unit dsPIC30_Traps; // ****************************************************************************** // // * Copyright: // (c) Mustangpeak Software 2012. // // The contents of this file are subject to the GNU GPL v3 licence/ you maynot use // this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the // License at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // // * Revision History: // 2012-02-01: Created // 2012-10-07: Version 1.0 // // * Description: // // ***************************************************************************** {$I Options.inc} {$IFDEF ENABLE_TRAPS} {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} var TrapFlagPin: sbit; sfr; external; Trap_PC_Hi, Trap_PC_Lo, Trap_PSVPAG: Word; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} implementation {$IFDEF ENABLE_TRAPS} {$IFDEF PRINT_TRAP} var s1: string[32]; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_TRAPS} procedure Trap_OscillatorFail; iv IVT_ADDR_OSCILLATORFAIL; begin {$IFDEF PRINT_TRAP}UART1_Write_Text('Oscillator Error');{$ENDIF} asm // MOV [w15-36], w13 // MOV w13, _Addr_Minus36 // MOV [w15-34], w13 // MOV w13, _Addr_Minus34 // MOV [w15-32], w13 // MOV w13, _Addr_Minus32 end; OSCFAIL_bit := 0; {$IFDEF ENABLE_LOOP_FOREVER_ON_TRAP} while True do begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} TrapFlagPin := 1; Delay_us(100); TrapFlagPin := 0; {$ENDIF ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} end {$ENDIF ENABLE_LOOP_FOREVER_ON_TRAP} end; procedure Trap_AddressError; iv IVT_ADDR_ADDRESSERROR; begin // {$IFDEF PRINT_TRAP}UART1_Write_Text('Address Error');{$ENDIF} asm // MOV [w15-86], w13 // MOV w13, _Trap_PC_Hi // MOV [w15-84], w13 // MOV w13, _Trap_PC_Lo // MOV [w15-82], w13 // MOV w13, _Trap_PSVPAG end; ADDRERR_bit := 0; {$IFDEF PRINT_TRAP} IntToStr(Trap_PC_Hi, s1); UART1_Write_Text('Stack - 36: '+s1 + #13+#10); IntToStr(Trap_PC_Lo, s1); UART1_Write_Text('Stack - 34: '+s1 + #13+#10); IntToStr(Trap_PSVPAG, s1); UART1_Write_Text('Stack - 32: '+s1 + #13+#10); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_LOOP_FOREVER_ON_TRAP} while True do begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} TrapFlagPin := 1; Delay_us(200); TrapFlagPin := 0; {$ENDIF ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} end {$ENDIF ENABLE_LOOP_FOREVER_ON_TRAP} end; procedure Trap_StackError; iv IVT_ADDR_STACKERROR; begin {$IFDEF PRINT_TRAP}UART1_Write_Text('Stack Error');{$ENDIF} asm // MOV [w15-36], w13 // MOV w13, _Addr_Minus36 // MOV [w15-34], w13 // MOV w13, _Addr_Minus34 // MOV [w15-32], w13 // MOV w13, _Addr_Minus32 end; STKERR_bit := 0; {$IFDEF ENABLE_LOOP_FOREVER_ON_TRAP} while True do begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} TrapFlagPin := 1; Delay_us(300); TrapFlagPin := 0; {$ENDIF ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} end {$ENDIF ENABLE_LOOP_FOREVER_ON_TRAP} end; procedure Trap_MathError; iv IVT_ADDR_MATHERROR; begin {$IFDEF PRINT_TRAP}UART1_Write_Text('Math Error');{$ENDIF} asm // MOV [w15-36], w13 // MOV w13, _Addr_Minus36 // MOV [w15-34], w13 // MOV w13, _Addr_Minus34 // MOV [w15-32], w13 // MOV w13, _Addr_Minus32 end; MATHERR_bit := 0; {$IFDEF ENABLE_LOOP_FOREVER_ON_TRAP} while True do begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} TrapFlagPin := 1; Delay_us(400); TrapFlagPin := 0; {$ENDIF ENABLE_TOGGLE_PIN_ON_TRAP} end {$ENDIF ENABLE_LOOP_FOREVER_ON_TRAP}end; {$ENDIF} end.