIMER_DISABLE} // Does not enable the DCC 56us Timer {.$DEFINE WATCHDOGTIMER_DISABLE} // Does not enable the DCC 100ms Timer {$DEFINE UART_ENABLE} // Adds/Removes all UART Code from the build {$DEFINE SPI_ENABLE} // Enables the SPI Module {$DEFINE SUPPORT_AT_LEAST_ONE_CONSUMED_EVENT} {$DEFINE SUPPORT_AT_LEAST_ONE_PRODUCED_EVENT} {$DEFINE SUPPORT_AT_LEAST_ONE_VNODE_CONSUMED_EVENT} {$DEFINE SUPPORT_AT_LEAST_ONE_VNODE_PRODUCED_EVENT} {$DEFINE SUPPORT_VIRTUAL_NODES} {$DEFINE SUPPORT_FDI} {$DEFINE dsPIC33} {.$DEFINE DISABLE_DATAGRAM_ABANDON_TIMEOUT} {.$DEFINE ENABLE_TRAPS} // Enables the Trap Interrupts on the MCU, uses the dsPICxx_Traps.mpas file, dsPIC30F only {.$DEFINE ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} // Enables the Trap Interrupts on the MCU, uses the dsPICxx_Traps.mpas file, dsPIC30F only {.$DEFINE ENABLE_LOOP_FOREVER_ON_TRAP} // Enables the Trap Interrupts on the MCU, uses the dsPICxx_Traps.mpas file, dsPIC30F only {.$DEFINE FIX_NESTED_INTERRUPT_SILICON_BUG} // Add code to fix a silicon bug in nested Interrupts, dsPIC30F only {.$DEFINE PINCHANGE_INTERRUPT_ENABLE} // Enables the Pin Change Interrupt {.$DEFINE SIMULATE_SPI} // Skips over hardware loops in the SPI Code